Never Ever Give Up (
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Me in front of every bakery window
C’mon in, the water’s fine
Hiding from reality
Keepin’ up our end of the bargain
The laying on of paws
Dammit, Rover, git outta the backhoe!
getmedown GetMeDown GETMEDOWN
ESP fully functional, cap’n
Follow that water warrior!
Economic evasion
Mortal combat (a rare confrontation between a leopard and a cheetah in Botswana)
A little birdie told me (Oxpecker and Impala)
Anticlimactic conclusion
Cleared for takeoff
Epic camo shark … he’s one sneaky motherf*cker
Must be a Police dog
Keep yer superiority to yerself
Unbearable housemates
Guess they couldn’t read it until they were REAL close
And it was well worth the wait
Blow in her ear and she’ll follow you anywhere
Ceiling Cat didn’t want that title anyway
Words to live by
Hallelujah … no, wait …
Thanks, I think I’ll pass
You can say that again
Noooo, not Mr. Bunbun!
Their instincts far outshine ours
Picturesque preen (Egret)
Mood remedies
That’ll teach him
Thanks for that brilliant insight
Back in the good ol’ daze
Do I look stoopid or somethin’?
Dead appendages
Perplexing paradox
Ironic juxtaposition
The super power of flight
Especially on a lazy Saturday
You’ll find them … reasonable
Rock ’em sock ’em rivalry
The pointy bits could prove problematic
You want ’em to starve or somethin’?!
Must be hard to maintain that superiority with that mayor of yours
Raviolis, my favourite!
Extra marks for ability to derail a freight train
My kinda season
Like a boss
Um, I think maybe it IS parked … til the next thaw
Furry guardian angel
Surreal skies
Not til you get yer license
Sculpted by nature (iceberg in Antactica)
Things got nastier as time progressed
Guilty as charged
Trust me, you’ll be happier without it
After you! No, please, after you!
Summer, time to shed the fur
Friendly graffiti
The view is better up here