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One game day at a time, LIMW. One at a time.
Been working in my new wooden deck all day.
Funniest shit I’ve ever seen on /ic/
oh baileys only you understand me
asksluttershy: Oh, I um. I wouldn’t know. Would you like… to try it?
The older of my brothers turns 17 today. 16 years ago, on this day, I wrote him a little note in my diary; it said: “Enjoy your childhood the most you can, because it goes by too quickly. You only turn one once”. I had just turned 10 years
Vanellope is even cuter the second time. Now I get to watch all her cute expressions as they happen! The animators did a ridiculously good job at it.
Fuck it I’m watching Wreck it Ralph again and my death wish can’t stop me niggaz
Woke up today and picked up a book - Gotham Writer’s Guide to Writing Fiction, which I’ve had in my collection for years (although how it got there is completely unknown to me, it just materialized one day). I haven’t read the book
Fuck, I just realized Vanellope’s skirt actually has two layers. Goddamn it, and I was halfway done with flats, too.
If I listen to Owl City’s “When can I see you again” any more today I’m going to go home and be a family man. Jeez.
This or that? Don’t know which one to finish and color :(
At the part Vanellope shows up. DAT VOICE DAT SMUG LOOK ASFADSD
Reasons I have crappy nights: Go to bed late: 5% Wake up too early: 10% Sleep apnea: 5% Tossing and turning: 10% CONSTANT NIGHTMARES THAT I’M LIVING THROUGH A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE: 9001%
Ah fuck this, I’m too old for this fantasizing bullshit. I’m just wasting my fucking time. Might as well waste it on something that’s not going to leave me feeling like shit about it.
dimwitdog: tumblgarden: UUM WHAT!! I feel like I am missing something here.. Man that is a perfect troll if I’ve ever seen one. If not, shit, I have to start referring myself to Lunaismaiwaifu, porn artist extraordinaire.
I can’t win. Decide to shut down my PC, put on some smooth music and open up the window for a cold breeze, find a seat in a comfortable position in my bed and enjoy the rest of the night for some writing. WRONG The neighbors right next to
Oh, that’s cool. It’s not like I ever wanted to be a superhero or anything. Fuck y'all and your suits. in other news, SQUEEEE
Grandma doesn’t have anything better to spend her time with other than always finding fault in everything around her and always thinking the grass is greener somewhere else; it’s actually making me really, really angry to hear her rave about
So Chavez died. His VP is accusing the imperialist pigs of infecting him with cancer. Happy day.
30minchallenge: Today’s challenge is… humanizations! Pick a pony! Anypony! Or griffon or whatever, it’s all good. Then humanize them! As always SFW and NSFW are allowed. You have the standard 30 minutes to create and 15 after that to submit your
My brother walked in here Extremely proud of himself He bought the original Star Wars trilogy in VHS for 5 dollars WE DON’T OWN A VCR
Holy shit just now I’m realizing HOW anorexic they looked in last night’s doodle. Shit man I need to start quitting when my body tells me to.
Just getting off of work now. Whelp, at least I managed to successfully do what I needed to do. Sadly my SAN is still missing 2 nics since the part the vendor sent didn’t solve my problem.
Ok I laughed like a dumbass at this.
If I needed proof that my brother is doing drugs, I just got it. He just annoyed my mom to such an extent that she agreed to pay ุ for EUROTRUCK SIMULATOR 2012. EUROTRUCK. FUCKING. SIMULATOR. And I’m sitting here hating myself for buying Crysis
“I’m going to walk the dogs and come back and get some writing done!” - Said LIMW before his friend showed up for two hours of this video and derivatives of it. It’s like, I had no idea you could totally spend hours looking
Finished Crysis 3 a few minutes ago. Shit, the game is awesome - very, very awesome. The writing was much improved from the second. There are sections of eerie quietude where you can look around and fully appreciate the scenery. The combat seems to always
New NVIDIA WHQL drivers make a big, BIG difference - so did overclocking my GPU by 120/280, core and Memory. Playing with 45-60 FPS on all settings on High, plus 2x AA. No Motion Blur though, that shit gives me a headache hard. So far? NEEEERDDDGAAAAASM.
First map into Crysis 3. Love-hate relationship so far: The story starts out awesome, there’s some sense to what’s going on. But my fucking 踈 video card chokes like a bitch playing it. I mean, even on High (not very high) and with AA
I am a fraud. A FRAUD!!!! I bought Crysis 3 :( Sorry, but after learning Psycho is back and that the story has been much improved, I couldn’t wait to play it. I’m just… so… so sorry. Edit: Also, I try to play it cool and
Fuck my life. Brother moved in to the room right above mine and now I get to listen to all of his fucking 100 DB bass every god damn day of the week for 24 four fucking hours a day. As if I didn’t already have a million reasons to fucking snap
Hmm. At Barnes and Noble in 50 degree weather. Fingers are so gelid that my laptop touchpad wont recognize them lulz.
Ok, I just realized I am NOT a level-headed person when confronted with insects in the darkness of my room. The split second it took me to see my shoe flying across the desk to hit a beetle that was just chilling on my drapes made me realize that, because
I lost my shit HARD at the second one.
The longer you watch the funnier it gets
I just realized that I am literally retarded. I just spent ฟ on a USB Switch - basically, it’s a box with a button. You connect your USB device there, and it switches from one computer to the next with the press of that button. Except it’s
Listening to some Blind Guardian lately. Fuck it, I want to play some DnD again now. My last AD&D campaign was actually played as if our party was actually accompanying Frodo (we hadn’t seen the movies or read the books at the time) and we
smittysart: SMITTY IS BACK
Huh. One of the managers at work just passive-aggressively came asking me to put some music in the kitchen because they were having a party and “you can hear a pin drop”. So I remotely logged into the signage device we have and turned
Slugbox is the only person I know that can say the acronym “OC” more than ten times in succession and not force me to go into an imaginary murderous rage. That term annoys me to no end, geez.
Man. Bill Gates is a fucking kickass dude. Everything Steve Jobs had of stuck-up and self-absorbed this guy has of humble and helpful. Reddit AMA if you missed.
kevinsano: reparations: Rare footage showing evil nazi experiments to harness the DNA of dinosaurs to use for their hate machine. January 23, 1945. I… wat This is what Iranians (are forced to) believe
“Depression is a terminal disease of the mind.” Not sure who said that. But wow.