Never Ever Give Up (
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In no uncertain terms
Lookin’ good, gramps
And keep your eyes closed
Indulging the powerless
Must’ve forgot his phone …
Good karma cops
Stormtroopers had it rough after the Death Star fiasco
The epitome of cool (NOT)
Never trust Mother Nature … she loves a good laugh
Looks better, but still stinks
Forgetfulness has its price
Chocolate = Walker bait
Slippery sportsmanship
Catchy slogan
Target sighted (Puma)
Spirals and lines
Upside down right side up (Sydney Harbour viewed through a glass of wine)
Gotta love the Aussie irreverence
Shoulda hid in the cellar instead
Sorry, just tryin’ to be helpful
Flirting with disaster
They should just search on the ’net
Canine logic
Hey, Kool-Aid! Oh yeah!
No argument here
Watch those moguls … and those mooguls
A little slow on the uptake
One dozen, that is
Jedi powers of concentration
These gals have a bright career future in marketing
Doing football a favour
Hasn’t moved in a while … d’ya think it’s dead?
Breaking News: Superman’s Fortress of Solitude Found (Lake Superior)
Must be Grumpy Cat’s cousin
Olympian fail
One awesome paint job
You creaky bastard
Poise takes practice
Vulcan cat salutes you
Always room for one more researcher
No sleds allowed (Red Bull Crashed Ice dogsled race in Finland)
Free flowing feline
Olympian leap
Count me in
Let’s get looped
The sky spirits are dancing (aurora over a trapper’s smokehouse, Porcupine River, Yukon)
Photo finish (a camel race in –50C weather during the Nadaam Festival in Inner Mongolia)
Just wait’ll this stupid snow melts…
Vulcans can’t stand puns
Cry like a little girl, probably
Gang of ruffians (Southern Rockhopper Penguins)
That’s one tough customer
In their hero’s shadow (statue of Balto in Central Park, New York)
Evidential psilocybin
Best bunker ever
Smells like happiness
Lighthearted hint
It’s milk ’n cookies time!
Take me away (Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Islands, Australia)
You’ll find the pickings pretty slim around here