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يارب و بالاخص السيسي
fabounab: Egypt military crackdown kills hundreds Security forces in Cairo stormed through clouds of smoke Wednesday to end sit-ins by thousands of supporters of deposed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi. The army-backed interim government offered no
thebloodyreaper: Lower picture is the sit-in site at Rab’aa Square a week ago, during “Eid El-fitr” (an Islamic Celebration) Above it is the current state of the square after the massacre held by the military and police forces against the protesters.
الظالم المتجبر لديه ثقة بالنجاة من عقاب الله حتى آخر لحظاته يفر راكضاً عن الله لا راكضاً إليه (فلما أحسوا بأسنا إذا هم منها يركضون)
leoleith: الفتنة اشد من القتل
eng-emy: المسجد هو: مؤسسة دينية، إجتماعية، سياسية، تربوية، اقتصادية وفضل كدا طوال العهد الذهبي للدولة الاسلامية والرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام
thebloodyreaper: RNN: the protesters in Beni-Seuf close off the entrances to their sit-in square with the police vehicles they over-took and hang banners supporting Morsi on them.
fillavelli: Free #syria #egypt shit.. Free us #change #revolution
shagaleh: Bir gün mutlaka…Zalim’e hesap sorulur… #Mısır #Mursi #ihvan #مصر #رابعة #رابعة_العدوية #النهضة #ميدان_النهضة #القاهرة #الاخوان #cairo #kahire #egypt (Egypt’da)
thebloodyreaper: RNN: Angry protests take over Alexandria to condemn the massacres.
thebloodyreaper: One of the photos taken during the massacres in Egypt yesterday.
love-allah: “قل للشامتين صبرا…فان نواءب الدنيا تدور”
taadys: Zulme rıza zulümdür; taraftar olsa, zalim olur… Razı da olmadık,taraftar da olmadık,zalim de olmadık,çok yakında mazlumda olmayacağız.
cartoonpolitics: Egypt - “The police and the army don’t understand any language except force. They want to kill anybody who has an opposing view.” (Khalid Mohsen, caught in the Cairo massacre) .. (story here)
sarahmourad: فض اعتصام رابعة فى اربع دقايق لـ أحمد الذكيرى توثيق
arabandproudofit: رحم الله الشيخ #عبدالرحمن_السميط رحمة واسعة.. وأسكنه فسيح جناته.. وألهم أهله الصبر والسلوان..
Arab And Proud Of It!
Egyptian Crystal
}ْْ~صدى قلبي: ما حدث بالأمس .. يؤكد على عدم تحقق أهداف ثورة 25 يناير ! #مرسي لم...
myeightcents: I’ve never meant for my tumblr to be about politics but I cannot escape writing about the massacre that happened today against innocent peaceful protestors. Amongst those killed was a relative of mine, please pray that Allah accepts him
❥ mo0on
taha2t: الاعلام https://www.facebook.com/BeAsYouLikee
دعاء مؤثر مبكي من المسجد الأقصى إلى أهلنا في مصر (by Abdalafo Ba)
what if ?!!
peacefuladvent: The first thing that comes to mind when the picture on the left emerged earlier this morning.
ibn3omar: Day of the killings in Egypt at the hands of the police and military forces
bayazidamin: May Allâh ﷻ help the oppressed Muslims all over the globe. Ameen. #Egypt #Syria #Burma #Palestine #Afghanistan and the list goes on.
taprackngo: Egypt Is Falling If you let your government disarm you, you will be fighting with rocks & sticks and maybe even a chair.
thebloodyreaper: RNN: Police and military forces set fire to Rab’aa’s Mosque.
أحلامي عن مصر
lnuh: Fotos on We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/52107140/via/dayara_chrestani
allahaljalil: allahaljalil.tumblr.com
xskrx: My first gif (ever) for the bestest scene of the youtube series @3yal_apt ! #شقة_العيال
ahm3dalmanea: برادة ماء بشكل استثنائي
thecakebar: thecakebar: Sharknado Glacier Punch Tutorial
battlesofthenafs: wxoxo: mendmyheart: boro-bemir: stareyedhijabi: eatingsardinesfordinner: It should be illegal to be this stupid. HahahahahHahahahahahhahha fnehshfjdnsb OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH IM CRYING NOOOOOOOO
palnina: مين حالها متل هيك :Pp انا و شعري مزيت بزيت كمان
staceythinx: Selections from The Fish Book by Ernest Goh
triiq: صوت في الزحمة صوتي يبكيني
i hate my life i hate the unjust people i hate lies i hate what happen in this world news i hate my government i hate my maid i hate all my family expect my father and what i heat the most is me الحمد لله that i love Allah the most
i hope that i can do it but i am still life. oh god i want to be with dead people .
sick little games
ill-always-be-a-dreamer: my-twisted-fantasie: damnmypants: disorder: We all wanted to do this. I wanted do this so bad at my old catholic school. I hated everyone including myself. (via TumbleOn) This goes to almost everyone in my school. i am
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚎𝚜
thesquirtlesquad: I read this as a kid and it had a really significant effect on me and and it’s a big influence on my world view and I still think it’s the most beautiful and profound thing anyone’s ever said about beauty
ayed1973: xxmissksaxx: الولايات المتحدة السنية : هي عبارة عن اتحاد ولايات عراقية سنية مع ولايات سنية سورية مع ولايات سنية لبنانية - لتصبح دولة سنية
unicorn-meat-is-too-mainstream: Magical Miniature Worlds By Matthew Albanese Matthew Albanese creates small-scale meticulously detailed models of outdoor scenes and landscapes using everyday, simple, mundane materials and transform them into an image
♀ أنثى ♀
ziyadelgendy: في فئة عريضة من الشعب المصري عاملة زي اللي قاعدين في محكمة لو الحكم عجبهم وفي صالحهم تسمع عبارات من وزن “القضاء الشامخ” ولو هيضرهم
likeafieldmouse: Edge of the World
a7med7atem: لما صحيت الصبح لقيت كل من له عقل وفكر من اصحابي ومن المفكرين والشيوخ الي بتابعهم مشيرين الفيديو دا قلت مستحيل تكون صدفة ولما اتفرجت