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Badge that was half gift half style practice for the awesome @neko-snicker
A fluffy bed of peeps for Cordite’s adorable dragon :D
People who should be there:1. Cordite2. Hanbird3. ShadowKing (On hold until further notice)
This months mixed bag as promised!Two lovely full cg pictures with edits for you lovely digimon and pokemon peeps, a naughty sunburst for my ever present MLP fans, and even the first two pages of my in progress comic to sate those hungry sizeplay appetite
During out Pokemon DND today I got a shiny miltank….im very happy about this… more moomoo artz soon~
ask-hexandtesla: I don’t know why I made this.
nsfwtwotail813: ehehe >:3 Hearty don’t know her limits in such thing, I guess. Some more blowjob, I hope it looks nice and maybe little bit hot… ;w; mmmmmm~
its D&D TIME
IT HAS STARTED!To those wondering why I can’t do both its because its a comic, that would be way to much work, AND to those wondering why im not asking for futa, it is because it is feral, which means i can’t just put boobs and a peen on it and call
iguanamouth: frog-and-toad-are-friends: Pokemon idea: Giant strips of grass that move and act like snakes. Ground/Grass. Name them ENVELAWN and CONSTRICTURF. this is such a good idea i
phew, i dunno why but i passed the fuck out early last night and now im awake early wat is this even-
*Groggy groans* Okay…streaming…soon…just gotta…nrgh
thefireboundmage: People who should be there: 1. Cody Fox 2. Zuthal 3. Cordite
No, no it doesn’t, bad artist, nnnnnnno *baps on the head*
Who’s next to milk the Linkle kitty? Find out how many beads are attached to that tail~
Princess peach kitty has a package for you >3>…….<3
Fixing my sleep schedual and dealing with art block. I still feel really bad about the art block that happened during my last stream. You guys are all so sweet to me, even my commissioners have the patience of a saint, why am I blessed so much-. I shall
sassydew: @thefireboundmage im steel >o>
Even in D&D my character is a lecher, and she has enough stealth to avoid being cuaght. none of the other party member characters know she has a penis, but im sure they will soon XDThis is my first sexy act in our D&D so far and im pretty happy
So two weeks ago we started out Pokemon D&D, and during a random encounter with a pack of wild zigzagoon there was one that survived 7 pokeballs before it was caught. We called this, “the zigzagoon that refused.” He was eventually caught by
ceejles: FANFIC DUMP TIME! Cuz my heart is so mean for making me feel things… plus all the lousy hurried lines and uneven experimental coloring ;;;;;w;;;;;; what is wrong with me these days P 1. The Ladybugs and The Bees by BullySquadess P 2. Rainy
cottoncandysheeps: You ask, I give, I know she already kinda existed but I really like this design so there ya go. Introducing Naomi (grinding<3* on a giant dragon dick), she’s def gonna be the kinkiest girl I make, very much open to sex talk
Well fucking hell that was unexpected >O> <3
i need a monster to draw, an enemy from something like…monster hunter, dark cloud 1 and 2…..zelda….. final fantasy…more games i don’t know of that have sexy monsters u fight….. (Include a link to a picture ref for
Huh, whats that? Another art pack? Why yes, yes it is :3 Those who like yoshi and bowser are in luck, so many wonderful artists. I’m honored I got to take part! :DGet all the information for downloading HERE!
People who should be there:1. Cody Fox2. Zuthal3. Cordite
neko-snicker: Animation commission for @thefireboundmage AAAAAAAAAAAAAA OH MAI GAWD ITS ADORABLE IM DED I LUV IT THANKYOU YES-<3333333333333333
nicoleships: nonfiction. in like doses of ten minutes.why do I like this is there some innate reason why I like this This is me and my boyfriend, he’s even got the big poofy beard guys you don’t even know-<3
Why yes it is my good sir, can’t fight them sexy pheromones unf~
Queen bees beware of the queen catcher. this flower feeds on the excess unfertilized eggs and covets the nutrient honey they are steeped in. It also knows exactly how to get it~
likeableartist: I was trying to look up some “can’t art” gifs because i’m too tired and angry to draw, i guess google says otherwise.