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And if i don’t meet you no more …”. FIAC 2012, Paris
milk & honey
Just Funny Pictures
the magpie stash
الفرق بين اللص والسياسي أن اللص يسرقك دون أن يحسب حسابًا للقانون ، أما السياسي فيضع القانون أولًا ثم يسرقك به!
mohamadmt: محافظة #الزلفي -دوار الصناعية :)
mohamedkadryfayad: إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ .أن بناء الأمة يكون ببناء الفرد ، فليبدأ المرء بنفسه
meduchaz: Amazingly cute baby animals! I want to squeeze a baby llama!
primrosenewleaf: embalmingfuzzy: 5mut: chibisayuri: Well, aren’t you just the littlest heartache. you’re welcome Melts ↑ it can do that too!
روح هائمة
to-jannah: - “وَمَا ذَلِكَ عَلَى اللَّه بِعَزِيزٍ”
“I was walking down the boardwalk in Venice Beach and some kids had probably two litters of puppies in a cardbord box. They were maybe a day to 3 days old and she was at the very bottom of the box and she couldn’t open her eyes yet. Nearly could
antichoicescreencaps: An anti-choice graphic comparing abortion to the current conflict in Syria. the abortion is no different to what happen in Syria both them killing human and stole from them life. because government did not take responsibility
NikNaks Blog
five-boys-with-accents: Eeyore is just one of those characters that you wanna scoop up and hug forever. my cat has for kitten one of them act like this in every thing . me and his mother do net see him only when come to eat. he did make me feel sad
hebaabdelaleem: ناشيونال جيوجرافيك ـ مصر الألبوم من تصميم نهى صبحي باستثناء صورة الزرافة تصميم محمد تركي
daughterofaslave: The blind man whilst Syria is going on.
bandaidcannothelpacorpse: Australia’s rally to condemn the attacks on Muslims (Egypt, Syria)
عشان لازم نضحك على بعض (by ELBALACONA) بكتني كثير عرفت يا خالد ليه زعلت منك
mucholderthen: Persian Anatomical Illustrations, ca. 1390from Mansur’s Anatomy, the Tashrīḥi Manṣūri تشريح بدن انسان Tashrīḥ-i badan-i insān The Anatomy of the Human Body Composed by منصور ابن محمد ابن
nseetansaak: والله بطلة الصور
llbwwb: Wink wink by Gintare P.
longlivesaddam: He acts confident but on the inside he is a weeping rat waiting for the exterminator.
arabandproudofit: He’s not resisting anything, he’s just a doormat Israel can step on any time it wants. Why would they want to oust a doormat? They don’t. #syria
Getting fit and healthy
مـَملَكۃ ح ــَوآءْ
“A little damage makes people more interesting,"
chadleymacguff: d1sazt3rmast3r: amroyounes: Industrial design ideas Part II why isn’t technology mainstream? probably because of the movie iRobot
mostfa1994: أسماء البلتاجي .. حنين الشهادة وروعة اللقاء ..
love-allah: كَم عَزيزٍ يَعيشُ فَرداً وَحيداً ، وذَليل يَعيش فيها رَهيبا ، وكَريم يعيش فِيها بَخيلاً ، وبَخيلاً يَصير فِيها عَجيباً ،،
day-glow: oh mY GOD
إسراء أبوحشيش
SaRa KhaliL
wacky-thoughts: Miniature nest by plad
منى بنت عَبد الله
ranamujahidah: “I want you, whether you elect me or someone else, to take a pledge between yourself that we don’t return to being sheeps led by sticks.” - Hazem Abu Ismail (Hafidhahu Allah)
political-dissonance: The main difference between #Syria and Iraq is that Iraq was specifically threatening the US
mansaf3ajaj: i hope that someone, somewhere, sees this and is actually affected by it enough to make a change. this is terrible.
unicorn-meat-is-too-mainstream: Bird Flipbook Machines by Juan Fontanive
leftyamy: Awww
priest-of-rage: bedquest: dear fucking tumblr this is a fucking bumblebee this is a fucking bee this is a fucking hornet this is a fucking wasp as you can fucking see the longer their legs are and the less fuzzy they are is equivalent to how fucking
wrath-of-durin: st3fn: archangeltwoone: iamoceanic: doomed-morale: xcircleofdeathx: lickystickypickyshe: Every year in June, a brave group of daredevils in the city of Alesund, Norway stack up hundreds of wood pallets to a height of over 130 feet,
a human being group | مجموعة إنسان
balkan-thug: Bosnians in traditional clothes
r3bbobp: اللهم انصرر سورياا ، وانتقم من بشاار واعوووانة اللهم آميييييين ~„
promise me