submit your pics
wi-fu: With this out of the way, it’s your blog. Reblog what you want, not what people tell you to reblog. By “presenting the content to the audience in the right way” I mean this post. It’s fine asking for help for reblogs, but please don’t
Those who have bee paying attention know that i spent the first two weeks of july back in my home state with my family. But today I’m flying back to new mexico, back to my current home, which means I’ll be on a plane all day yaaaay x3x ohwells,
Ghosts get to choose how big they want to be, therefor ghost pokemon are the way to go.screenshot provided by @skuttz
Something sexy is blocking the road!Screenshot sent in by @gentlesoulfoxy
thefireboundmage: thefireboundmage: My new canon about mimikyuu being nothing but a black mass of tentacle goo under that costume that i borrowed from this pic! Also salandit becuase its one of my new favorites >3>. Decided to make this a three
thefireboundmage: My new canon about mimikyuu being nothing but a black mass of tentacle goo under that costume that i borrowed from this pic! Also salandit becuase its one of my new favorites >3>. Decided to make this a three pic series. in
giformation: Pokemon Go! Team Icons complete set.
My new canon about mimikyuu being nothing but a black mass of tentacle goo under that costume that i borrowed from this pic! Also salandit becuase its one of my new favorites >3>.
In order: - It was great, just how i remember it from when i was younger, I am originally from michigan after all and we went there almost every summer when i was young…This trip was because I wanted to show my boyfriend a peice of my childhood.
so i was unable to work on anything the past two days. today i get to chill tho (blisters and all) and maybe draw some thingies :D <3
brienneofsharks: Here is a comic I made for your enjoyment and education
ask-the-amazon-mares: thefireboundmage: This is part two, click here for part one! Camie: *Chuckles,* I’m surprised you can walk. Perhaps you’d like a memory wipe spell? Maybe you’d like to relive the event? Or maybe you’re itching for…more?~
I finally finished it holy GOD this took me a while just sooooo many edits…got some knots, got some goo, got some eggs, just so much goodness for you guys. This one will be going up on my patreon next month and will be helping me pay for stuff
More badges woo! Poison trail’s is a after dark badge but i couldn’t fit the words ;3;
To those of you who pay attention you know that this just means you’ll see it after a month, I don’t paywall my content i post all of it eventually yada yada yada.Anyways i need some help. I’m going to include three pokemon. the first one I’ve
That’s right, yesssss yesss good. Soon more and more people will become my followers, they shall worship the dick. there is no escape MWHAAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!
chasefaster: Eevolution
a6: a6: your current interests and personality depends singlehandedly on whether u were a neopets kid or a club penguin kid the alignments: lawful good: club penguinneutral good: fantagechaotic good: poptropica lawful neutral: toontowntrue neutral:
@ask-hex-albel-weiss - SFW and NSFW ask blog with a handsome howrse~@neko-snicker - SFW art blog with a radical style~@ask-gin-vodka - SFW ask blog for the cutest villans ever~@likeableartist - SFW cool dude with a kinky NSFW side, if you can find it~@co
Blogs that follow me that do art yooooooo i wanna know! I don’t care how “bad” you think your art iz. Oh but please check your follow list to make sure I’m already not following you. It’s surprising how many people don’t know.~?
This is part two, click here for part one!Camie: *Chuckles,* I’m surprised you can walk. Perhaps you’d like a memory wipe spell? Maybe you’d like to relive the event?Or maybe you’re itching for…more?~
It’s… a looong story.Basically, some of you might remember the Visual novel I was making, but because of things that KEPT coming up progress on it slowed to a crawl.My friend needed to move because he was losing the house, i spent a little over
ask-the-amazon-mares: thefireboundmage: ask-the-amazon-mares: By the stars, what have I done?! Camie: Well now… I wouldn’t say that. But, if you’re in need of some assistance…I would be happy to oblige my dear~ Such a small pony….wait…assistance?
I have wanted to show this for a while, on the left is what MOST computer screens are like, if it was standing on it’s own it wouldn’t look off to you (this laptop is barely 2 years old btw). now on the right is what my really big amazing super high
More badges woo!
ask-the-amazon-mares: By the stars, what have I done?! Camie: Well now… I wouldn’t say that. But, if you’re in need of some assistance…I would be happy to oblige my dear~
sugaryviolet: fillyfeathers: kudalyn: when your friends are kinkenabling you instead of kinkshaming you @sugaryviolet *Blows a kiss with a wink~* Every one of my friends-
thefireboundmage: Okay I lied, I couldn’t help sneaking in one more >w< After dark badges are also available! C’mon you guys know me :P
Okay I lied, I couldn’t help sneaking in one more >w< After dark badges are also available! C’mon you guys know me :P
Phew, okey yeh i think I’ll leave the rest of them for tomorrow :3
Just finished two more badges but i can’t post em till money is received. might do one more tonight and leave the rest for tomorrow we’ll see >w< <3
Badges done so far! Still more to go, imma truck’n along :3
So becuase i need to break up the pace becuase my art block hates me and i really REALLY want to do more with this super thick lined style I have decided to open up badge commissions.RULES:1. These will not be stream commissions, please submit your commis
thefireboundmage: A fluffy bed of peeps for Cordite’s adorable dragon :D
thefireboundmage: Badge that was half gift half style practice for the awesome @neko-snicker
pangodillo: cryohedron: I wonder what kind of loot I’ll drop when I die new ask meme, tell me what kind of loot I’ll drop when I die