LIMW Has moved: (
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320 million Americans tonightStolen from Reddit from XBlaze. Got her for about ุ shipping from Manda, still new in box. She’s small, but pretty damn cute.The only complaint is her butt. The skindentation of her clothes is comically overblown and
How many ideas have you received so far?Five so far.
I’ll be making the first two selections on Friday 1/15, then start reaching out to you guys then. Next two selections will be made once the first two are done, and I’ll consider everyone I didn’t pick from round 1 any other signups if there are
Tfw all the commission ideas so far are good and you can’t decide who to pick first
COMMISSION STATUS PHASE 1: 2/2 LOCKED IN 01/15COMMISSION STATUS PHASE 2: 0/2 LOCKED INOh, golly gee, what’s this? The end of the fucking world?So here’s the deal. I’m planning on opening up 4 (four) commission slots over the next couple
Delivery for /a/. Was not actually planning on doing any this weekend, but ended up leaving my tools at work and I needed them to do stuff around the house. Kind of sucks, but I wanted to draw a fairy this week and that’s what the requester wanted.
1/ Wouldn’t it better to say to the other people that the two slot have been filled? Like “I read your mess but I didn’t accept your work” Oh yeah I have every intention of announcing when I have selected the ones I’ll work on during each
koikingkumiko:listening soft and lyrical songs while drawing is efficient because it calms the boner This guy gets it
Read if you want to help me organize this shit. Feedback welcome.So here’s the deal. I’m planning on opening up 6 (six) commission slots over the next couple of months. However, I’ll only commit to 2 (two) commissions at a time. Why?
I should take comissions to pay for her shouldn’t I ?
This is what regret looks like. I should have preordered her. Now she’s about 跌 and way out of my comfort range. Considering getting the bootleg, but I’d feel dirty doing it.
アーリ 日本語音声 (Ahri Japanese Voice)
Eh, what else is my dick good for anyway? Ordered.
Never mind, the figures I want just aren’t available through Amazon Global. Sadface.
Wait what the fuck, Amazon JP stopped shipping figures to the US? Bullshit, that can’t be
I need to stop letting my dick decide which figures I buy… Very close to biting on this. She’s fairly cheap right now and I loved her design from the start. What do?
Lol. I was considering buying a protector for my Intuos, not only to save on nibs but to make the surface a bit more abrasive. Then doing some cleanup in my room yesterday I found this, still in the plastic wrapping. I think I got it in 2006. Who knew
I’m starting to seriously consider living with my dad for a while.I’m reaching the point where I’m really not sure what to do anymore; it’s always the same old, same old stuff. If I could at least do the things I want to do without feeling like
Looks like it’s focusing on two of the girls per volume; since Coconut is in this one, I’m OK with this.Maple, Shigure and Cinnamon for volume 3, and HAREM END for volume 4 please.
MFW I have to go back to work on Monday after 3 weeks off.Sometimes I just want to be a neet
Happy New Year, boys and girls. May your cups be always full of mead and your dashboards littered with animal-eared girl buttstuffs.
Very cute. I’m afraid she’s going to end up binning, just like Angela, and her price will drop substantially from what I paid. But hey, can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs; I think she’s a bit expensive but I won’t cry for ฤ
Been up for 36 hours, see yall on Wednesday
Touchdown. Let the pent up energy of the last 10 days guide these hands of mine
Dawn of the final day, 7 hours remaining. Saying goodbye always sucks, and I’m sad to head back home so soon. But gotta get back to work next week and my house is a bloody mess, so I need some time to get things back in shape. If grandma’s
This motherfucker did Angela and C.C. doujins with buttstuff and now he’s doing Holo. I’m gonna hold off on fappin’ for a week waiting for this.
I want both of these very, very much.
Merry Christmas, boys and girls.First time in 15 years that I won’t be spending it by myself and online with my friends. We went out to eat today but my dad forgot it’s christmas eve and everything closed early, so we had omelet and bread for supper.
Ah. I think I made a mistake drawing for someone at this party.
Well, I’ll admit something, though. People here have the know-how on the whole happiness deal figured out pretty well. I think I’ll need to absorb some of their power, even 10% will do.
Also, playing Caster in the first few levels is like pulling teeth. Holy shit if her voice wasn’t so cute…
Visiting my dad always feels really conflicting to me. Whenever I touchdown from my flight and step out of the plane, and I hear the familiar voices and manners of speak that I grew up with, I’m hit with a really nostalgic feeling. It doesn’t take
Okay boys and girls, sitting here waiting to board my flight, knees weak, arms spaghetthi already. Hopefully my flight goes well and there’s nobody sitting next to me to prevent me from watching raunchy anime or playing Fate Extra and ogling over
Whelp, most loose ends are tied up. I bought all the christmas gifts,for two families plus whoever else shows up… Just need to finish up some things at work from home tomorrow then I’ll be good to go. Unfortunately I think finishing that Utsutsu
Do people genuinely think Archer is funny? First time I’m watching it but it honestly feels like Spongebob for adults. I laughed more at a single Simpsons episode. Is it a sign I’m getting old? Am I out of touch?No, it is the children who are wrong.
That’s the prince of Saiyans for you