Never Ever Give Up (
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This working for a living crap sucks
Rock solid advice
Heavy metal bird of prey
Life’s little unavoidable indignities
Choose your genre wisely
Next time I’ll just ask myself
Yep, they definitely look baked
Irish eyes
Powerful reflection
Imperceptible predator
Damn hitchhikers
Not, knot, naught
Bloody hell…
Moon goddess
Chillin’ with his crew
Deadly beauty (Vogel’s Pit Viper ~ nicknamed 100-Pace-Snake from a local belief that once bitten, a victim has little chance of walking farther than 100 paces before dropping dead)
Spring showers (Red-eyed Tree Frog)
All aboard the mommy boat (Red-necked Grebe ferrying her chicks)
Crystalline curl
Sunrise sentinel
The tracks of my tears (Cheetah)
The connection is tenuous at best
Upstream downstream (stairway in Ihwa Village near Seoul, Korea)
Don’t go looking for trouble (A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams)
They’re obviously not making much progress
Yet another lie perpetrated by our esteemed academies of learning
This guy could give lessons
I’d be em-bear-assed too
Watch those claws, little buddy
Little snorkeler
Homesteaders (Paul and Linda McCartney on their farm in the Mull of Kintyre, 1970)
Just another gruesome day
Best diet ever
Revenge of the plants … now in 3D
Want a kitten instead of a kid?
Words to live by
Monster makes amends
Clearing the earth –and your brain– of clutter
One things leads to another
Daa dun … daa dun …
Toss the creepy old man back, honey
My focus has no middle ground
Explosive evidence
Some commuters are real swingers
Defective copy cat
Kitty wants a cuddle
Not so subtle hygiene hints
Interspecies inequality
Wrong destination
Double selfie (Jon Hamm snaps himself and his wax effigy at Madame Tussau’s in New York)
That one’s a bit of a stretch
Extra limbs required
Legendary impersonation
Opposable thumbs come in handy
Call me back on payday
Proud papa and his family
Ugh, two more days to go …