Fuze's Blog of Furry Art Stuff (fuzebox.tumblr.com)
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Fuze the dragon meets Mond the diamond dog for the first time.
Though, to be honest, I have been putting out a bunch of reference pics out lately, which is what all the “characters with a white background” pics have been. They’re not meant to be expressive or explicit, they’re supposed to
It’s weird searching through a tag on derpibooru and seeing your own stuff up there, sometimes being the only artist using said tags. I also kinda cringe at my own work and hesitate to see the comments. I can totally see where the down votes
Anthro versions of Lightning Sand and Gil. If ya notice how I’m hiding the hands, it’s cause 1. they’re a pain, and 2. they get in the way when drawing clothes. Got a bit more creative with Sand once I realized how boring the pose
Anthro unicorn rivals.
Nevermind about the last post. My internet is being a little bitch and can’t hold a steady connection suitable for streaming.
An episode I can honestly call probably one of the best episodes this season, probably even top 5 of the show. Amy Keating Rogers shows once again, that she is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to writing episodes. She made a story that is fun
NSFW Elusive showing off for you.
Elusive speading his legs for ya. NSFW coming up in a bit.
90’s Music Video Time Turner, cause how can I resist canon sagging pants showin’ boxers, I mean come on, that’s my thing, yo!
Russ Polocolt
Sunset Glare
Lightning Sand
My khajiit character washed up on the shore of a beach and helped out the crew from a wrecked ship all in his boxers. Someday he’ll find a pair of pants that fit. It’s just my opinion, but the dropping you off at the first major city to
ESO servers just went down for maintenance, which I don’t mind all too much, since hopefully some more bugged quests will get fixed. I’ve only come across one so far and it didn’t impede my progression that much. I just did other
Just spent all day playing early access Elder Scrolls Online. Gotta say, I really need to watch myself, since I can see me getting addicted to this much like I did WoW back in the day. I think I’ll limit my playtime to one or two hours in the
Undies Version of the R63 Anthro Mane 6So you should know me by now, and all the anthro pics had undie versions. I gave em all briefs to keep em in uniform, though what I think may be slightly different. Also my attempt to do some kind of ‘body
Soarin splayed out in some speedos.
Shinning Armor in some trunks.
The episode that asks if honesty is the best policy. This is the third episode written by newcomer Josh Haber, after Castle Mane-ia, and Simple Ways. What I’m starting to notice with his writing style, is how he has very simple premises and keeps
Dusk Shine just a bit tied up. Well, it was a tie on my question of pony/anthro, but if I were to go by scores on Derpibooru, it seems pony is much more wanted, so I guess pony it is.
So I’ve done the R63 M6 in both pony and anthro form. Question: which would you rather see more of?
A couple of anthro pegasi
A couple of anthro earth ponies.
A couple of anthro unicorns
It’s been a while since I did one of these progress reports, so lets do one!Last time I did a progress report was at the beginning of the year, so it’s been 3 months since then, how have I progressed?I finally finished Act One of Spike’s
Berry Pie
Dusk Shine
Rainbow Blitz
Couple more OC’s that I started in the stream last week but finally got around to finishing. I’m sure you’ve seen Fuze the dragon, but back in high school (in 2006) I had an OC that an old friend drew for me. Course, back then he
The “This is why you need to utilize Luna more” episode. Another episode by the infamous Dave Polsky, pretty much the wild card of the MLP writing staff. With him, your going to either get a great episode, or one that leaves you scratching
Another Pokemon Combat Team, this time from the Unova region. Feldoge the Growlith, Rio the Riolu, and Loki the Zoura. Stream request.
Hoops and Dumbbell playin’ some one-on-one. Stream request, and a chance for me to work on more action-y shots.
Stream Request of a guy’s dragon oc.
So what happens when your tired, uninspired, and can’t think of anything? Just doodle facial expressions I guess. Apologies to folks who came regularly to my stream, but I am really tired right now. It’s the ever present conundrum of
So, it took a while, but I managed to snag a key for the final beta before the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), in two weeks. I had been anticipating this game for almost since it was announced, due to my enjoyment of the recent game, Skyrim,
Well…that was an interesting episode. This is the first episode for MLP by Noelle Benvenuti, and it was strange. I don’t think I got a very good idea of here writing style this episode, and since I can’t find any of her previous
Here, have a Charizard.
Tried to ‘update’ the dragon guys with a more 'cartoony’ style. I think Spike turned out pretty good, but the other guys…well I’ll keep working on that.
A couple more argonians shackled up, the second apparatus should be fairly recognizable if you’re familiar with lewd Skyrim screenshots/mods. The characters are from previous run-thru-s using different builds/archetypes. First guy is my two-handed
Just got back from my mini-vacation with my family. Got to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman and The Wind Rises. Mr. Peabody was amazing, and if you haven’t seen it by now, you need to go see it. The Wind Rises is a bit of an acquired taste, but
Braeburn Dragon - cause why not?