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HAH I AM A BEAST TOTALLY PREDICTED ARCADE SONA IN FEBRUARY Not that it matters since a friend gifted it to me but STILL
Katarina is retarded.
Me vs all the other women who aren’t my waifu
This crappy translation of a hysterical comic page brought to you by LIMW works.
Hmmnh, I feel bad for Ninjas in Pyjamas. They put up a great fight in game one versus C9E. The fact they’re playing with a sub Jungler though seems to have put them on a disadvantage here and I’m sure they’d be really upset with themselv
So this is what it feels to be considered a professional? Just had this kid in his early 20s who’s working for the cleaning crew for our office come ask me what to do if he wants to get a job in IT and I sort of had the answers for him and a bit
friendlytentacle replied to your post:Riot’s smurf detection is actually pretty good,… I jumped on my EUW account from 4-5 years ago and I guess it takes a while to catch up if the account is already established because QUADRAKILL is ringing
ratofponi: Rat’s Valentine’s Day Art Pack! Get here! CAUTION: After the payment went through successfully you may need to click on return to to get the download link! It’s pay what you want, so you decide how much it’s
Riot’s smurf detection is actually pretty good, I’m surprised. My second game was actually pretty close skill-wise, although considering the whole enemy team consisted of bruisers, my Varus pick was pretty bad in retrospect :(
I WAS MAKING A HUGE EFFORT NOT TO KILL ANYONE TOO But when my team got caught and started getting wrecked I just threw spells out to push them out of the fight I FEEL SO FUCKING BAD
NA Unplayable? Oh, let’s play a bot game on a level 2 smurf on Latin America North! … what went wrong
So let’s be real here. Ziggs has had a 55% win rate for over 2 months now in Solo queue and they made extremely minor adjustments to his kit in the last patch. Ahri had ~50% win rate for over six months and just because she had a high pick rate
slugbox: lunaismaiwaifu reblogged your post:Potential responsible investment: New couch 迀 … >Entry level Gaming PC Slug where are you buying your parts, Best Buy? Parts? You think I have the patience or intelligence to build a PC for myself?
slugbox: Potential responsible investment: New couch 迀 Potential irresponsible investment: Entry level gaming PC Potential irresponsible investment: 踜 >Entry level Gaming PC Slug where are you buying your parts, Best Buy?
Guess the first time it didn’t work out.
I’ve been following Lilypichu for like half an hour and I’ve seen more yaoi than in the last five years
Here, have some Cheerleader Ahri
I’m not gay but Mancloud is a handsome son of a bitch
Picking Kassadin in Blind Pick is like slurping on a million dicks. You might enjoy it, but nobody respects you for it.
“WHAT KIND OF RETARD RUNS BARRIER ON ORIANNA?” - Maokai jungler after he towerdives me and gets barrier-baited and dies without killing me. He camped my lane for the next 15 minutes.
“Ehh not gonna go for Ori this game, let’s play some Ahri” LEBLANC FFFFFFFUUUCK
This is why I will always be a loser: just paid ũ.75 for a potato roll that cost ũ.50 and didn’t have the balls to tell the lady I gave her an extra quarter. Fml
I fucking hate Rengar. Delete this piece of shit already plz.
little-lark replied to your post:So I offered to design a Dakimakura for a certain… tell me you aren’t drawing Dyrus a Daki Man I wish Dyrus would want a Daki. I’d totally draw him a sexy Renekton in Sona’s clothes. But nah, this
So I offered to design a Dakimakura for a certain League of Legends pro player… and he took me up on that offer. So… Leona, Sivir, Akali or Miss Fortune? I lean towards the last two, but make your case!
sgt-nolisten replied to your post:What are your thoughts on Syndra? And, would you consider Syndrelia OTP or Syndiana? Do you play any fighters like Pantheon, Riven, Kayle, or Vi? Riven is my go-to top laner aside from Jarman, but I don’t play
Zyra is somewhat hard to draw, shiet
Whoa my mexican mind thought Scone was short for Sugar Cone
This is the best thing I have found on /a/ in years
Well being jealous of a scone sucks doesn’t it
sgt-nolisten replied to your post:Quinn Blitzcrank is the fucking gayest bottom lane… Rage rant, or “That was so pitiful I just need to warn everyone” rant? It was more of a “I can’t even go for that CS because I’ll get
Quinn Blitzcrank is the fucking gayest bottom lane you could ever run in this game. It’s fucking pathetic, and if you run it you should stick your own head up your ass
First world LIMW problems. My eyelashes are so long and feminine that they keep rubbing against my Gunnar lenses and eventually leave streaks and make'em blurry and dirty. FML
This sucks. Power keeps going off and on in my neighborhood and now my battery backup is gonna die. Fffuuu