LIMW Has moved: (
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Still alive. No power since yesterday at 3, neighbor lost a tree that knocked down our fence and the screen patio is as good as naked right now. Not sure the situation at my house yet but my neighbor says it’s all good there. Don’t expect
Ok, so third house is boarded up and ready for the storm. But just like last year it seems like we’re going to be spared the worst by a technicality. Honestly yesterday morning I was legitimately getting scared because the eye wall would be going straight
Called my uncle to see if he was done making preparations, this is him
My retirement fund has been evacuatedNot even joking I have more money in figurines than in my 401k
By the way, top is Andrew, the worst Hurricane FL has ever seen.Bottom is Irma.
Oh, and my dad’s only piece of advice?“SEND VIDS”I don’t think he understand natural disastersEdit:Nevermind he lives in South America, every day is a disaster
What’s worse is that I just saw my cousin off, he’s heading to Miami to stay with his mom because she refused to evacuate or move up top. She’s never been through a storm before, I don’t think they understand what to expect.
This is kind of what it feels like to check the ECMWF track every time it updates every 12 hours or so. One hour the eye is wrecking havoc on top of all of South FL, the other it’s going straight up Florida’s peehole and into Orlando… But both
grignardvonarest replied to your post: Looks like Mother Nature didn’t liked your… To be fair, you should do a Florida-chan drawing too! If we survive this one unscathed you can bet on it
I think it’s the funniest shitI ordered more water and food and batteries than I could find locally via Amazon and they were delivered to my fucking door todayBut this thing is completely out of stock everywhere. I’m sure a lot of people had the same
By 10 AM Monday the ECMWF model predicts South FL will return to being a swampI’m not sure how things will go, it’s just as likely it misses us and heads slightly more east, but we need to prepare for the worst. Supermarkets have no more food or water
I feel like this is punishment for drawing Texas-chan getting blasted.
stressfully-structured: Welp… Those of us living in Florida are about to get the living shit beat out of us by Hurricane Irma… Category 5 Hurricane (strongest recorded) is going to cause some major damages and I’m not looking forward to the outcome…
The U.S. Virgin Islands will be virgin no more after this mark my words
It’s going to be a very tense next few days for sure
>Girl looks super happy on the cover of a doujin >It’s all rape
Holy shit I don’t know who she is, but that is one massive ass on such a small girl.
Payment request, she’s almost here!She’s probably coming with me to work, power level be damned.
>Florida police, always helpful
holy shit
Picarto.TV - lunaismaiwaifu's Channel
Tamamo Shitsuke - Page 1 » nhentai: hentai doujinshi and manga
For someone who loves tits as much as this guy does you’d think I would have no problem drawing something with boob focus right?
Maka for /a/
Stocking for /a/
rosin-entertainment: Just as an update, our van has been broken down in the middle of nowhere since we left BronyCon on Sunday. I may or may not be staying at the Bates Motel. Internet is spotty, so while Laura might be done tonight, I may have to wait
Found something using Street View
Probably doing this wrong but those hips are way past “thicc” levels
…I’m not the only one that vastly prefers her in the teaser/login art, right? Is it because she looks too old, because the hair needs a bit more pink, or because the proportions in this splash art are kind of weird?That ear don’t look right
>Nene and Umigon are on a date
2 minutes into the episodeTHIS IS GONNA BE A GREAT FUKIN’ SEASON
LOLA buddy of mine (cop) just pulled over one of the guys I hang out with on /o/, who has a Rem and Ram vynil all over his car, and he calls me“Hey you know a guy called Illegal Tender?”“Yeah Tendies”“Yeah I just pulled him over”“NO WAY”“Yeah
Nio for the WWD. Is this the golden age of multiple versions? Find out next time
Google, you’ve gone too far
Lucina for a friend. (Can we at least pretend it looks similar? )
I need to get myself a Daki.
I feel like a slightly higher pitch would fit her better but she has some nice lines.
Holy shit the Redditor salt about Ahri being picked for this skin is OFF THE CHARTSAt this rate the global salt market is going to collapse. Between the election and this? I’d put my money in another stock desu sempai
Nene’s surprisingly large nenes