submit your pics
For those curious
Yep there are:the list is a raptor, a bunny/kangaroo thing, a stingray, a jackal and a Gryphon, and yes it does fly.
When your just chilling as an anthropomorphic cat thing on a sand jackal while your boyfriend is dancing as a transformed Halloween spider….
kribbles: Batch #2 is now Open! Flat color ฮ-40 Simplistic Background บ Add 50% for extra characters. You can message me on discord or on here! I am opening up five slots! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Path of Fire
Stream a little late today
Full Commission Week
My current favorites so far, and I’m almost done beating the game, there are still tons of monsters i havnt found yet tho XD I MUST GET MY GOLD RATHALOS <3
I found another favorite *w* <3
Short stram
I have discovered her, the perfect size-play victim mwahahahahaah….MIGHT be next months patreon thing, thinking about letting you guys pick which monster gets to have some fun, once I choose my favorites and the ones i can actually DRAW of course
Speaking of pokemon-
I only upload one paid thing per month. anything else i upload is free and if i don’t upload anything that month then you don’t pay a dime.
shiny hunting rockruff is actually super super easy, since you can guarantee a chain without ever leaving battle, and the higher your chain goes the more chance you have at getting one. even more so if you have the shiny charm.It still takes forever,
I’ve seen him around from the other MH games but aint he just adorable all cartoony? XD
I DIDS THE PATREON ON TIME FOR ONCE ZOMG-……..*sobs*Anyway i hope you guys like x.X Every dollar helps, support me.
in all seriousness tho
Huh? Wuzzat? a game with pokemon like elements where you can catch and Ride creatures in a beautiful artstyle that i can actually DRAW in?…..huh….huhhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAa-I got Monster
hmmmmmm…..hmmmmmmmm…..I might have cheated with the dragon pokemon on that pokemon thing….since technically the base pokemon isn’t…BUT ITS GLORIOUSEAlso apologies for my slip up hawhaw~
thefireboundmage:Guys I found an amazing favorite type generator, here are all mine! I desperately feel the need to do galvantula porn now hnnnnng-
Guys I found an amazing favorite type generator, here are all mine!
asktouchy: Looks like our skantily clad destructive hero has fallen for the equally skantilly clad lucky heroine! Despite not knowing who she is, they go on all sorts of adventurers together, some which leave them both a aroused, but then who wouldn’t
camychans-hideaway:Whoop whoop! :o expect tons of slightly different art styles until i get this right hmmmmmmmm-
camychans-hideaway: Well jesus fuck I should have kept this one a sketch…I’m going to upload every peice of art even If i don’t like it but GODDAMN- ugh…. So I’ve made a new sideblog which will only be SFW stuffies. This means I won’t be
So as some of you might know, I LOVE watching let’s plays, particularly blind ones. I usually stick to solo channels, since all the co-op ones tend to make fun of a game and not really pay attention to it as a result :cBUT I have found it, the one co-op
Project week pt. 3 >.>;;
littlerubyrue: kidtheadult: Look, Just…. don’t be afraid to talk to people- they’re just people. But don’t dump all your problems on someone who hasn’t specifically said they’re happy to listen to anything you have to say. Please? It’s stressful.
The final picture will be structured just like last time, including a little baug friend at the top right. Be sure to include a name for the adopt and the owner’s name, and the baug you want when claiming! These are the baug companions. You choose
Three more hours
~12 hours remain...
So Last week was garbage..
Project Week Pt. 2
Guess what im playing…ohman this is an obscure one-Come chat with me
Project Week
More kitties, this time being CUTE~
Quickie Commissions this week!