The Emerald Shapeshifter (
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salmonkin: tumblr: lose weight easy with this simple trick me: I wish tumblr would stop showing me all these weight loss ads :-/ *finger on monkeys paw curls inward* tumblr: Donald trump wants to give you a single coin
femmepeaxh: femmepeaxh: reblog this w your weirdest fear!!! mine’s balloons I said weirdest not deepest! stop reblogging this w shit like ‘my life falling apart’ and ‘intimacy’ and have fun!! be scared of figurines or something damn
burr-ell:catdad and mutantson
marblesarelost: edgebug: tastefullyoffensive: Is your dad Ron Swanson? (via blooper2112) this is the money axe of good fortune, reblog to receive money and axes I could use both.I can always use both.
i-hate-chick-fil-a: Trader Joe’s has been added to the list May Day is TODAY.
laughterkey:great-and-small:What an incredible sighting- two extremely rare oarfish in one video! These guys are very much deep sea fish, so seeing one near the surface can mean that the animal is sick or dying. There are few if any currents in the deeps
somerandompokemon: askstella-andfriends: dorito-artz: paofficial: pjobroadwayslut14: snazzlefrazzledazzle: veryblushylee: mountain-dew-tickledpink: grape-nonny: imbasicallyshakespear: the-lesbians-schmuck: maraudevrs: babyxdyke: caleblucas:
thatpettyblackgirl: jordisstigander: hoursgoneby: champagnemanagement: i need some victory today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some days you just need a velociraptor on your side. “It might be nice, it might be nice, To have a velociraptor on your
eldritch-comedy: 3dbillcipher: doubtingsalmon: Gravity Falls fans! We’ve gotta save the Mystery Shack! Please consider chipping in to the fundraiser for Confusion Hill if you can spare the money! HEY FOLKS, THIS LADY IN CALIFORNIA NEEDS YOUR
lissinator: nadiaoxford: cannonbarrage: nadiaoxford: I submit the intro for Hunchback of Notre Dame beats Circle of Life raw. Especially since the former doesn’t have flocks of pink birds that immediately make me think, “Sure, Disney, you weren’t
profeminist: fatdryad: evelynnesbit: masculinity is a prison, time doesn’t exist, gender isn’t real, virginity is a construct, and Jesus wasn’t white. me @ dinner parties My friends: Me:
bad-post-pikachu: bad-post-pikachu: Just incase y’all forgot, Autism $peaks is a garbage organization With April upon us, I just figured I’d bring this back as a reminder.
lucky-7times:Enviromental storytelling
keeper0fthestars: squidfuckr: sleepvtea: brutol: im going to bed for a week Straight boys be like “?????? you fuckign talk to me?????????????????? duh???”
cageyperry:Ready for spring
swingsetindecember: do not confuse the lack of foot traffic outside for cleaning the environment. big oil companies dumping oil in the ocean and large industries polluting greenhouse gases are what is hurting the planet. animals going into the city
saiyurithecutie: Jasper coming out of the bath like: (based off of: )
kurbaga:i love people… i’d love to be one someday
melissa-blogs:pseudofaker:Because Obama created the pandemic response team. Anything obama started, he destroys. He’s also cut the budget for the CDC every damn year for the past 3 yearsjanndishsstuff:feministism:Why did he do that?Do not let this
girlwiththegreenhat: sharky857: moony-f: just9gag: When you’re in the 1400’s Florence and your buddy starts coughing update: when you’re in Milan in 2020 update#2: when you’re anywhere in Italy in 2020 update#3: when you’re anywhere in
dajo42: quietdoppelganger: dajo42: truth or bear Bear??? THEY HAVE CHOSEN THE BEAR
threesideddream:erikkillmongerdontpullout:The man who boarded all those supplies was forced to donate it after the attorney general began investigating him for price gouging. The donation was facilitated and supervised by the AG’s office.can i get a
tentacles-and-coffee: noodle-dragon: the-philosophers-bone: acabosetotal: harukami: gothiccharmschool: seananmcguire: kanayahavethisdance: Fuck I’m at a fencing tournament and literally a minute after I reblogged this my dad told me that he talked
precious-padparadscha: dr. maheswaran: did anything particularly bad or traumatic happen to you during your childhood? steven:
tatsutahimet: c-dentello: andy-the-anon: When you remember the anti-vax movement I first reblogged this in January, and here my ass is in March 2020 self-quarantined at home.
yoursoulstea: the-memedaddy: meirl this is how you know we’re fed up with this adult shit. We don’t even care.
