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Just Funny Pictures
Mai Hamad
Lady of Sunnydale
a-suicidal-boy: ~
my0kuroko: \
: اعرفكِ بنفسي
fashionlocker: f a s h i o n l o c k e r
مقولة انشتاين
njoomh: love-allah: يَقول لِي صَديقي صاحب الصُورة „ من أجمل اللحظات التي رأيتها خلال العرض العسكري في غزة البارحة … هو انه بعد ان ركبنا السيارة مع
najlaodeh: :’)
Moub'di3ah .. ~
тємα ™
striving-muslimah: See how media and #illuminiti manipulate our minds!
Salam Ikhwan | Video Tarana Dedicated to Al Ikhwan (by Raah.tv)
معارض للشيخ طارق سويدان على الجزيرة انت تهتم بأمر مصر أكثر من بلدك الكويت فشاهد ماذا قال له (by taleb algenan)
colorsoftheswim: themindispoison12: beautifulinstruments: So much perfection I can’t Like whaaaaaaa? Holy mother of marching band
amroyounes: A short guide to Middle Eastern politics. You may have to draw it on a piece of paper to get it. this happened when governments look to their Interests rather than give people fairness . the truth and the falsehood mix up in the middle
اذا لم تنشر هذا الفيديو فاعلم ان السيسي هو اللي منعك (by EgyBeta)
hassnahmed: Photo of #JounKerry during his speech about #Syria look to people in the confrence behind John and they hands are painted by red for objection about Syria shelling . i’m amazed because the police let this people who has objection to
جنازة الشيخ أبوصالح الحميد رحمه الله يوم الجمعة 30 / 10 / 1434هـ (by immediateSaudi)
arabiclove: I want to go back :’( Morrocceus♥
smww: حكّمُه فيها يا الله ، أعِد لها ذلك النصر المجِيد .. طهّرها من كلّ نجَس .. واجعلها مناراً للحقّ يارب العالمين
slugsong: Tree trunk painting by 23 year old Chinese student, Wang Yu.
gifak-net: [video]
reema ibrahem
kajrarenaina: ladybrun: Seriously in love with this movie… what movie is this??????? that happened to me my grandmother do not speak English but she did understand the doctor who speak English to me . She also does not read or write . she is only
تمبلريات: لماذا يخطب خطيب الجمعة بكلامٍ واهنٍ ، مفتر للعزائمِ والهمم، كثير...
A Ruinous Fate stan acct
nprbooks: catscardigansbooks: chicagopubliclibrary: The Open Book Fountain - Budapest, Hungary From Gizmodo: Every few seconds a sheet of water blasts forth from the book’s spine, arcing from one side to the other and creating the illusion that
وجدي غنيم ~ ردي على أغنية على الحجار - هو اللى كفر نفسة (by WagdiGhoneim)
1united-ummah: don’t forget our brothers in Guantanamo in your duas اللهم فك اسرهم، عن قريب
whysunni: what is jihad?
Body and Soul
#EGYPT - Where Is The Democracy? (by iLovUAllah)
#Egypt | Dont Lose Hope In Allah - Powerful Reminder [HD] (by LoveAllah328)
wrenchdolt: Because a lot of guys seem to get this wrong, so I made it a bit more simple for you.
rooom-237: mesmerizing…
// // nevver: Landscapes, Joseph Ford
I don't need rain, I need you
All the arab countries (i.e. Saudi Arabia) who are offering to pay for the U.S. attacks on Syria are traitors, and their actions are revealing of their involvement in a proxy war that started with Iraq.
fakeasmilenoonecares: im laughing so hard
theninewaysofknowing: This, though…
im-128-bits: فتىً فتن في فتاة فتاه… …. …. اللغة العربية فاتنة <3
my little ocean