rudeboy308's House of Anime Motivators (
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Yes, the glasses girl in this title is my favorite.
Lingerie Office, or something like that. Anyway, it centers on sex in the office. The scene with the glasses girl is my favorite.
Burst Angel. Jo the ass-kicker, and Meg the flaky cowgirl, get most of the attention. But my favorite is the mature leader of the group, Sei.
Sekirei’s Matsu, the perverted schemer of Minato’s stable of sekirei fighters, and my favorite of the group, along with Kazehana.
Bleach. Another tribute to Kon and his quest for fan service.
Love Hina’s opening song, “Sakura Saku,” performed live by its original artist, the lovely lovely Megumi Hayashibara (she plays Aunt Haruka, the head of the household). You simply cannot write a history of anime and leave her out of
Love Hina amv, done to “She Is Beautiful,” by Andrew W.K. A sample of the hilarious violence inflicted on our poor schlump Keitaro.
Love Hina’s Mutsumi Otohime, the spacey girl of the cast. Underwear is not worn under kimonos, and when combined with alcohol, we get that much closer to fan service.
Saeko Nogami from City Hunter. When it comes to fan service, she delivers like FedEX–some nude shots, but mostly cleavage and long legs. Unfortunately for Ryo Saeba, she has yet to deliver on the promises of mokkori (sex) for him. She’s
Agent Aika, 6th OVA episode. Golden Delmo Rie reveals the trap set for Aika. Of course, since this is Agent Aika, we’ve got to have a gratuitous panty shot. Another panty shot from Rie comes from the ground up.
Godannar, from the CM bumper for that episode.
Akiba Girls.
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, the last episode (#13). Mune-Mune shows up wearing nothing but lingerie, and she’s looking for her beloved Eutus, the one in the photo clipped to her bra.
An ordinary day with Makoto and Chitose. Makoto likes to get drunk, and when she’s drunk, she honks Chitose’s boobs like this while giggling like a loony.
Chokotto Sister. A tender story about a boy getting his younger sister back from the dead (his mom miscarried her, and he prayed to get her back), with adult comedy moments from Makoto’s (2nd from left) lesbian grabbies on the shy and easily embarr
Off to Bed
One of my three favorite females in One Piece.
Episode 23 of Outlaw Star, in the hilarious English dub. The shot I used came from about 13:16. Uncensored version–yes, you’re welcome!
Outlaw Star, episode 23, “Hot Springs Planet Tenrei.” When Cartoon Network broadcast the series in the afternoon, they cut out some scenes that were too adult for kids in the afternoon, cleaned up the language, and painted a bikini on Melfina
Boku Dake no Nurse. Text comes from the episode of Shin-Chan in which Shin mistakes a massager for an Action Bastard toy. The line comes from the girl in the Action Bastard commercial.
Burn Up Xcess. Nanvel is the team’s weapons inventor who comes up with some of the most crackpot devices ever seen outside of Q in the James Bond movies.
Godannar. Lisa, Goh’s first wife newly brought back to life, glomps Goh’s second wife, the teenaged Anna, as Anna’s mom Kirika watches.
Ane Ore no Imouto.
Rosario & Vampire, but I don’t know which episode. (I just bought the series and haven’t watched it yet.) Our cat girl teacher Ms. Nekonome in the traditional school swimsuit, an old, reliable fan service fetish.
“Skinship” is a delightful little Japlish term meaning a promotion of physical closeness between family members, up to and including sex. Though the term is used in teen-rated titles like Yumeria and Ikki Tousen, it’s most often seen
Kiddy Grade, from one of the CM bumpers for episode 19. Eclair gets a Nip/Tuck makeover–short purple hair, bigger boobs, and a new dress.
High School of the Dead, episode 6. (Damn, I love that episode!) The normally serious Saeko shows off a playful side as she gets back at Saya for dumping cold bath water over her. Bath time horseplay is not just for kids anymore!
Girls Bravo, episode 13. Kosame saves Kirie from a knockout blow in the fan service combat tournament. Kirie holds an unconscious Kosame in her arms, UNTIL she wakes up with this priceless facial expression and starts glomping Kirie again.
Daisy Dukes, named after the character in Dukes of Hazzard who helped popularize them, are cut-off denim shorts. Revy in Black Lagoon, and Misato in Evangelion before her, rock the Daisy Dukes most righteously. But neither of them can stuff as much
City Hunter is not widely available in America. All of the TV series and most of the movies were released by ADV years ago, so you’ll have to look for it on the used anime sites. I’m riffing on the Spider-Man cartoon’s theme song,
Agent Aika, OVA episode 3. Maypia, the spy, fails to get on board the enemy ship, and ends up like this.
Text a parody of Star Trek’s Infinite Diversity In Infinite Combinations. Hentai doujin lets you see everything you want and quite a bit you do not want.
Ah My Buddha, episode 26. Clockwise from top left: Chitose, Sakura, Sumi and Hinata. They’re trying to catch a spirit that has a nurse/doctor fetish.
And now for something more hardcore with Kirche.
My favorite character from Familiar of Zero in terms of fan service, though I still love Louise for how she wigs out on poor Saito.
At the end of the series, the lonely guy Matagu looks through a telescope looking for the next alien hottie to come and visit him. If the aliens look like her and her mom Hatsuho, I’d have a new interest in astronomy as well.
ROD TV’s Vanessa.
Menage a Twins, I believe.
Besides Misato, I also am a fan of Ritsuko in Evangelion.
Binetsu Kyoshi no Chieri.
Misato from Evangelion.
From the second episode of the first Tenchi Muyo series. A classic line that was even used for the English dub, and it even survived Cartoon Network’s heavy-handed censorship. Ryoko is referring to the round jewels on the hilt of Tenchi’s
I like to imagine Robert Plant belting this out in the style heard in “Black Dog.”
Not a fan of Pokemon, but I couldn’t resist this.
Left to right: Machina (blue hair), Akira (red hair, popsicle), Garnet, Toa, and Sieglinde. The series focuses a lot on the angst-ridden pretty-boy male characters, so it’s a relief to see these girls and fan service from them.
Ane Ore no Imouto. Song reference:
Amv done to “Weird Al” Yankovic’s “Do I Creep You Out?” (a parody of Taylor Hicks’ “Do I Make You Proud?”) A double-shot of creepy anime perverts: Kazuharu Fukuyama in Girls Bravo, and Mr. Kimura in
Just one of many boob jiggling scenes from Kirie in Girls Bravo.
Girls Bravo. Kazuharu keeps hitting on Kirie, and Kirie keep on hitting him. Kirie going WWE on his perverted ass–with her tagline, “Go [name of activity] in HELL!”–is sone funny stuff.