LIMW Has moved: (
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>Installing Pokemon GOHaha bless your heart if you’re waiting on something from me
I’ll still find a drawing of her I like enough to finish to completion, you’ll see
The best thing about animal girls?They can’t hide their true feelings; their tails and ears betray them.Holo is cute, CUUUUTE
Anime and not a high budget, fully-voiced hentai OVA?The fuck?Either way, more Nekopara in my plate is always welcome.
pls stop this meme
More quick things.
Wanted to get something done quickly before bed. Assassin from Fate/Apocrypha
Watching this on repeat until I get my car later tonight
>Pool Party MF and Fiora>Not AhriIt’s almost like Riot doesn’t want my money
My boner got stuck under the desk, someone please help
Haven’t had her for almost a week now, feels bad man
What should I send to Riot support for the 34 RP I need for Dark Star Thresh?I’m not buying RP again.
Banana for scaleThis was some James Bond shit.
I feel dirty. Just scored 65" TV for 249$. I don’t even need a TV… And no I didn’t suck any dicks for this.
Okay, car’s at the shop to have the whole clutch assembly replaced. Please gods, let it be fixed for good this time.In other news, I washed and waxed the whole thing again over the weekend but the paint didn’t feel like velvet like the other time
Well I wasn’t expecting to be taken back to this level of feels anytime soon. fucking fig
Famous last words:“Wait why does my team have five Tracers?”
>Buy sunscreen because fuck trying to do anything outside in Florida from April to December>”Oh nice, this says, ‘Will not run and sting eyes’, Imma buy dis”>Put it on face>Walk outside>First thing that happens, it runs and stings
And don’t you dare say “Haven’t you learned anything from Nekopara”
Ok, how the fuck do you shut up a cat that just went into heat? Because she hasn’t stopped bawling her eyes out that I’m keeping her hostage inside.
[MMD] Succubus Luka 『 ヒビカセ (HIBIKASE) 』 | Iwara
AaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIt’s so hot I’m gonna die and it’s not even summer yet
TFW you introduce someone to Corruption of Champions and you realize you just ruined their life
That’s an arguable point of view
>Sunday night after working on a delivery all weekend“Aw man, I have to take a break and work on some other stuff”>Friday afternoon after browsing the WWD thread“I WANT TO QUIT MY JOB AND DRAW REQUESTS FOREVER”My interests are as stable
This is what all true warriors strive for
More Cerberus for /a/
Ayyyyyy car is officially mine now boys. Let’s go
This company is going to shit in 3…2…1…. Terminating one of the founders later today and someone who’s carried many a department on her back for years. Last person I ever thought they would get rid of. #Corporate
Nice, the lube I ordered in anticipation for the Liru game release just got here. Any minute now.
plausocks replied to your photo:HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPEthis shit isnt released yet? damnThursday baby. Start greasing those elbows
OH SHIT IT’S FINALLY COMING OUT dick is so dense right now it has its own event horizon
Lol next time I see a motherfucker advertising their stream in champ select I’m going to dodge, promo series be damned.
>NV vs NRG>1:30 - AWW YEA KIWI MY BOY SHOW’EM>2:30 - GGWP boosted as fug
Justice, motherfuckers!Mitsubishi is replacing the entire clutch assembly on my car. The engineers in Japan came back and apparently knew what the problem was off the bat.WHICH I FUCKING TOLD THEM WHAT IT WAS BEFORE ALL OF THIS. One of the experts in