Fuze's Blog of Furry Art Stuff (fuzebox.tumblr.com)
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Steam viewer pile on Fuze. Thanks to all the folks who came and watched me draw stuff, you all know who you are.
Big Mac and Donut Joe Picture Redo Decided to redo the very first pic I first posted on tumblr around a year ago in stream. That’s what a year of practice with do to ya.
Rumble and Snails going for a little ride. Stream Pic
Short Circuit, a simple stream pic. Streaming come join, and maybe I’ll do more requests.
Fuze’s got some new boxerbriefs, and he wants to show em off with a bit of a selfie. A very nice unicorn gave them to him as a gift, and he wanted to show his appreciation by modeling them for him, as well as everyone else who wished him a happy
Spike had made the journey before in his youth, but he’d made it to Dragon Ridge much quicker than he remembered. As he stood upon the outskirts of the mountain range, he contemplated to himself about what he was really trying to accomplish.
Decided it’d be fair to give a bit of an update as to what’s going on in my life and how it’ll affect any future updates. So classes have started again which by itself wouldn’t be too much of a hindrance to my hobby of drawing
They’re my friends, of course I’ve had some “fun” with them you dopes. I’ve experimented with different types of restraints to see what would work best in the field on these two guys first. They’re always good sports
Dragon head designs and color combos. This is the result of today’s stream, bit of brainstorming and experimentation to see which dragon designs I’ll be using during Spike’s story thing. Mix and matching colors with horn and hairdo&rsq
Changeling friends, alt. undies version. It’s has been suggested many times that I should be putting up the alternate versions, undies and nude, of pics that I’ve done, so why not. These guys wear boxerbriefs, just a personal preference.
“I’m so going to go on a hero’s journey, or whatever Twilight calls those things in adventure books,” Spike optimistically thought to himself as he walked the path out of Ponyville. His favorite adventure stories always had
Tremar’s best friends, Haull and Nembis. What? You didn’t think that Tremar was some kind of loner did you?Haull’s the mellow guy of the bunch and a bit soft spoken, especially compared to the other two. A bit on the pudgy side
“Good morning everyone,” Crescent Sparkle greeted his family as he walked into the kitchen, also clad in last night’s minimal sleepwear. “Shining got any breakfast left?, that oatmeal smells good,” Cresent Sparkle inquired
“Ugh, that’s gross, put some clothes on Shiny,” Twilight scolded her older brother. “Come on Twily, they’re clean,” Shining Armor sheepishly responded, turning around with a bit of a stretch. “Besides, I’m
A Look into Other Methods of Harvesting - “Catch and Release” This method is the method that Tremar’s hive employs. It involves capturing and taking the mana essense, with or without the creature’s consent. This can also have
A Look into Other Methods of Harvesting - “Mana Farming” This method is the most advantageous to the changeling, but worse for the magical beings turned livestock. Similar to the catch and release method, this removes the release step.
A Look into Other Methods of Harvesting - “Gathering or Foraging” This method is where the changeling disguises themselves as the race of their prey, and through cooperative means, via trade or charity, obtains the mana essence of the magical
…and I’ve got some privacy at the moment. I mean, I’m just like any other mammalian equine-ish creature down there, except for the green changeling fleshy bits.
writtenwaiver: “Big brother? Ah know yer a…princess?…now, and ya got yer magic alicorn powers and responsibilities and whatnot. Like spreadin’ th’ joy o’ willies with all the malefolk, ‘lettin’ em explore their sex-u-al-it-y to th’
Wave Length was woken up to some light shaking. Though that couldn’t be right, he was by himself in the empty studio and only dosed off for a second. He opened his eyes and gasped to a shocking sight. Only a few inches in front of his face was
Braeburn slowly came to his senses as he felt the elbow on his shoulder, but more importantly, the ropes around is bare body. He looked over at the owner of he elbow, who greeted him with a smile. “U-u-uh, h-h-hey there p-partner." Braeburn
Pretty much the vanilla set up. Arm bindings behind the back, then go to town molesting, groping, prodding, and other exciting words. There’s more elaborate set ups to provide more restraint, but this is the minimalist set up to get the desired
Carnelian Crater, Tremar’s hometown. Tremar often jokingly refers to it as “Changeling-ville” as it better explains what it is, the place where his hive lives and it’s full of changelings.It’s one of the oldest changeling
Personally? Boxers. Though I have this drawstring style, elastic bands aren’t too common back at the hive, that’s more of a pony thing.On my targets, I don’t really care too much. Though, I do prefer that they do wear some, none
Scribble enjoying one of the many benefits of being a pegasus, cloud naps. Hope he found a place in the sky secluded enough to get away with napping in his briefs without any pegasi catching the view. — OC request that was fun to do, since clouds
Blue Cinema fell asleep on the couch watching a movie in his boxers. — Nothing much to say about this one, tried a new kind of gradient shading for the background so it’s a bit more gradual and not so sudden.
On a rather nice day, Vitus Yin decides to dry his laundry on a roof somewhere. Hopefully no pegasus fly over and catch a view of him in his briefs, not like he had a choice, laundry day and all. — Simple OC request, just to get me back in the
Mocha sleeping through the sunrise in his boxer briefs. — Still workin’ through that art block thing, plus I felt like drawin’ a pony butt. Though looking back, this may not be the best OC to do this pose in since you don’t really
Tich washed up on the beach in some orange trunks. — Been in a bit of an art block, hopefully I’ve gotten past that and can start pumping out pictures again. Also, brazilian trunks, is that the new trend in “fashionable underwear&rdquo
“Huh, did they shrink in the wash?" Perfect Pitch asked himself while examining his briefs after taking a shower. Hopefully they aren’t too snug! — OC Request for Perfect Pitch getting out of the shower. Needed to do something
“I’ll be down in minute, Twi, I still need to get dressed!” Spike yelled from the bathroom. This is how normal mornings usually go, Spike waking up later than Twilight, and Twilight rushing Spike to get ready so he could start on his
Unusual Crate leaned back groaned in his computer chair as he lost yet another round on his online computer game. What was with his team mates going afk for no reason? — OC request for Unusual Crate, tried something different with the head angle