Never Ever Give Up (
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I’d like to bite that leg (an actual parody cookbook — recipes include “Dripping Thighs”, ”Bacon Bound Wings” and ”Mustard Spanked”)
Fashion fads fade fast
To hell with double standards
All’s fair in war and courtesy
Kitty kielbasa anyone?
Putting downtime to good use
A paragon of intelligence
E for effort
A persuasive campaign
I am SO ready!
Kindly suspend your breeding program
Technologically challenged
Whadya mean there’s no app for that?
Rationality needs a rest sometimes
Hold that pose
All dressed up and nowhere to go
The snowball bank
Well, he IS British …
Those wet wipes sure do come in handy
So much for that experiment
And I could use the exercise
Definite improvement in view
With apologies to all the romantics out there
Dunno what I’d do without you
Lost in the maze
I’ll happily provide the shovel
Serene scene
It was a frozen moment in time
Full moon in Leo tonight
Hard copy fail
High five, you horny hare-brain
Need some spice for my storyline
Now that I have your attention…….
At least the treatment was cheap
Shoulda stayed in bed
Shadows are … fascinating
I think the planet could actually use a few extra hugs
Interminable intermission
Masterful metaphor
Here’s to a month of foam moustaches
One week of training to go!
He’ll be too hungover in the morning to predict anything
The Quixotic class shall show the way
Harken to the harmony within
Chilly crossing (Timber wolves)
Surreal seascape (Adelie penguins, Antarctica)
L’il cottontail
Pegasus found (street art, Tunisia)
The best hugs are bear hugs
Psst, hey mate … looks like you’ve got a hitchhiker
The marks of survival
Enjoy your head trip (Rory Culkin, Joaquin Phoenix and Abigail Breslin in “Signs”, 2002)
Brisk morning ballad (Red-winged Blackbird)
They’re few and far between
So sue me
Congruent cardigan
Nice try … you lose
I love birds! They’re so … graceful
Yeah, buddy, I’m over winter too
Furry alarm clock is stalking you