توكلت على الله (gadah-world.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
vanoos: this banner says: “the residents of this house have moved to heaven”
singleendoubleh: ;’))
тємα ™
mr-kolak: الفرق بين المرأة و الرجل
A passion for procrastination
gaksdesigns: Macro Shots of Sculpted Burning Matches by Russian photographer Stanislav Aristov.
C'est la vie♥
Where the BLACK ravens fly
Mary Poppins: Stoping your incredibly sexist bullshit since 1964!
theonethatknowsall: I hate you both
thefuuuucomics: My love for tumblr grows each and everyday
Naqaa ツ
Life is like a book, don't skip to the end.
screams: my blog will make you smile♡
missingaudrey: “As the years go on, you see changes in yourself, but you’ve got to face that - everyone goes through it… Either you have to face up to it and tell yourself you’re not going to be eighteen all your life, or be prepared for
reema ibrahem
hochfunf: az elég fasza amikor az ösmerős postja alatt az ő saját ismerősei kezdik el a szokásos rigmusokat.. (ugyanazok, akik nagy bőszen vonulnak fel minden kommentfelületre ha zsidózás vagy buzizás zajol…) tudnék nekik ajánlani egy
lovequotesrus: EVERYTHING LOVE
kyougo: Another diary drawing done in an attempt to avoid at schoolwork
Those Were The Days My Friend
hamdimusabeh: هَذا الطفل الجَميل [ كامليو ] سَيُجري يَوم [ 25 سبتمبر ] عمليه قَلب مَفتوحةوفي الصُوره يَطلب المُسانده والدُعاء =”) اللهُم أشفي كُل
rooahy: , _ *لك يارب حمداً على ما أعطيت و حمداً على ما أخذت ، „ قد يكون سوءً لِي و أزحتہ ، و قد يكون خيراً و وهبتنِي الأحسن ♡ .
Just Funny Pictures
Eiman M. Azmi
mermaidchan05: Best. Line.
My Struggle
John Kerry called the use of chemical weapons on Syrian civilians as ‘gut-wrenching’.
Moub'di3ah .. ~
twhed1: أيهما أشد :إرهاب السناني أم إرهاب ال سعود وليد السناني اعتقل ما يقارب...
warkadang: Afghanistan by Afghanaid.
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚎𝚜
ammodraculas: everyoneisexterminate: korihw: there is no way I wasn’t gonna reblog this Careful, those lower chocolates may make your stomach Unstable I’M
farahfilasteen: كَبُرَتْ جنينُ على الجراحِ وعُمقهاشُفِيتْ جنينُ ونالتِ التّبجيلا
Bi'ismihi ta'ala
tastefullyoffensive: Celebrities and Their Historical Doppelgangers [via]Previously: Celebrity Faceswaps
rahgad22: افعل م تشاء فكما تدين تدان ~
yasmina91: Sadly, I know way too many “sheople” :(
noosa91: I LOVE you Tumblr :’)
سلام یا ایھا الاخوان ما احسنکم (by جند محمد القسام)
taimur khaan
humourisvital-blog: Surreal Art of Earths Landscapes
aloofshahbanou: scintillen: MEEEEEEEEEEEE this is it. this is everything. terror and tenderness, y’all. yeah
حرب على الإسلام.. إغلاق 2200 مسجد فى الفيوم وإلغاء صلاة الجمعة فى 80 مسجدا بأسيوط (by Misry Tube)
30 Examples of Clever Packaging
hoplophilia: Dragon’s Breath is a very gorgeous type of opal made into many types of jewelry.