Fuze's Blog of Furry Art Stuff (fuzebox.tumblr.com)
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Fuze: “I know you said you weren’t hungry, but I got your favorite soup.”Jade: “But I wore the jockstrap.”Fuze: “Well we did just go to the gym.”Jade: “…Gimme the soup.”
Double Diamond on the slopes.So if it wasn’t evidenced by my long blog post about the premier, I watched the premier. It’s been a long time since I’ve drawn a proper pony, but I figure now’s a good a time as any to jump back on the bandwagon.
Texnatsu Scene Preview - Casey and [Rich]The two guys leaned against the building. It was a quiet cool summer night in little oasis, not much night life, but places still stayed open late. With nothing really to talk about, after all they just met
Texnatsu Characters - Richard HunterSo I got around to practicing my anime humans, so I could finally draw the default main character in Texnatsu, if you decide not to put in your own name. The Texan counter-part of Hiroyuki, Rich. I went and basically
Blake in some chaps. Just wanted to see what he’d look like wearing them.
Just My Thoughts: MLP S5E1 The Cutie Map
Waterways - Kory and SamakiBit of fanart, for the first furry fictional couple that I really got invested in when I was a barely legal teen. For those that were around 7 years ago, Waterways was a furry fiction story by Kyell Gold on the old yiffstar
Super Turbo Atomic Mega Rabbit - Large Bear GuyFrom his demeanor to his wardrobe, bear guy seems like one of those loner monk types, who got in touch with his spiritual side to control the ferocity in his nature. Very disciplined and very anti social.
Super Turbo Atomic Mega Rabbit - Frog dudeContinuing my drawing of character that will not be in a show, this frog dude. From a design perspective of his outfit, it actually grows on ya. Sure the briefs are a bit weird, but he’s got the legs to
Super Turbo Atomic Mega Rabbit - Rooster Side CharacterAnother STAMR character from the hoax intro video. This guy really really reminds me of a “Falco” character, which is a dick but a good guy. Possibly arrogant with a bit of an ego as evidenced
Super Turbo Atomic Mega Rabbit - Musashi’s Modern OutfitIf I go with my fan theory of Musashi being from the past, and reappearing in the modern day, then he’d probably be subjected to the trope of getting a modern outfit. I based this design off
Super Turbo Atomic Mega Rabbit - Fox “Samus” LadyCause I’m on a STAMR kick right now, and want to draw those furry people. As no one else has a name, she has been nicknamed “fox samus” due to her robotic arm canon. Since she’s also seen
Super Turbo Atomic Mega Rabbit (S.T.A.M. Rabbit for short?) - MusashiSo I saw the missing VHS recording of the opening for this show, yet there’s no trace of history of it on the internet. I’m fairly confident it’s a long planned attempt to make
“Hey, me and Sharp are gonna head down to the lake! Catch up when you guys are done.“ Spike said to the rest of the group as the two dragons went to enjoy the warmer weather.
Request - Ruby Dakimakura
Request - Dragon OC under hypnotic control, and it’s his birthday.
One attempt at one of those dakimakura things with the kitty puppy Jade in a jock.
Fuze dragon enjoying a cup of tea in a fantasy setting, he even dressed up for the part, though taking liberties with the costume.
Alone, the diamond dog alchemist experiments with different combinations of ingredients to figure out their properties. One in particular has caused a warming sensation in his nether regions, that he may need to take care of soon.
Casey walking down the park trail path when pointing out the irony in a deer crossing sign when they’re in the wilderness, course there’s gonna be deer.
Request Raffle - A Griffon Dude who can’t believe this bullshit.
Raffle Request - Dive and Cran having some poolside sex, hoping no one comes by and catches them.
Raffle Request - Furry Bear version of Soda Popinski from Punch Out drinking a soda. Also kinda weird, but hey, practice drawin super muscly men.
Raffle Request - Spike being force fed pizza by Freddie Fazbear while tied to a chair wearing only his briefs…yeah, sometimes raffle requests are good, sometimes they are extremely disturbing.
Diego waiting for his breakfast.Despite rude awakenings, Diego is still fighting off that urge to sleep in.
Blake trying on a different type of brief.After only wearing the most basic of under garments, Blake ventures into other options. They didn’t look so small before he put em on that’s for sure.
