Fuze's Blog of Furry Art Stuff (fuzebox.tumblr.com)
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Bird dude
Canine dude
Deer dude
Bat dude
Bunch of pokes stretching
Baggy clothed riolu ain’t clothed anymore
Here’s some more of that baggy clothed riolu
More pics of Gabrielgator
Fuzeyeen and GabrielGator
fuzebox: https://www.picarto.tv/live/channel.php?watch=FuzeStuff
Some more Fuzeyeen, one of which is an alt outfit.
I’m so behind on uploads I don’t remember if I’ve uploaded stuff or not yet. Here’s Fuzeyeen in a bunch of different outfits.
Baseball Team
Gao bondage
Character from a friend’s VN
Riolu in some clothes
More baggy clothed Riolu
Riolu in some baggy clothes
Sludgathor - Fakemon DesignEvery region has to have it’s own regional legendary pokemon, so I made one for my fan region. Loosely based on a stegosaurus and a croc, Sludgathor is a massive steel and poison pokemon that slumbers deep within the earth
Gym Leader Design8th and final gym leader design from my pokemon fan game, Daigo. He’s a prominent e-sports fighting game player, and has a different take on being a fighting type specialist. His ace is his Blaziken, who also happens to be one of
Gym Leader Design7th gym leader design, her name is Sandra and she’s a rock type specialist. Archeologist/Paleontologist, often out working in the mountain areas of the region. In the fan game, she’s also tied to the main legendary research of
Gym Leader Design6th gym leader design for the fan game I started. This is Grace, and she’s from a ghost town on the edge of the desert. She specializes in ghost pokemon, including a new fakemon idea I had, of a ghost-bull with the skeleton still
Gym Leader Design5th Gym Leader from my fan region, Mike the dark type rapper. Designed to pair with my Fakemon Hynamp, a dark type hyena mixed with an sound amp, along with a microphone tail. He’s a rapper who moved out into a mountain region since
Gym Leader DesignThe next gym leader I had thought of is Aranea, a bug type specialist, with her ace Ariados. She’s a bit of an eccentric fashion designer who takes inspiration from her bug type pokemon, using their webs in her design.
Pokemon Gym Leader IdeaPokemon gym leader idea from unfinished fan game. Her name is Colleen, and she’s an ice type specialist. Her gym is on an island resort. She owns and runs an island cabana on the beach, fixing ice cold drinks with her ice
Gym Leader 2So second gym leader in my fan-region is Dusty. He’s a crop-duster for a bunch of farms around his area. His ace pokemon is a fakemon I made called Helvian, a pure flying type pokemon. The idea behind Helvian is that they have crazy
Gym Leader Design - KenSo for my Fan-Game that I started on, but never got around to finishing, had some original gym leaders. First gym leader is Ken, and he’s a steel-type leader, which is ace being a Scizor. Little bit of backstory is that he
Haida from AggretsukoJumping on the train while he’s still popular.
Pokemon RivalsThese were some rivals I had in mind for a pokemon hack game. First guy was Skip, who’s the outgoing excitable trainer. Second gal is Maple, who’s a studious calm trainer. Then you had Zack, who was the edgy bad-guy rival with
Here’s some pics of a pokemon trainer I drew up for a story idea I never really got through. Kind of a standard adventure, but it was in the new region, and that was supposed to be the hook. It’s Rio and his starter poke, riolu.
Center of Detention - A Short Visual Novel Got a short visual novel for ya. This one you play as a high school teacher who’s in charge of administering special detentions to the star quarterback. It does have NSFW elements and quite a bit of unethical
Fakemon Pokemon StartersI played around with RPG Maker and Pokemon Essentials, and in the process I made some starters for a Pokemon game. My fan-game region was based on Texas, so these three have an origin in wild west lore. The Viseagle line is
Kyle is frozen in shock, he’s unknowingly gotten on a men’s orgy bus. Kyle protests that he’s made a mistake, and that he’s gotten on the wrong bus. The bull man reassures him that all newbies get intimidated on their first ride, but to trust
Kyle grabs a seat in the back row. The driver says over the speaker that the bus ride has officially started, and that passengers may start their explicit activities. Kyle’s perplexed, that’s unusual for a driver to say. Oblivious to the activities
Kyle’s a student at a young men’s boarding academy, but he’s skipping out on classes to go buy the newest video game system. In his haste, he unwittingly gets on the wrong bus. He driver looks at him funny and asks if he’s old enough to be
Anthro sleepin’ wimpod, shorts pulled down
Anthro sleepin’ luxio, shorts pulled down
Anthro sleepin’ pancham, shorts pulled down
Anthro sleepin’ buizel, shorts pulled down
Anthro sleepin’ riolu, shorts pulled down
Alola Rumble - 56 - 57
Alola Rumble - Pages 54 - 55
Alola Rumble - Pages 52 - 53
Alola Rumble - 50 - 51
Alola Rumble - Pages 46 - 47
Alola Rumble - Pages 44 - 45
Alola Rumble - Pages 42 - 43
Alola Rumble - Pages 40 - 41
Alola Rumble - Pages 38 - 39
Alola Rumble - Pages 36 - 37
Alola Rumble - Pages 34 - 35
Alola Rumble - Pages 32 - 33
Alola Rumble - Pages 30 - 31
Alola Rumble - Pages 28 - 29
Alola Rumble - Pages 26 - 27
Alola Rumble - Pages 24 - 25
Alola Rumble - Pages 22 - 23
Alola Rumble - Pages 20 - 21