Never Ever Give Up (
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Consider yourself warned
Nice selfie (Norman photobombs his own pic of Melissa while they prepare for their Conan appearance)
Excavation in progress, please wait
Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not an historian
Just one of the pitfalls of working a mirrored bar
Only a couple of times
And the brownies were on the floor because … ??
It’s all downhill from here
That’s some fancy footwork, pony-boy
We did not request sound effects, young man
Too big to describe
The oath is spoken
Eternal watch (Stonehenge)
Dynasty (Tigress with her cubs)
Manly pursuits (Paul Newman and Robert Redford relax during a break in filming “The Sting”)
Don’t ever stop
It would make things so much easier
Lifelong hilarity
Need dis book
I’ll never look at cupcakes the same again
Fruitful artistry
Aliens among us (Professor Adam Summers first bleaches, then dyes fish specimens to reveal their complex skeletal beauty)
Light the night (St. Moritz, Switzerland)
Triple handful of trouble (Raccoon kits)
Stretching their legs (Ostriches with their brood of chicks)
The world’s tallest twins (Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Truth in advertising is an oxymoron
Got the experience, now just need a Barnett Headhunter
Pachyderm sized problems
I don’t hear her laughing
Your fears are baseless
Another reason to bring yer own
Lacking spatial intelligence
Feathers make me itchy (preening Kestrel)
Flirting with danger (cinematographer Didier Noirot with a Great White Shark)
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” ~ Joseph Campbell (climber entering an ice cave on the Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia)
Curds and whey (cheesemaker Jacques Murith toiling at his craft near Lac de la Gruyère, Switzerland)
The long and winding road (Norway)
Braving the inferno
Medieval mood
We can either help you celebrate, or we can commiserate
Keep up the good work
He’s doing his best to ignore you
He’s all yours, fuzz face
Sleeping giant (Sequoia National Park, California)
Don’t let anything impede your progress
Day’s end in the far north
Who ya gonna hook up with WTSHTF?
Six days, actually
A very defensible position
Teal tornado
Heading for the sunrise
Enjoy the flame while it burns
Pink Floyd ~ “Breathe”
Poignant tweets on the loss of a great actor
R.I.P. Philip Seymour Hoffman, gone far too soon
Monolithic view (Mt. Fuji, Japan)
Spoken like a true survivor
Invite the light (Cosmovitral in Toluca, Mexico, is a botanical garden embellished with stained glass murals. Originally built 1910 as a market, which closed in 1975, Leopoldo Flores subsequently convinced the city government to convert it into an art