Fuze's Blog of Furry Art Stuff (fuzebox.tumblr.com)
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Someone also wanted a pic of Nembis in some undies as well, so he’s here trying on a new pair of briefs. He likes the fun pattern.
Someone wanted Trenderhoof in some undies, so I obliged.
This was long overdue my friend, I hope you enjoy it. — Aww shucks, thanks dude!
Sorry y'all, Livestream crashed or something, so I’ll see you guys once it gets fixed.
Another Pic of FuzeDragon, though that’ll probably not be his real name.
Luna and an OC I don’t know the name of, but he it’s a gift for a friend of a friend, so ya, whatevah.
Ember Heart, an oc dragon requested in the stream. He’s got that eastern dragon style, which I should probably borrow sometime.
Hoops and Dumbbell, undies version. Hoops’ got the boxerbriefs cause he seems like that sort of fellow, best of both worlds easy goin’ dude. Dumbbell, it seems, has trouble trying different things, so he’d stick with underwear he&rsquo
Hoops and Dumbbell are back, yay! I love these guys, I really enjoy their interactions, especially DB getting feather flustered by Hoops. Had my go at a more anthro approach, like I usually do.
Well this episode certainly was…different. Here we have the second episode written by Josh Haber, who did the relatively good Castle-mania episode. That one was good in the respect that it had really good gags and jokes to keep the viewer entertai
Another OC dragon, cause I like OC dragons, what can I say? T'laren, with additional undie versions, and another Fuze undie version to make it some kind of series, i dunno.
Sorry guys for the lack of streams and art lately. Been held up with school work and such, but hopefully I’ll have some free time soon.
Goddamn, I did not expect Chapter 5 of Spike’s Quest to be 11k words long. Though, it’s fairly dialog heavy, with a bunch of exposition for both the dragon council and establishing dragon backgrounds, plus hopefully development for each
FuzeDragon sleepin’.
Last of the teen dragons in some briefs, Vex.
FuzeDragon? At least it’s a dragon with Fuze’s colors. Decided to revisit a really old oc, like from a year ago. What’s cool is that I drew this guy in one of my very first livestreams, so it’s also one of those, “hey
Saw the early released episode, so I don’t have to waste the day obsessing over it tomorrow. Pinkie Pie and Weird Al combine forces to make the best episode of season 4. Seriously, watch it ahead of time or not, watch it. It’s good.
Clump in some briefs.
Spike made a new friend, and Ruby is pretty good at video games.
Crackle in some panties.
Baff in some briefs.
Spear in some briefs.
Tremar showing off his boxers.
Fizzle in some briefs.
Garble in some briefs.
Rule 63 Raricow? Elusibull? Weird Stream request
Stream Pic - Spike not doing his job of re-shelving books and goofing off.
Discord the Episode Written by Megan McCarthy and Ed Valentine. I know McCarthy has a bias towards Twilight and Cadence (one being her favorite pony she identifies as and the other she created), and it doesn’t surprise me that she’d be in
I like dragons, what can I say?
Furry Doggie and Kitty in briefs. Dog is Niic and cat is Vandal.
I have a feeling all my practicing of drawing anthro dragons has led up to this point for a reason. Gonna be streaming in a bit, and we can watch the anime together.
Rainbow Dash gets an episode. I was anticipating this episode, especially since the writer is Corey Powell, probably the best writer of Season 3. This episode has a tough act to follow from last week’s episode, so by comparison it definitely
Anthro Teen Spike? I saw a bunch of these pics floating around on Tumblr, I wanted to do one as well. Grey scale, because for some reason it looks nicer than colors.
Also here’s the pic I drew for the video. My first claim to brony fame was being the first guy to take a song from MLP, and pitch it down to gender-bend it. I did I think four songs in total and stopped because it had caught on and other guys
Apples to the Core - Colt Version
Can you say best episode of the season? Cause I can. Okay, first things first, this is “THE” episode I was waiting for since I saw the animatic preview. I had high hopes and expectations, which is very risky thing to do, but I was not
CheerMod: It’s finally finished, mate. A royal, highly-cuddly hug that is guaranteed to leave any receiver breathless (for obvious reasons). I had a lot of fun sketching, etching, colouring and shading this, even if its a simple cell-shade. For
No stream tonight folks if you were wondering. Just not feeling it tonight, not out of any kind of negative feelings just to get that clear, but not feeling up to streaming is all.
writtenwaiver: Hope you’re feeling better today, Fuze! Aww dude, thanks man. I’m really happy that you took the time out of your day to do this. I was just being a melodramatic sour puss last night and really needed some time to step back,
I was advised to post what I had been working on. I don’t know how to feel about it.