submit your pics
Blame Ori(anna)
fr0styryan:When you’re about to click the new layer button in Photoshop, but a Skype notification gets in the way. >:( (Yes, I know I could move the layer box, but I’m so used to it being in its default position haha…) I know right? and for
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A little something i did fer equinox-poni for helping me out, whether he colors it or not is up to him i suppose :3~
When I'm bored, I go through my followers and browse down their blogs.
>.>hope this explains why my commissions are not open yet
gustygalaxy:skype call: nobody talking, just clicking and keyboard sounds
skuttz:I took my computer woes out on thefireboundmage. Dark magic sure makes you hungry. Freebie stream may have to go traditional this month or pushed off another weekend if I can’t sort it out. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg ican'tgetenoughofthis
I have no idea why I am doing this but I felt like submitting this 30 minute Honchkrow I drew because you like Pokemon and Idk… .>.>It’s called inspiration, and its awesome! I love how the soft lines look and the backround goes really well
Old ref I’m thinking of redoing in the future, but I still kinda like this character. he’s a combination of a charmander and a quilava~
You draw your characters very… curvy. It makes them pleasant on the eyes, almost relaxing, if that makes sense. Your lines are still really distinct though, despite that.Daww thanks so much, yesss i love round things, round things are pleasent <3
what is the most noticeable thing of my art style?
Simple shade for azzy~ :3
ewgrossitsme replied to your post:I think someone is abusing your voting system, lab…I dont know, according to the thing Labrat suddenly got 53 votes in the span of like, 30 min. Not saying it wouldn’t get voted for that much, it’s just a little
What should I draw more of?
Okami with friends
Here’s A Drawing of your dragon. ^^Eeeee thanks so much this looks super awesome, i was just waiting for a good time to post it hsbfhksf ilu <3
g-mod replied to your post:MLP and Pokemon MLP and pokemon Can’t get enough…Do you mean sexually?of course~
MLP and PokemonMLP and pokemonCan’t get enough of that MLP and pokemon~ ♫
I know its super late but
yassui:well fuck you too, tablet IM NOT THE ONLY ONE ;3;
ghostrick-spoiled-angel replied to your photo:When each of your friends icons is your own art…The squadawyeh~
tattered-trails replied to your photo:When each of your friends icons is your own art….__. There everyone is…….??????????????
When each of your friends icons is your own art >>……..
So tumblr won't let me edit that last post....STREAMING