توكلت على الله (gadah-world.tumblr.com)
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thekufismacker: taweeelashawq: stealinyoman: this is how im gonna go to hajj. land right next to the kaaba SWAG ~ He ready too. in his thawb and everything he’ll land straight into sujud.
cloudyskiesandcatharsis: Iconic quotes about Art and Creativity
zero-xci: my name is ..
devoureth: Axolotls have the unique ability to regenerate most body parts. In a period of months, they can grow entire new limbs and even portions of the brain and spine.
felfela: alive19: mzzna: . سبحان الله ()_() . ما احلااااااااااااااااااها !!! فظيعه … انكرديبلي !!!
abu-macintosh: Two nations but same ideology and courage in human form - Islam, Ummah, Protect, insha’Allah.
lagertha-lodbrok: queer-core: iaskforpleasurefirst: Fuck yes praise bless you, girl
ahm3dalmanea: مساكين ما يدرون إننا داجين نتحرى حافز كل شهر
go0ori: #ksa #saudi #عرب #best_pic00 #qatari #kut #kuwait #uae #emarat #فن #bahrain #الكويت #مصر #السعودية #البحرين #الامارات #عرب_فوتو #صور #فوتو #غرد_بصورة #قطر #رمزيات #القصيم
love-allah: هَكذا نَدخل لنقيم الصَلاة فِي المَسجد الأقصى المُبارك،، وبَقية الحِكاية عِندكم
theboyprincessdiaries: reginasworld: SeverijaIncirauskaite’s Metal Embroidery okay but im rlly confused how does this even are you SURE this isnt magic???
palsyria: #Prophet #Muhammad (ﷺ) said “Then there will be a rightly-guided #Khilafah upon the ways of the Prophethood” [Ahmad]
esserevibrante: afghanistaninphotos: Street Kid in Kabul. One girl over the years, photographed by different photographers. Stunning, Masha’Allah!
nickiminajsucks: Truth.
white-spirit1: طفل في المسجد الحرام ب #مكة_المكرمة يخترق الحاجز الأمني ببراءة"|
merosezah: 1. A child recites the Quran under a teacher’s instruction during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at a Madrassa in Nairobi, Kenya, Sunday July, 14, 2013. Muslims are required to abstain from food and drink from dawn to dusk during the 30-day
supercali-live: Howard University School of Medicine
proudshia: When you miss a prayer…
evilplans: “Saudi Arabian women unveiled”
daisy-buchanannn: thestarlighthotel: Video and article here. For everyone who said they are losing faith in humanity. Read this
strive4allah: What to say when you are fasting and someone is rude to you?ANSWER: إنِّي صَائِمٌ, إنِّي صَائِمٌI am fasting. I am fasting.[Me: A big LOL for that owl in the picture!!!]
bashayr-ksa: حمص - سوريا
bu kadar güzel gülmek zorunda mısınız siz.
unsuccessfulmetalbenders: gaksdesigns: Colored pencil Daft Punk drawing by Andrew Wilson tell me this is a fucking joke
76945-costume-research-and-more: The Thaqeef tribe Location: Taif, Hijaz, Western Region Several Hijazi tribes live in Wadi Mahram close to Taif, where the pilgrims from Yemen stop to change into their pilgrimage clothing, or “ihram", before journey
anasras: الست دي كانت بتلف الميدان بالجرنان ده اللي فيه صورتها و المانشيت اللي انتم شايفينه ده وبتقول وهي بتعيط“ اللي رجع حق اليتامى ربنا مايضيعوش
ساره مراد: كنت اتوقع أن يشوهوا الاعتصام ، ليس هذا مستغربا على الإطلاق ، هناك تلك...
coco-popsicle: cyberhentai: fuck4follow
sewaar: // //
sarahmourad: عسكر كاذبون عسكر خائنون طب يسقط يسقط حكم العسكر للأبد حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل .. يا لاعقى البيادة وعبيد عسكر الخيانة .. أليس لكم عقول
whysunni: Do not despair my brother, verily Allah swt is with you! “The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allah(swt) loves a person, He tests them. Whoever accepts that, wins His (swt) pleasure but whoever is discontent with that,
rinacat: “Pepper! Throw your shoes at me!”
palsyria: Keep Calm and Eat Dates سلمان بن عامر رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : “ إذا أفطر أحدكم فليفطر على تمر ، فإنه بركة ، فإن لم يجد
missiondawa: When we are asked how we utilized our youth, what will you say?
abu-macintosh: Masjid & Grave of the Sahabi, Sword of Allah: Khalid Bin Waleed is still under attack by the Shia Empire, please make dua for your brothers & sisters in Syria.
abu-macintosh: geesi: Burmese monk Wirathu is on the cover of July 2013 Time Maganzine. Wirathu has been leading a plot to ethnically cleanse the Rohingya people. The Rohingya people are Muslims. He has compared Muslims to “African crap"
jnnah: الجنـة تستحقكم جميعا .. فلا تبخلوا علي أنفسكم بها .. أعملوا الصالحات واجتنبوا المحرمات السيئات .. الجنة يوماً ما يلتقي بهـا كل الاحباب
abu-macintosh: The world’s attention remains distracted from the sustained persecution of the Burmese Muslims. May Allah (swt) aid, protect and save them from the tyrants inflicting this pain!
abu-macintosh: Masjid Al-Aqsa like you’ve never seen before, al-Quds belongs to Islam and it will return to it, just a matter of time now.
itsshantitime: subhanallahwabihamdi: palsyria: It’s Sunnah Islamic teaching we don’t think much about daily but should! Please share the latest from the Design Molvi series of advices inshAllah Smile its sunnah This is the best. We can all apply
themuslimahswag: Aww such a cute song Masha’allah
food-district: The City That Never Sleeps on @weheartit.com - http://whrt.it/16ylQRi
abu-macintosh: The non-muslim world thinks they can extinguish the light of Islam by branding it as ‘Islamist’ or Terrorist or ‘Oppression’ little they know this light is getting stronger and they will never extinguish the light of this faith.