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الثبات على الحق عند قلة الناصر وتسلط الأعداء من علامات صدق الإيمان (يثبت الله الذين آمنوا بالقول الثابت في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة ) #خالد_المصلح
crushis: we are nearer to him than his jugular vein (50:16)
TTM - Fashion Blog
السلام عليكم
روح هائمة
team-joebama: odditiesoflife: Sand Printing Machine Makes Beautiful Patterns on Beach Swedish artist Gunilla Klingberg has created a “sand machine” to make beautiful imprints on the beach during low tide. The machine is a beach cleaner tractor attached
marya-sy: كل شي مات في وطني؛ إلا “الرّصاص” مازال حيّاً يُطلق…!!
floozys: once when i was 9 my teacher told me to write the most beautiful love story i could imagine and i wrote a story about a shark and a horse who fell in love and the horse jumped into the sea to be with the shark but it drowned and died and the
maravilhanaervilha: Guys. It’s a book mark that marks your spot in the book.
fuckyeahmarxismleninism: No war on Syria! Honor Dr. King - No welcome for war criminal Obama at 50th anniversary of March on Washington!
Umm Usayd (...Inshā'Allāh).
iluvmyself90: Lets pray for Egypt, yg hak pasti menang, yg batil bakal kecundang di akhirnya.. #R4BIA
vanoos: Letter from Dr Mohamed Beltaji to his martyred daughter who was killed by Egyptian forces: My beloved daughter and dignified teacher Asma al-Beltaji; I do not say goodbye to you; I say tomorrow we shall meet again. You have lived with your head
“A little damage makes people more interesting,"
3faf-fofa: مصر ومجازر التفويض on We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/73587053/via/3faf
NikNaks Blog
sh91: يعجز التعبير. #الغوطة_تباد_بالكيماوي #سوريا #شام #syria #ChemicalAssadMurdersAgain
nsm-thkr: اللهم إنا مغلوبون فانتصر اللهم انصر اخواننا المجاهدين في الشام وثبت اقدامهم وسسد رميهم وانصر اخواننا في مصر واحقن دمائهم وانصر اخواننا
twhed1: والمنافقون أضر على الإسلام من ذوي الكفر الصريح، ولهذا أنزل الله تعالى فيهم سورة كاملة كان من هدي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يقرأ بها
paki-pride: Putrajaya Mosque, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia
Birds Born In A Cage Think Flying Is An Illness
ash-sham: Cats died due to the chemical weapons deployed on Erbin, Damascus suburb by Assad and Shia forces.
Just Funny Pictures
arabianblogger: Beware.
الهاشمي يرد على كويتي مؤيد للإنقلاب ويوجه رساله الى سمو الأمير وللشعب الكويتي (by bunawaff)
ash-sham: “The chemical weapons won’t do you any good Bashar, the entire nation wants your head”. From Palestine to syria.
do not be sad Allah with you
vanoos: The opinion of the people will matter soon, inshallah. i agree
d-alamal: #حلوة #امل#جميل #ابتسامه#بسيطه#تميز #الكويت#قطر#البحرين#السعودية #الامارات#عمان#الخليج#غرد_بصوره #فولو#دكان_الأمل #دعوة#تأثير #حلوة#كلمات#حرف#قلب#حب#ذكرى
@Sharkiaonline | حورية وطن - محمد الصنهاوي (by ikhwanSharkia)
الحق ما نطقت به الأعداء – رزق الله الشهادة من نشر هذا الفيديو (by MazeedEg)
sewaar: // //
malak-jasem: عقيل الشمري on We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/73145914
ziyadelgendy: للاسف حقيقة في العالم العربي :(
esraay98: عزيزي حلمي on We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/72592022/via/EgyDirectioner الخلافه قادمه
iheart-pictures: ♥♥♥iheartpictures♥♥♥
feminishblog: veebar2: Lets keep reblogging this…..She needs to be home with her family… SIGNAL BOOST!!!! BOOSTING! Her mom made the above post yesterday. This is going on right now.
striving-muslimah: A married couple in Yemen. The girl’s sandal broke while walking so her husband gave her his shoes to wear while he walked barefooted… Prophet Muhammad (saw) said “The most perfect of the believers is the best of you in character,
Walking on Sunshine
earth-song: Synchronized swimming by Andrey Sidorov
أردوغان يجهش بالبكاء لدى إصغائه لرسالة البلتاجي لابنته الشهيدة (by AA ARABIC)
رؤيا إمراة من السعودية لعموم المسلمين يعتذر مفسر الأحلام عن تفسيرها (by al7ekaia)
emuslim: في الشام رجال يقدمون على الموت كما تقدمون أنتم على الحياة , سموا أنفسهم جبهة النصرة فنصرهم الله , فحق لهم أن ننصارهم و لو ببعض الكلمات
makechaos: thesiliconeveil: Siri is looking for a beating was that a pun
that-leopardhijab: khadiijah4islam: And we will keep say NO aaah now i understand.
في سبيل الله نمضِي