توكلت على الله (gadah-world.tumblr.com)
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infinitelimit: secretsbest: 8 month old baby hearing his mother’s voice for the first time with cochlear implant This is the most beautiful thing ever. thank you science HE WAS JUST MINDING HIS BUSINESS WITH THAT BINKYAND THEN HE HEARD IT, AND
mcroosa: Mommy teaching babby easier water drinking way because drinking water is hard experience u get it in your nose. Jesus how she puts her paw on his head in the second one. Such concern and love.
rebelaway: castiel-counts-deans-freckles: carolineflickerman: WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD MAKE THIS PHOTOSET DO YOU ENJOY THE TEARS YOU’RE MAKING PEOPLE SHED NOW DO YOU Dobby only wishes to keep Harry Potter safe. i fucking will end all of
21 and Ugly
lostinwonderland11: Wise words from a WISE MAN
semarys: مشروع ليلى
You had me at books.
my little ocean
noramo: . . « كان بعض العلماء لا ينام إذا نزلت بالمسلمين نازلة أو حَلَّت بهم مصيبة من شدة ما يجد من الشجى والألم؛ فما من أم تبكي إلا وهي كأمك، وما
nahsizefoto: National Geographics
khadiijah4islam: :\
misandrwitch: you know whats edgy and cool respecting people and their religious and cultural identities
night thinker
yelizerk: :)
onzyme: الثمرة التي أقسم #الله بها في #القرآن..
Ayat Alsayed
أطفال من آل زين الدين ، الله أكبر هزت الأعادي (by عبد المنعم زين الدين)
a wish εϊз a hope: ما هي رابعة؟
amospoe: “When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.” ― Thomas Jefferson
Confidently Lost
9940km: thegoddamazon: Jon Stewart is frighteningly spot-on.
my-sweet-sansrival: People of ColorBe proud for your own culture, be proud for the color of your skin, be proud for who you are.Protect & respect your own beliefs, culture, traditions, origins, & morality because those are the ones that gives
doumarevolution: تنسيقية #دوما: حملة ولا تفرقوا
gadah-world: اغنية إغضب من روائع اغاني الثورة المصرية (by قناة احرار 25 | Ahrar 25 tv)
الجيش المصري
اه كما اتمني ان اكون منهم لكني لا استطيع لاني املك قلب حي
vasuki-blog: Ultimate Chocolate Cake.
de-la-valliere: 91/366 by AnyDirectFlight… on Flickr.
nourasketch: لأني ناقصة عقل ، مسكينة وضعيفة (هو) يعرف مصلحتي أكثر مني!
halftheskymovement: Progress! Saudi Arabia has adopted a law criminalizing domestic violence, several months after a local charity launched a campaign to combat violence against women. Those found guilty of abuse could face prison sentences of up to
oh-lolla: :D | via Facebook on We Heart Ithttp://weheartit.com/entry/75241781/via/maha_issa_9
lamiaal9qri: #مسلسل #موضه #تصوير #تصويري #نور_غندور #بركان_ناعم #pic #رمزيات #بلاك_بيري #صور #الكويت #السعوديه
Elegant Mind
cognitivedefusion: notjustanotherstatistic: exgynocraticgrrl-archive-deacti: Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why domestic violence victims don’t leave … I fucking hate it when people say the woman is stupid for staying with her abuser and it’d be so easy
hellofromtumblr: We love you! Seventy-five million blog posts are published on Tumblr every day, and we’re constantly inspired by the endless sea of creativity you produce. Thanks for making this place so awesome.
Oh ! I remember my self
cavalierzee: ~ دور على الثورة الجديدة ~انزلو و إلغو تفويضهماستردو الديمقراطية والكرامة والإنسانية والعدل وحقوقكم المسروقة
gadah-world: ما يحدث الان فى مصر … كليب روعه (by mouhammed el ghamry)
egyptianheart: 30/8collection of protetsts against coup in egypt Suez Madi Alex and every state have more than one protest so its only one from every state
hep dibi tuttu. hep.
iammuslims: palestiiinee: we’ll never forget, and how can you forgive israel after they have PURPOSELY murdered an innocent child and his father who was clearly trying to defend him. Long live palestin Allahu ,:’( , mengalir air mata , Syurga menanti
Plants are Friends
rafou9a: آيَةُ الْمُنَافِقِ ثَلَاثٌ : إِذَا حَدَّثَ كَذَبَ , وَإِذَا وَعَدَ أَخْلَفَ , وَإِذَا اؤْتُمِنَ خَانَ حديث صحيح رواه البخاري ومسلم وغيرهما
rafou9a: الصين لا تضيع الفرص :D
With Difficulty Comes Ease ᴴᴰ ┇ Amazing Islamic Reminder ┇ Mufti Ismail Menk ┇ The Daily Reminder ┇ (by The Daily Reminder)
مقطع من مصر يبكي الحجر ii بدون تعليق |+18 (by فرسان الاسلام)
رابعة… أيقونة الثورة في العالم (by Hossam Elamir)
اغنية الاعلام وحديقة الحيوان (by alyelbasl)
eltayh: Massar Egbari <3 خاف من ربك . تعرف ان كل شي انت تخاف من ربك اقدر عليه يدفعه عنك و يحميك خاف من ذنوبك و نيتك و ادعي ربك يصلحك– خلي الحياه عباده
llbwwb: Sweet dreams by Aamad Zanzitta.