BBC Sherlock Pick-Up Lines (
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“I would date a sociopath just to make you wonder if it was serious.”
“I’m not just a soldier, doctor, and blogger… I’m also a lover.”
“I know your friends don’t all hate you. I only wrote that essay so I could have you all to myself.”
“I may not be Uncle Rudy, but I’ll cross-dress for you if that’s what you’re into.”
“Lestrade will find his division before I find someone better than you.”
20 Sherlock Puns and Pick-up Lines
“You don’t have to show me beheadings to get a hug from me.”
“Is recreational scolding your division?”
A little present for the Sherlolly shippers. This was sent to me by boliyka.
“Are you a sitty thing? Because I would love to sit on you.” Submitted by snickersa2010.
“You’re the only cabbie whose head is not the only thing I want to see.” Submitted by unicorn-enthusiast.
Your admin ran out of photoset ideas for this week, so here’s the Random Sexy Extra from The Blind Banker 10 times.
The top 10 pick-up lines of 2014. Happy new year from bbcsherlockpickuplines!
Happy new year, Tumblr! Hope it’s not meretricious ;) I made this late at night so it might not be funny now, but I dunno– I think the world might actually be a better place with Mrs. Hudson ruling it.
Pick-up lines involving lyrics, song titles, or bands – from bbcsherlockpickuplines.
The best of “Shezza,” from bbcsherlockpickuplines.
“I hope our relationship lasts longer than John’s mustache.”
“What’s your star sign? I don’t know mine because I deleted the solar system.”
“You don’t need to be Kate Middleton for me to treat you like royalty.”
Merry Christmas (or whatever you celebrate), Tumblr! Here is the source for the “missile toe” image.
“I bet I can make you thirstier than Greg alone at a wedding.”
“Forget Andrew West’s missile plans… The real missile is the one in my pants.”
“I cannot eliminate being with you, therefore it must not be impossible.”
“Let’s multiply like Bluebell.”
“So… I heard you like people who wear long coats, fling themselves through windows, and fake their deaths.”
“Which hurt more: When you fell from Bart’s or when you fell from Heaven?”
“Are you Anderson’s fake Jack the Ripper? Because I want to bone you.”
“Lestrade? More like Lust-rade.”
“You’re hotter than The Dynamics of Combustion.”
“Why don’t you play Operation with me instead? You’ll never have to handle a broken heart.”
“My text alert isn’t the only way you can hear me orgasm.”
“I always hear ‘suck my face’ when you’re speaking, but it’s usually subtext.” Submitted by Courtney (no username).
“You’re the West to my Wood.” Submitted by Courtney (no username).
“If you be my goldfish, I promise to keep you plenty wet.”
“Are you Mr. Summerson? Because I’d like to fondle your testicles.”
“My anaconda don’t want none unless you got glow-in-the-dark buns, hun.”
“Are you frequenting cafes? Because you are smoking.”
“I wish I was Irene’s phone just so I could get into your cleavage.”
“You make me blush so much, my face is the same color as Jennifer Wilson’s wardrobe.”
“I think you’re cooler than the head in our fridge.”
Bruh… Bruh, wait… I just remembered… We ain’t even American, bruh.
“I would punch the chief superintendent just because he called you a weirdo.”
“The thought of being without you scares me more than a Baskerville Hound.”
sherlockology: Surprise! Today has seen the read through for the ‘Sherlock Special’ - where Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have apparently decided to dress up like this… though if you look closer you might spot some interesting quirks…
“May the problems of your future be my privilege?”
“It’s a bit rude that noise, isn’t it? Not that that’ll stop me from coaxing it out of you.”
“Why have a meat dagger when you can have my D.I. swagger?”