Fuze's Blog of Furry Art Stuff (fuzebox.tumblr.com)
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Applecest Rule 63 style Gah, I have no idea what I was doing with this one, I don’t even remember my thought process for deciding to do this. I think with all the pretty shading and colors and stuff, it has become apparent to me what I need to
Butterscotch and Bubble Berry I started working on this, got halfway done, then Braeburned had to go a stream a tutorial, now I kinda want to try and redo this idea with some newly acquired knowledge. Also, new icon, where I imitated Brae’s tutoria
Rule 63 Three Way Definitely my most ambitious drawing to date. Dusk Shine, Rainbow Blitz and Applejack, in the barn. I really like how AJ’s head came out, and I really tried to go for some different angles and view points, but all the sketching
Discorded Umber Please don’t take this too seriously, drew it as a bit of a joke while trying different poses and facial expressions. Since Umber is supposed to be a really happy and friendly, I toyed around with the idea of what he would be like
Blitz and Dusk Shaded! Quick attempt at shading “Braeburned Style”, acquired from watching Braeburned’s stream. I have to admit, the technique he employs is really cool, and actually kind of simple, but I still need to work on how
Blitz and Dusk Flat colors, work on shading later since my shading looks bad. So, yeah, I totally ship Blitz and Dusk, it’s like such a cute dynamic. I’ve always been a fan of Rule 63, so it’s only natural that I contribute a bit
roughdrafted: I actually really like talking politics, so election season is like an eighteen month long Christmas for me. I’ll probably have a few posts on the subject in the next six weeks, so blacklist “politics” if you want to avoid them. Briefly,
Fan-fiction Fan-art As well as nsfw. Looking at it now, I’m not all that happy with how it turned out, but oh well, better luck next time. Inspired by Butterscotch Cream’s fan-fiction, Just Hangin’ Around, which you have probably
So guess who spent his entire weekend reading a fan-fiction? -> This guy <- So yeah, said fan-fiction is Human, by DannyJ. I would consider it one of the longest and most convoluted fan-fictions I have ever read, and I love it. It’s
tgweaver: Stream’s all done here’s the first set of doodles from it, mostly femsnails stuff what a cutie oh god, so adorable
lpds-view-of-mind: Found this on facebook, I think its Chocomilkterrorist on DeviantArt who made, I’m not sure of the source. All I got was the URL of the picture itself.
One that’s so good that you get lost in it and lose track of time.
Art dump. Several pictures I had done over the course of the week, that I never really posted, since I didn’t think they were worth posting. But if it’s all together, I guess I won’t be clogging up your dashboards. Couple of guest
uchuutaros: J, I love you.
Late night sketch thingy. This is how my process usually goes, take a pencil tool and just go until it looks like something. Gah, I don’t know.
It’s not arousing to me, but I’m still following it because I think there’s more to it than the author’s letting on.
roughdrafted: princeredblood: Tumblr Crushes: icy-sparks roughdrafted ladypixelheart baconmane askmoonmyth lauphing-bronie fuzebox rachelelaiinee doctordapples WTF JUST HAPPENED Damn ittttttttttt OMG, I’m a tumblr crush, I never thought this
You fill in the dialog! Cause I’m unimaginative. First time drawing Spike, that’s cool, but he I did draw him more “lizard-y” than he probably is. Also, I hope the Spike episode in S3 involves Big Mac in someway, it’ll
50 followers, yay! Not sure what I should do, I"ll just probably keep doin’ what I’ve been doin’, but thanks for showin’ up and stuff. I’ll keep workin’ hard for you guys.
Like I said, I was practicing. I was on a drawing high, and was doing stuff for the guys who talk to me and stuff during in streams, and like my work. Also, there is like no reference for you Redblood, I had to use Icy’s drawing.
I’m sorry Icy. I was watching a stream of some nsfw, and I was inspired to try it some more, so I used your character as the model. I thought it turned out pretty okay, but is it a compliment or creepy when you draw porn of someone else’s
keikoandgilly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhyRwemwyQ8&feature=player_detailpage
“Draw you and your pony OC doing something challenge” challenge given by AphexAngel. I’ve never drawn humans…
Morning Spent way too long on this one, though a lot of time was wasted being distracted. Don’t feel to happy about it considering I worked on this all day, on and off. Think it’s mostly to do with the way I did the line-work, it’s
writtenwaiver: Shining Armor and his best colt Glaze Burner, the night before the wedding; a scene from the incredibly hot and incredibly heartbreaking clopfic Only If For a Night. Wow man, that’s awesome.