queen-mabs-revenge: Joe Biden is the reason you’re in student loan debt. Like, him. Him personally. He did it. By writing and campaigning for the bankrupty bill that exempted student loans from bankrupty, he gave universities a free pass to jack up
swummeng-geys: me, in stardew valley, running as fast as my two little feet can carry me from the beach and back home at 1am: making my way downtown, hauling ass, daytime’s passed, and i’ve blacked out
actualaster:jacuwi:we-dont-matteratall:petrak:What a year this week has been.It’s Monday.It sure as hell is.The earlier in the day Monday you reblog the funnier this gets
no-faced-criminal:ankle-beez:I’m glad we all agree on this
ritavonbees: me: alright, i’ve got a few hours to myself. should i read, write, draw, play some video games… executive dysfunction: you’re going to scroll through tumblr until you have to go to sleep executive dysfunction: you’re not even going
chaaaaro:my life until march 20th
hug-bees:Some stuff when I was briefly on Amphibia
punkymlm:All gay people know is walk fast, back pain, strained relationship with father
punkrorschach: comealongphil: dawn dimmadome? wife of doug dimmadome, owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome? actually she took the dimmadome in the dimmadivorce
nessataleweaver: scientiablr: zac–efren: voidfished: wizardshark: sandvendor100: gaymacs: sandvendor100: Happiness Will Come To You. when tho When You Least Expect It. Probably Late March reblog for happiness to come for you in late march!
profeminist: #BlackHistoryFact - African American Inventor Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner is known for developing the sanitary pad MEFeater Magazine The Forgotten Black Woman Inventor Who Revolutionized Menstrual Pads Mary Beatrice Davidson
drtanner: kars-did-nothing-wrong: abraxaswithaxes: chasekip: i’m sorry to whoever had to voice Guzzlord this episode whatever you thought guzzlord would sound like, you’re wrong I’ve never seen this pokémon before in my fucking life but
lubricates: beepilot: remember when hey soul sister was on the radio and life didn’t suck ass yep
tempestleopard: being my friend means you never have to apologize for texting back late. you can respond four days late or drop off in the middle of a slow conversation and that’s okay! i know you’re busy or tired or just don’t have the energy
aeliad:FUCKING VOTE. Here’s how you verify you’re registered to vote:’s how you register if you’re not:’s how you find
darkisnotevil: leiaorganaoil: Thank you, Carrie Fisher. Carrie: specifically asks women Man: talks Carrie: Shut the fuck up I wasn’t talking to you
loueejii:redpotions:Ok y'all this impeachment is gonna motivate his base to turn out in NUMBERS at the polls. We have to make sure we do too. Help you friends register. Organize group days for early voting together. Beat. Them. At. All. Costs. We have
wmaitla:Same energy
naamahdarling: companionwitch: Merry Crisis *voices in unison to the tune of O Christmas Tree/O Tannenbaum* Oh ChrisChris Tree,Oh ChrisChris Tree,How lovely are your faces! *with declining control and barely-suppressed laughter* Covered in celebrities,Mo
autisticsansa:gender-nightvale:Tis the season we retell the story of threatening a rich man with his own death in order to get him to pay his employees livable wages and not horde money.Never lose the holiday spirit.#A Christmas Carol is the best Christma
maribleuu: Hop: “Wow! You already know your type matchups, huh?” Hop: “I bet you’ve never been in a pokemon center before!” Me, a seasoned pokemon player:
drinkyourjuiceshelby:Universal health care cumleak:i just found out that “fried oreos” are a thing in the US? what dont americans do???
misshawaiipizza: protectdean: I HAVE BEEN QUEUEING THIS SINCE DECEMBER 11, 2013 BECAUSE I MISSED MY CHANCE LAST YEAR. taking my chance.
socialistexan: divitiasdraconis: you-can-call-me-monte: This is the future liberals (me) want
awgaskarth:hoodies are one of the most powerful and underappreciated articles of clothing. cold? put on a hoodie. raining? put on a hoodie. no bra? put on a hoodie. nothing to wear? hoodie. cripplingly low self esteem? you already know. so versatile!
onthegreatsea: rjeddystone: porygon-2-electric-boogaloo: quiteliterallyhotsauce: “So if you’re poor you’re dead" Sometimes, someone just sums it all up in a few words. It’s time. Medicare For All. #Bernie2020 Fuck US healthcare
dontforgetyourmedstoday: metalheadswaltzing: mcgonagirl: kdaziz: purgatoilet: beenwandering: help I’m having emotions about a cartoon antidepressant trying to be useful DID YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY GIF AN ABILIFY COMMERCIAL yes but look at it, it
thumbtackjuicyfruitspork: You know when a fast angry song comes on that you know every word to and you’re in just the right mood that your eyes light up with the fire and angst of a thousand punk rockers and you just feel so alive
statecryptids: sirchubbybunny: theysaiditwillbefun: This is disgusting. The Salvation Army has been horrible to trans persons. Here are some resources to help homeless trans people in our communities:
darkacademiamlm:trans men:are mendont have to bind, change their pronouns/name, take t, or have any surgeriesdont have to dress or act masculinecan be any sexualityare still men
ekelarsons:aggressivelycalm:khi-speaks:revere-irreverence:This seems really whiny to me. Like, I agree with you, work sucks, but our ancestors didn’t get to browse tumblr at their desks or have the option to gleefully spend their ENTIRE WEEKENDS horizonta