LIMW Has moved: (
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Went to the chiropractor. Holy shit never felt so much pain
Captain’s log, day 1337 We have finally acquired cooking surfaces and running water in the kitchen. After two weeks eating restaurant food and cheetos, this is a welcome change. My navigation officer discovered an ancient refrigeration device and
What a fucking great series. I would have been content with a win from either team to be honest, but seeing TSM ovecome the clear favorites was definitely a great ride. Realistically, I think C9 going to the group stages is a much better deal for them
Hello Murphy my old friend. Spent 12 hours slaving away in the sun yesterday to get my desk finished up. Around 10 o'clock when I decided to call it quits for the day my back gives spectacularly and now I’m in pain and can barely walk. Let alone
LMQ During break
Buying a paint sprayer. Read this review, dude’s got a point “- It’s fun – I know it sounds crazy to enjoy painting but there’s something kind of cool about blowing 1800PSI of paint through a gun. Trust me, when you first
The best feeling in the world as a support Is when you fight the enemy toplaner for an inhibitor after 4 people in your team and theirs are dead And you get called “NAMI GOD” “GO LUSTBOY” And you get the inhib for your noble sacri
Lost my ranked game but hey, I managed to complete this song without training wheels for the first time in 7 months. So I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.
I want one where can I get one Pls ship one to my house
From Reddit on the CLG Korean Bootcamp
Being a computer geek is hard sometimes. I’m sitting here, brand new solid state drive in hands, wondering if I should just clone my current OS install over or start all over. 1- Starting over means any settings I’ve fucked up over the last
melodybird917: Tara did one too!!!! If you didn’t get what I was referencing earlier today.
Every song is the same stuff like oh my woman hurt me and I’m sad now but I still love her because I’m a weak, pussy-whipped whiner with a sensitive heart, or I’m so sorry I hurt you by suggesting we have vanilla ice cream and not strawb
Driving my mother’s car to work this week has confirmed two things to me: 1 - Traffic fucking sucks and I don’t ever want to live 45 minutes from my job ever again. 2 - I despise Maroon 5 and the fact it is country music for 40-some year
Wow I made the mistake of quenching my curiosity and reading youtube comments on a certain video. I think I’ve got the dumb now
Let there be light! Using my drawing table as a computer table, it’s hella uncomfortable holy shit.
Waiting patiently for the SJW tears following the new Zero Suit Samus pictures from SSB.
Wow. I’m so sad right now. Emotionally sad and disappointed; I guess it’s a combination of everything that’s happened the past few weeks, aggravated by a conversation with my grandmother, the prospect of not being able to live with
Spent like an hour to try and bypass the T-Mobile blocking on tethering for my phone. Shit sucks, wanted to at least get X-Com installed so I could play it but Steam is being a little bitch.
Ohhhh goddddd who the hell allowed people to wake up at 7 AM? This is awfulllllllll
One of the shittiest weeks in many many years for me, but as long as I’ve got this guy, everything is fine with the world
Fuck moving
Being inside this house is like standing on the face of the Sun. Fuck Florida and fuck whoever thought no air conditioning was an acceptable option
65k10 replied to your photo:Ayyyyyy home sweet new home! Are those dead bugs or have the mice been busy? Yep, mice droppings. I bought a couple of poison traps to deal with them, but I think I made a mistake on the size… the traps aren’t
PSA, tonight’s full moon is the largest of the year.
Ayyyyyy home sweet new home!
The one thing I regret from unfollowing Slugbox is that now my dashboard is a barren wasteland since I follow like five people who are still active. It gets kinda lonely sometimes. Anyway, I will be moving throughout all of this weekend and most of next
Am I really going to start whoring myself out and take commissions to start paying for this shit? She’s on sale right now and probably won’t be in stock for long. Fuck.
She’s so pretty. THOSE TITS THO DAYUM
Awww shit son look what just arrived
This is why nobody picks Lissandra in the LCS. My ult did 0 damage to this guy - you can even see that the minion right next to me only dies after he takes my W and an auto from my ranged creeps. Riot please.
What the fuck did I just post.
I have dozens of games but I don’t want to play any of them. Goddamn. Think I’ll just go play Civ 5 on my laptop in bed while watching Animu
Also, RagingSemi is my favorite author for MLP humanized fics. Goddamn if his Luna’s Magic Wand series still doesn’t make me hard as a rock to this day.
Ohh for fuck’s sakes man. Two weeks until we have to move and my brother nerdrages and breaks his hand on the wall. Are you for real now. My existence is like a sitcom and not the good kind.
The cycle of life. I’m pretty sure this came from Tumblr, was posted to Reddit, and now I’m reposting it because I can’t find the original submission to reblog.
Fun fact, I have every single sketchbook I’ve had since 2003. The ones previous to it are in a box in someone’s attic along with everything else I owned prior to moving to the States and I haven’t seen any of it in 12 years.
kitsuneears: oh sweet sweet Caster! you seriously have a super attractive smile :33
Huh. No wonder the new RoboCop fucking tanked. The amount of cheap caricature in that movie is retarded. The original brought up subtle issues… This one just basically stuffs a baby bottle up your throat and force feeds you the social commentary,
Curse had a 1.3% chance of getting 4th place two weeks ago. ONE POINT THREE PERCENT CHANCE BUT THEY DID IT, THEY’RE 4TH AGAIN
They were doing so good until I showed up
The only thing RIot succeeded at balancing teambuilder this last patch was making teams even more uneven.
ask-doctoreverhart reblogged your post:Project Zomboid is the only game where “I need to… Um… what? In Project Zomboid, you need to drink water to stay hydrated during the zombie apocalypse. After the power and water are shut off, you still
Project Zomboid is the only game where “I need to go to the toilet to drink some water” is a perfectly acceptable thing to say on Skype.
echmiadzin replied to your post:So if Airi is wearing the Ionian Boots and Rabadon’s Deathcap and Carrying Zonya’s Hourglass in one hand and Deathfire’s Grasp in the other. Where would she put the Voidstaff and the Abyssal Zepter? I
I’m done playing normal games. The matchmaking differences are too fucking ridiculous to do anything. I think I’ve lost 80% of my games the past couple of weeks and it’s just fucking frustrating.
Lol I went out to eat some delicious shrimp and chatting with my buddy about league, we oust the server as a league player too. Cue 15 minutes of talking about the game and the funny streamers and shit. Very cool.