submit your pics
Shou’s 2017 Plans
artsoffido: generalscraggy: TEAM SKULL 💀 @thefireboundmage
More pinata porn becuase im wearing myself out drawing all my patreon stuff-Mallowolf is adorable
And the winner is-
Apologies for the lack of commission streams-
Yes it is a flying mount :3When it flies it vibrates and has its mouth open LOL
playicarus: DEV Blog #9 – Sandstorm by BK Greetings, Riders! It’s BK again, the lead designer for the Riders of Icarus development team at WeMade. I’m here to share details on Sandstorm, our first major content update of the new year! Riders
No stream today
stream soooooooooon~
angstrom-nsfw: gigastenk: siebewastaken: This is probably obvious to most but man:When you’re going to randomly message someone you’re not close with, make sure you have something to talk about.Don’t just go “hi, what’s up”, and expect a
Streaming in an hour~
Patreons don’t forget!
Apologies for the extra hour, i forgot to charge my tablet so it needed time to charge before i could draw anything. In the meanwhile have this pinata cow i drew during last nights stream.stream should start in a few minutes :3
Streaming in an hour
Ahahaha good luck with that, i take no sides. if i find a game i like, i will do what i have to do to play it, whether i need to suck it up and use a keyboard (in the case of riders of icarus) or whether i need to go through a controller. The platform
That seems to be the general consensus about this post, you are all lewd and i will be fucking pinatas within the next week LOL
Streaming in an hour, if you have a commission pending make sure to be there!
So I just found out Viva Pinata is on pc-
1. Sooo like every farming video game ever? XD I don’t think your supposed to think about it too deeply.2. you can get the physical copy for pc if you look on amazon or ebay you’ll find it.
start watching for commission streams!
Decided to mess with my writer while he writes amazing smut for me <3
That one mutual who likes all your personal posts
Im doing things
And the winner with the tie breaking ŭ+ votes (each adding 4% flat as we’ll do the nearest 10s place divided by 5 as a bonus for their extra support) comes to…Rockruff/Mew were very, very close seconds (by 1 ŭ+ vote!) and we’ll be adding
Your thinking a bit too big, I’m aiming to finish this in four months, its more like a series of sex scenes the player gets to choose from. There is a story but its very downplayed, don’t expect something that is going to last over maybe a few hours
I finally got my new baby after 7 taming marks burned ;3; hard work <3
Ahahhahah yer funny, me and language don’t get along very well XD
Really wishing i knew how to read korean right now...
Plush wolf is curious about tiny kitty :3~
its-makku: kawacy: normal people vs artistwhen looking at good arts.. (me and my sister | colored version) I WAS WORKING ON THIS EXACT COMICFUCK Nailed it-
Pokemon Visual Novel voting now live!
Visual Novel Announcement + Patreon Changes for Jan-April 2017
New years resolution~
ask-zephyr-wing: Mod: Any Questions? :) Wing: Mod… ._. (lol Thought I’d have fun with this ask. x3 We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled ponies soon! ^^ thestruggleisreal)
Tiny FAQ/Commission Process Update
Join usssssssssssss!
So i just got two dildos sent right to my door-
So I’ve been going on a mount catching spree in the new area in riders and this is my haul from the last three days <3
Decorating in the snow ;3
Phallic shaped christmas ornaments, welp~
Theres no place like home for the holidays! see the colored version over on @xilrayne‘s blog~
Now thats a nice gift~
Friendly christmas slimes~
An alternative to stuffing stockings ;3
Commission Changes for 2017
And this month’s theme is...
Its a hard knock life, for me-