Fuze's Blog of Furry Art Stuff (fuzebox.tumblr.com)
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Those furry guys that I’ve been working on in harnesses. Is it part of the plan to do something with em, more than likely. Don’t really want to give away the story, since that’ll ruin the surprise, but I still wanna be posting stuff to let ya
Okay, one more anthro dude, not in a suit, but in a nice outfit anyway. He’s like a host or MC, this idea seems to be coming together, but don’t really want to give anything away.
“Oh wow, neat idea having the costume party in the middle of the spooky woods!”Happy Halloween y’all, though I guess I’m a bit late aren’t I? Oh well, the stream was halloween-y at least.
“Haha, looks like I win again!” Fuze said the next morning gleefully, “You only managed to get my undies off during last night’s round of ‘sleep strip’, while I got you out of your pajamas and into my outfit. How do those tighty whities
One final anthro dude in a suit. Now to figure out what to use these guys for…
Couple more anthros in suits, a squirrel and tanuki. I swear they’ll be for something, I’m just not sure what just yet.
Couple more anthro’s wearin’ suits, a moose and bear dude. The bear dude is just a re-skin of the lizard from yesterday cause I wasn’t really feelin’ it.
Couple of well dressed anthros for an unspecified purpose.
Adam dressed up as a werewolf for Halloween.
Here we have three guys singing karaoke.
Doggy boy, Osiris, hanging out on a couch only in his briefs.
Jade getting his face smooshed. He melts at the slightest touch.
Fuze hyena getting his face smooshed. He’s not sure what to make of it.
Asriel gettin his face smooshed.
Ty getting his face smushed.
Evil Asriel in rainbow undies, cause that’s what the stream wanted.
Go-onger Engine Anthros: Go-on Wings and Carrigator
Sykes monster character
Bara NobleHe wanted to see what his character would look like barafied.
Asriel in godform
Jade’s been putting on a bit of weight. That’s okay thou, seems like folks like that kinda stuff too.
Reference pic for Dancing Mantis, of his oc. He likes chubs and putting them in collars and leashes it seems.
Unicorn guy texting on a phone.
Archeops pastry chefs, stripped down to his fundoshi. A quick edit to a previous request.
While the dragon dude appears like a cool slacker on the outside, secretly, he’s a dorky nerd on the inside.
Though they don’t know how, the dragon was coerced into modeling a few very eccentric outfits for his friend’s fashion show.
Fuze got a new accessory. He’s been wondering what a harness is like, considering how often it’s depicted in arts. Honestly, it’s like wearing a bunch of belts, cause that’s basically what it is. Still, it’s pretty nifty.
Texnatsu Husbandos pt 3Last two of the guys, the cute ones too.
Monster Kid and Napstablook, cause they are also characters from Undertale that I very much enjoyed.
Texnatsu Husbandos pt 2Next batch of full body references for the main cast. Weirdest thing is coming up with shoes for them, since it’s not something I normally think about, considering I normally draw them from the waist up.
Anthro Lion dude taking off his clothes.Just a little something extra from the stream.
Texnatsu HusbandosSo while doing the goat dude, I realized I have no full body ref pics for the main cast (only waist up sprites and pics), so I’m rectifying that by making some. Here’s the first batch.
Noah, the goat dude.Partially inspired by recent events, got a new secondary character for Texnatsu. He won’t be involved in the story, but the stream wanted him to exist, so here he is, existing.
Goatdad in commoner’s clothes
“And it looks like Strike has got Sparks in a hold! Will he be able to escape?!”
Two skunk dudes having to stand on a stage in their undies.
AU Monster MC of Undertale
Archeops dude, carrying a couple flour sacks.
A husky dude getting teabagged by a cat dude.
Goatbro playin out side
Burgerpants getting his nickname.
Shirtless ponyboy studying
Asriel DreemurSorry if this a spoiler, but I wanted to draw this guy, cause he’s adorable.
Falco posing in a jockstrap type underwear.
Two furry guys enjoying an ice cream cone.
Texnatsu guys wearing fall clothes pt 2Rest of the guys and some ideas on what they’d wear once it got too cold for shorts.
Texnatsu Guys wearing fall clothesSince fall is upon us, I wanted to see what the guys would wear when it’s not freakishly hot.
Jade’s OCI drew a little something for my co-authors on a project around a month ago, haven’t had the chance to post it till now.
Anthro Go-onger Engines in undiesCause why not have a version like this, I enjoy it.
The different iterations of Fuze. Started out as a pegasus, back when I was ‘really’ into ponies and wanted to feel more inclusive in the fandom. He was made using the pony creator, but once I learned to draw I gave him his own style. Then came
Anthropomorphized Engines, from Go-onger/RPMSomething a bit different, with my fascination of taking zords from super sentai, and making them anthro based on their human counter part. So there’s Speedor the condor, Buson the lion, BearV the bear,
PCA: Timeskip Tales, pg 9-10Gao’s a little bit too comfortable being in the buff, and Pawl and Jolt are too embarrassed to strip down, even among themselves.
I haven’t been streaming this past weekend, cause I went with my family to see a pro-football game. So have Fuze hyena in a football jersey and a jockstrap.
PCA: Timeskip Tales, pg 7-8The hot springs offer bathing suits for modesty reasons. Of course, Gao has shown he has no need for modesty.
dancing-mantis: Finished up a late b-day pic of a cute Fuze Hyena chibi as Kyoryu Silver from Super Sentai Kyoryuger! Sorry this took so long. I had fun drawing this! ^w^ “Brave In!”Hehe, thanks a lot dude, it’s really cute.
xirnoch: Follower pic # 20: Fuze Hyena from Fuze’s Blog of Stuff. (possible NSFW)Looks like he’s on the phone. (Apologies if clunky, I rarely draw anthro.) The art over there looks good, lots of well done anthro and comics and stories. Go give it