Takin’ the time to write out a blog progress report for myself at the my two month milestone. The gist of it is that I’m having fun, I’ve got a long way to go, and I’d like to thank you guys for enjoying my work. Okay, time
Rule 34: Hoops and Dumbbell. Man, I don’t know why, but I’m just inclined to make clop of these guys. Sorry there’s like barely any naughty bits, I’ve just got a thing for jockstraps, okay. There’s like absolutely no clop
Hoops Molesting Dumbbell Dumbbell, did you really think that your actions wouldn’t have consequences? Sort of a continuation of the previous image, and I wanted to try the whole two perspectives kinda image. Edit: After a night’s sleep,
Behind the bleachers at night. Number three of the jock-pony-pin-up-project, Score, who’s been asked to meet behind the bleachers after the game. Tried the overlay method to get colored shading this time since it’s like a night picture or
Staying behind after the game. Pseudo-pin-up of Dumbbell wearing a basketball jersey. I’m seriously crushing on this pony. This one definitely is supposed to be more suggestive, but I’m too self-conscious to really go all the way considering
Brohug. Dang, I seem to have a fascination with these guys or something. I don’t really like how this one came out, something with anatomy and the way they interact and once again I have no idea what to do when it comes to shading, gah.
dovne: …what exactly did you get up to last night, blueblood? commission~ Gah, this is adorable. Everyone knows this is the real reason Blueblood was blowing off Rarity that night.
Rhythm is Magic - Remix Apple Apple Apple
What are you trying to prove Dumbbell? Dumbbell could never live down that crushing loss during that fateful race with Rainbow Dash. Not only did he lose to a filly who could perform the Sonic Rainboom, he was also the last pony in his class to find
Best Bros. Also I have no idea how to shade properly. Oh well, I like Hoops and Dumbbell, so I drew them.
Yay! I finally have my own tablet, and I can start digitally drawing again. Time to get back on that treadmill and grinding out exp points in art.
Ponyponypony: Reblog with your favorite Pokemon game and why
nsfwklimatedrift: I’m suppose to be studying anatomy right now, instead I’m drawing pony porn -_- Fuck it, tomorrow I’m putting all of my focus on anatomy studies. btw, these two are teenagers in this drawing who cares? YEEEESSSSS, why didn’t
ruxen: micthemicrophone: saethwrthealicorn: ithinkimlying: thegardennymph: What Tree Did You Fall From? Dec 23 to Jan 01 —- Apple TreeJan 01 to Jan 11 —- Fir TreeJan 12 to Jan 24 —- Elm TreeJan 25 to Feb 03 — Cypress TreeFeb 04 to Feb 08
roughdrafted: No thanks to Whoo. The first place award for “Rough is really bored night”. Won by Whoo-Is-Writing. Title: How to Lose a Stallion in One Date. Series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Characters: Phalanx, Legion, Mortar, Echo (Royal
braeburned: Commission for Krystal~ 2 oc’s and STRAIGHT SEX THATS A FIRST Hey! No need to be so greedy with the horse cock, there’s plenty to go around and share with the ladies.
icy-sparks: icy-sparks: I am the best person at drawing ponies during lecture. Evening reblog. Should I try crosshatching more? DANG MAN! When did you…wha…that’s…really good. The crosshatching is a really cool effect.
roughdrafted: fuzebox answered your question: Heeeeey, like 53 people who follow me. I’m bored…. I’d suggest Pirate Sentai Gokaiger and grab the subs from over-ti.me/release… That’s an interesting idea… I don’t watch many Sentai series…
Silver Swirl: Imagine someone builds you a house. Only a group of college guys have...
mlpartconfessions: -especially from people who use the pony creator. If you have the ability to pick up a pencil and make a mark on paper, you can draw. You’re not going to automatically be as good as or better than your favorite pony artists, but
psescape: So this thing’s as done as it can be. Complex backgrounds are still too much to do for me, but I guess this excercise (composition, wings and inking) was more than enough. So the premise is in a R63 universe, the twins are having fun with
And my sister’s heading back to college and taking her tablet with her. Looks like I’m gonna have to get my own. Gonna go on a bit of a rant about how I feel after drawing for around a month. I started drawing on a whim, I wanted some rule
So I’ve realized I’ve never actually done a proper reference sheet for Fuze, so I made a quick one. - Fuze is a dark gray pegasus with a yellow mane in the style of a mullet, and yellow tail. He’s a weather pony who’s specializes
Nope, still can’t art. Did this awhile back, but looking at it now, it’s like, “what we’re you thinking?”, but it’s cool to say that I drew it and it exists thou
evenlessspace: “Told you you’d like it.” Coloring got a bit lazy and I couldn’t bring myself to try proper shading, but the important bits are done, I guess? And by important bits, I mean… well, you know. Ha, you know when your sitting in
Whoops, heh sorry about that, didn’t see you there. - In my head cannon, Dumbbell and co. would be pretty rad to hang out with. I also don’t think that they’re mean spirited ponies either. I just think they’re just insecure
boiler3: more old request line sketches. if the filenames are to be belived, these should have been for darkthunder and ponitron, respectively. always reblog request art
theducktah: do you have those friends on tumblr that you pretty much never talk to but you follow them and they follow you and whenever you see them on your dash it just makes you smile and you’re so happy they’re there and yet you’ve