Never Ever Give Up (
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I sense a slight discrepancy
Secret hideaway
Took ya long enough
Ain’t nothin’ funny at that hour of the day
C’mon, times a-wastin’
A little subtle humour never hurts
Plus — bonus — he’s a ginger
Choose your weapons
Elemental power
Why the funny face, mom?
Sinister stare (Corallus caninus — the Emerald Tree Boa, native to the Amazon rainforest)
The future belongs to those that believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
And he ain’t done yet
I prefer the old standby
Shoulda asked Siri
A superhero’s life can be a real circus (Adam West as Batman, 1967)
Nothing like a little ’roo massage at the end of a hard day
You spin me right ’round, baby
Trolling for idiots
My awesomeness is obscuring my vision
Tea for two (Alfred Hitchcock with the MGM lion, 1957)
The smell of good times
Just another bar denizen
Don’t believe everything you read
When life gives you earthquakes, ride that sucker
Where wisdom dwells
Just shoot me (Johnny Depp takes a break while filming the cheese sandwich ironing scene in “Benny & Joon”, 1993)
Back off, fish-breath (Grizzly bears)
Inequitable ignominy
Lawd, what we women have to endure …
Holy shi…..
It mutilates their manliness
Perils of the printed word
Free association psychology
Last gasp (“street” art by Tasso in Germany)
In the land of Edelweiss (Emmental, Switzerland)
Humans can be horrifying creatures
Flower child
He naturally has no future as a standup comedian
It’ll return when you least expect it
Superhuman lung capacity
I knew he was sweet, but I didn’t know he was made of sugar
Subliminal messaging
Housekeeping day at the stoner mansion
Free as a bird
Distance lends enchantment to the view. ~ Mark Twain (Grand Canyon photographed from the International Space Station)
Open a book and open your mind
The only civilized way to celebrate Sunday
Technological evolution
Pool trampoline?! Want!
That’s cold
Gritty creativity (3D beach art)
Just a slider for me, thanks
Maybe they don’t understand the definition…
But I thought you liked mouse sashimi
And ask her to send eggs and toast…
Your wish is my command (yep … 3D printed sugar cubes are here!)
The great escape of Ted E. Bear