submit your pics
Currently playing as a yeen on the server again <3
Public announcement-
Future stream plans
The more I forget to draw the ahoge and the halo on my character the more I die a little inside, please try not to get confused by my forgetfulness XD
This is what brilliance is made of XD
Shower first, then more ark!
I’ll be hopping on almost every day on my off weeks and might play as other creatures sometimes, but you’ll most likely see me walking around as Tora the Hyaenodon, a male puppers because females can’t have dicks. (though i still roleplay it as
Ark: Survival evolved
Straming me bein a dino
More! More parts we say! Continuing right where we left off last time, here’s more Team FACK! Remember these are unlisted and contain adult content so please mind who you share these with!
Love is in the air!
hero529 replied to your video “I should be asleep but if you’re awake with me then you can watch Team…” but what GAME are you using to play your tabletop RPG?Answer added to the Team FACK FAQ~
I should be asleep but if you’re awake with me then you can watch Team FACK’s madness! Remember these are unlisted and adult-only so mind your shares!More episodes are under the #teamfack tag on this blog!
Adventures of Team FACK! - YouTube
And the last part of Session 3 is available! Remember these are unlisted and mature-viewers only so don’t go sharing them with minors!Other episodes are listed under #teamfack!
What’s this? A second (mini) episode? Yes, yes it is. Teaser to the full second half which will be uploaded soon. For those not wanting a huge video, here’s a small 30 minute sampler for us!Other episodes are under #teamfack!
Next part finally up after much delay! Please remember that this is unlisted and mature content so share with care! Next few parts will hopefully be uploaded over the next few days to catch us up.Previous episodes under the tag #teamfack!
Full Commissions still going!The following people should show up this week before Saturday!SunitharisSer FrekdrickScorchHanazelyaThese people have full commissions still waiting and can show up and get their’s works on if nobody else ahead of them is
kuroodod: I’m heavily into vore. So when I saw the chance I animated my ‘shinx self’ sampling a new dish. Hm? I’m being lewd? Nah, you’re being lewd. Also, imagine this from the point of view of the diglett for added vore fun. Note: Shinx Kuro
thefireboundmage: It’s finally up! For those that missed the PMD Session or just want to listen in again or share it with friends you can now do so! Just a warning though the video is 100% NSFW so share it with care! We plan on recording all of our
This was a fun day-
askrenardfoxx replied to your photo “Full Commissions Next Week! People who should be there: Sunitharis …” Words from Rakuras: Like, rawr, y'know? Don’t make me sick a snake on your butt :P - Rakuras
Full Commissions Next Week!People who should be there:SunitharisSer Fredrick l3loodKnight + Natsunomeryru Storm Spark Scorch hanazelya ~2pm EST start time, first on the list to show gets theirs worked on as usual. If you aren’t listed but
Valentine commissions are a go! It’s time for this months themed stream week! Rules: All picture will be in either Simple shade or full CG. Not much stipulation this time, go wild! Up to two characters are allowed this time, love is in the air! Remember
Starting tomorrow and going till at least friday, maybe saturday. I’ll be allowing both single and two characters on this one, get your comission in for your loved ones early!
jarvofbutts: jarvofbutts: capseys: Still think they should be bigger when they’re being pumped into you, @jarvofbutts ? Did I over do it? …Naaahh! Fuuuuuuuuuuck <3
I’m glad you all enjoy all of her crazy forms haha, ~<3
Twice the arms, twice the possibilities ;D
This is all @xilrayne‘s fualt-
a-taken-name replied to your post “It’s finally up! For those that missed the PMD Session or just want to…” is there nsfw action, or just words. just curious The table has,
askrenardfoxx replied to your photo “You know, I’m pretty sure my friends are trying really hard to make my…” Smol hat This man gets it. That’s the real, true and high quality
sombramalamutt: Tried uploading this earlier from my phone but failed miserably at that. :P So I like making bunny eared hats outta…anything. So a Danny Phantom themed one was obviously gonna happen. Ear fluff needs to be brushed out a bit more
You know, I’m pretty sure my friends are trying really hard to make my fanbase believe im into vore. ohwell, I’ll be doing regular sketches for a while anyways.I just tag these as vore because its easier and mawshots are asociated with vore in the
hannahblumenreich: sorry in advance, my babies
It’s finally up! For those that missed the PMD Session or just want to listen in again or share it with friends you can now do so! Just a warning though the video is 100% NSFW so share it with care!We plan on recording all of our sessions from now on.