Couldn’t think of anything inspiring to draw, so I took a suggestion of an anthro Darth Maul in tighty whities, just cause.
“Hey Ty, wanna make a few bucks?” Josh asked, “Johnny couldn’t come in today and we could use someone to cover his shift. I think you guys are the same size, just put this on and go by the side of the road and advertise for us.
Spike stretching in the morning.
Tennessee Cooper in the StocksSeems the sheriff would rather put the notorious bank robber through some displays of public humiliation rather than keep him locked in a cell.
Couple of OCs - Midnight Blaze and Rain
Cosplay Ken in SenketsuKen lost a bet pretty badly, so with the help of Josh’s friends, Jorge made him wear a senketsu cosplay at a local anime convention. While it was bad enough that he had to wear it, what made it worse was that it was good,
Tennessee Kid CooperGuess who just got Sly 4, and finished the episode with this guy. I really liked the game play associated with this guy, it’s platforming with a first person shooter aspect, kinda bummed that it was only for this chapter.
Anthro Pokemon - Gen 1A charmander, machop, and nidoran. Once again, something for a non-existent Pokemon Combat Academy (PCA) style story idea that I had floating around in my head.
Anthro Toothless - Outfit and Undie Version
Remake - Fizzle and Garble in the locker roomA remake of an old pic of Fizzle trying not to stare at Garble’s butt in a jock. It’s kind of what all the previous dragon in jock pics were leading up to.
Request - Jade (leopard-wolf) and Fuze (dragon)What happened after the new year’s patio party. Jade wakes up to find he’s in the same bed as Fuze, and a fuzzy memory of what happened during the party once the clothes started coming off.
Request - Lock’s dragon vaping and making clouds in the fields
Dragons in Jocks - Barius 2The dryer hummed and shook as it did it’s job, and Barius was enjoying the unexpected upside to his predicament. His makeshift seat was had a built in heat and massage feature, that was in direct contact with his rear area.
Dragons in Jocks - BariusMan, how could I forget to do the laundry? Barius thought to himself as he loaded up the wet clothes into the dryer. After a day out with the guys, as soon as he got back to his place, he jumped right in the shower with out
Dragons in Jocks - Sharp 2Sharp rolled over on to his back pumping his fist in the air. He slid off his bed and landed on the floor with a thud, looking up at the credits scroll on the screen. He’d finally beaten that game that was giving him trouble
Dragons in Jocks - SharpSharp was reluctant to wearing jocks in public, ever since that ‘mishap’ with him pulling down Mangle’s shorts that one afternoon. Still, he didn’t mind wearing them for video gaming solo session, in the
Dragons in Jocks - MangleIt was supposed to be a friendly match of basket ball amongst friends, with shirts versus skins. Mangle was on the skins team. And while they agreed to a no flying rule, Mangle, being a competitive rascal, would give himself
Gift Art from Yeyo, of RPG Fuze with his Magical Stun Rod. I really really like the shading and lighting of this as well as the interpretation of my stun rod. Man, Fuze dragon looks so freakin neat, thanks so much again, I love it.
Dragons in Jocks - Magma 2Going to a hot spring isn’t worth it if you don’t take a dip in the pools.
Dragons in Jocks - MagmaMagma trains in the mountains often. There are a few perks, lots of open space, relative privacy in the middle of nowhere, and he knows a nice area with a natural hot spring heated by a nearby lava flow that he can relax at after
Raffle Request 3 - Anthro PonyThis one’s name was Lover Boy, and I got to anthro-size him.
Raffle Request 2 - Anthro CorgiFolks seemed to like the simple standing pose, so they could have a clean reference pic for future use.
Raffle Request 1 - Anthro Dragon I think his name is Avarick, and the requester wanted him in my style. His outfit was fun to do, .
Sleeping Older SpikeTired of trying to find undies with the right sized tail hole, Spike gave in and got a jockstrap. It took some getting used to feeling the breeze against his backside, but Spike found that it’s rather liberating not having
Sly Cooper being an undies thief, raiding DImitri’s collection.
Spike Quest - Dragon FriendsMangle and Barius
Spike Quest Dragon Friends - Sharp, Magma, and Snort