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viktormayrin replied to your post: Holy shit what’s the source on that Ahri pic dude Small boobs are good sometimes too! True but it feels weird for Ahri to have them.
Patlabor, the early years
Request for the WWD, Purple Heart in Angela’s suit from Rakuen Tsuihou. Fun to draw, but jesus this suit is complicated to draw. Wew, at the rate I’ve been going I might get four colored pics out all year! Large version here
>Have a growing collection of stickers>Will never put them anywhereIs this what hoarding feels like
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scythe-lolis-stuff reblogged your photo: What it feels like to be 7 months into a Comicket… Tags: Female:anal - “Aww ye-” >Double Penetration
What it feels like to be 7 months into a Comicket cycle when browsing Sadpanda for new doujins on the Female:Anal tagC92 can’t come fast enough, I’m getting desperate here
>”Boy I sure am glad I just had that one kidney stone last year, I hope I never go through that again”>Sips on a ton of water>Feel a sharp sting on the side
I was nervously waiting for Wonfes to know if I’m gonna be spending more money in the short run, but so far I haven’t seen any figures I’m definitely buying.Might take a while until the Nekopara ones come up for preoder, so that’s nice. The Iowa
Aaaand my Dashcam was left running for too long, and caught a lot of idling around and us having pizza in the parking lot, but a single one of my fucking runs. Kill me now.
Tfw the only person’s I beat at Autocross was the only girl thereBut I was within .9 seconds of the next 5 competitors so I guess that’s not too bad. It was fun, and I’m definitely doing it again, but after getting some new tires. I got there horribly
>Adds Mississippi to the no-visit zone
EVERYTIME I LOOK AT THIS CAR AND MY PARTS LIST IT GETS MORE EXPENSIVEAAAAAAHHHHHMy tuner got into an accident, so no idea when he’ll get back into etuning; so this other guy who’s also well regarded charges 軸, 200 more than the other guy…
mertsi1285 replied to your post: Shopping for a helmet sock and coincidentally… or ninja Yeah but ninjas already do radical things so it’s not as funny
Shopping for a helmet sock and coincidentally found a radical muslim
Coconut cosplay
AyyyNow to print a lifesize cutout of this to take with me to the track
M I V E C T U R B OFinishing tomorrow
I’m going to autocross on the 22nd, I should draw my waifu in a racing queen outfit!Just not sure which…
vabla replied to your photo: I’VE BEEN WAITIN’ FIFTEEN YEARS Jokes on us… Ever found it curious how the punishment is almost inversely proportional to the magnitude of the crime? I’m not sure what
I’VE BEEN WAITIN’FIFTEEN YEARSJokes on us though, he’ll serve 6 months, run for president again in 2018, gain diplomatic immunity and do it all over again.
Picarto.TV - lunaismaiwaifu's Channel
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No but seriously, why aren’t Super Eurobeat songs banned from all movie teathers?Every other verse someone is yelling “FIIIIIREEEE”“I’M ON FIREEEE”
I swear, Expelled from Paradise being 3D is the only way Angela’s suit is the way it is. Now that I’m giving a shot at drawing it, every animator would take a dive off the window if they had to manually animate it. Yikes.
Wait new season of New Game?WHY DID NOBODY SAY ANYTHING
Aw man. Got home at 10 PM both nights now. Been working 6 day weeks for the last 3 months now, some 7 day weeks recently like today. Mostly construction type work too. Don’t remember when the last time I had a full day free to do whatever anymore. Kind
I will never not watch this if I ever come across it
I can’t really disagree