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quotemadness: “I’m a mess of unfinished thoughts.” — John Mayer
widewaterwoman: one of the best feelings in the world is being listened to and understood
vibing-alone:i don’t care about who i lose anymore as long as i don’t lose myself again
7l7l7l7l7l7l7l7:having a cold heart doesn’t mean you have no feelings, it means that you felt enough
dioraura-deactivated20200527:no one is me, and that’s my power.
desperateslutfordaddy:Orgasms hit different when they say “cum for me”
5-thousand-singles:If your laugh is funnier than the joke, I love u
fmjay:long walks & good talks
stillawfullydepressed:I don’t want to get out of bed, I don’t want to be alive
prettyflacko: you eventually realize who’s worth it and who’s not
honigimohr: “You don’t have to be good all the times. It’s okay to be hurt sometimes. It’s okay to feel lost like you’re wandering around in the dark. It’s the bad days that make the good ones so much better.” — Brittainy C. Cherry, The
lonelywithadropofwine:i wish i could kiss you good night
we-67:Say what you have to say. Life is short and we don’t read minds
give it to me
compariisonkills: “The best feeling in the world is being pulled closer” —
lylylylylylylylyly:my personal goal is to be the girl u can’t get out of ur head no matter how much u try
t-alajmii-deactivated20201019:Parked car conversations are lowkey therapy sessions
erev0s:“I like your name”Thanks you wanna moan it?
k3ngen-deactivated20220602:I apologize if I ever was a toxic person in your life, I’m maturing more everyday, correcting my wrongs and slowly but surely becoming a better version of me.
sleepyfemme:coming back to the things you loved when you were younger feels so special
schwierigephase: “Don’t sit and wait. Get out there. Feel life.” — Rumi (via thoughtkick)
naufragiodellasperanza:your soul is what makes you attractive
4-12:What you think of me has nothing to do with who i am
shamaliyaa:a heart deeper than the ocean
stillesgeschrei: “Lauf schon so lang nur weiß nicht wohin” — (via gedankenlyrik)
fudge-the-otter:If you’re reading this please be nice to yourself today because you do matter
honigimohr: “It’s okay to be not okay” — Ed Sheeran (via itcuddles)
honigimohr: “Ich habe nicht das Bedürfnis, sympathisch zu wirken.” — - (via kaisernero)
sadnena: really want that forever type shit
pussyprlnt:I love…….privacy
Simplicity & Authenticity
tear-dropp:wanna hug u and sleep
st-alajlan-deactivated20210402:i can be the coldest person if im hurt
madeofwhitebone:Actually, life is beautiful and I have time
stillesgeschrei: “Someday someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you’ve never seen, they’ll look at you like you’re everything they’ve been looking for their entire lives. wait for it” — Unknown (via thoughtkick)
thoughtkick: ““Can I see you again” is such a sweet thing to say.” — Unknown
deactivated72628-deactivated202:Fall in love with someone who will never let you go to sleep feeling sad
quotefeeling: “Healing is a choice. It is not an easy one because it takes work to turn around your habits. But keep making the choice and shifts will happen.” — Yehuda Berg
mughler:i want to be the kind of person that makes people feel good about themselves and the kind of person who motivates people to be the best that they can be
eiskalterjunge: “Bitte lass uns nochmal sein wie an diesem einem Tag.” — Cro
dark-soul9:If you lost someone but found yourself, you won.
adhighdefinition:self care is so damn difficult when you… don’t… care… about your own self
hatin: “I’ll go to bed, forget myself in sleep.” — The Master and Margarita (via neckkiss)
mjalti: why is my life …… like that
dont-give-a-fuck-club:Siri, turn my feelings off.
flickerman: the older I get, the more attractive stability becomes……………… i just want some god damn peace of mind and a non-stressful environment
aidashakur:the only reason i believe in love is because of the way i love
lylylylylylylylyly:i decided it would be best for everyone if i’m mean again
1617:I distance myself from people for a reason
tear-dropp:let’s go on late night drives listening to the songs you showed me
mariatahreza: I love talking to myself she gets me
stillesgeschrei: “Do you think because you touched me you know me? You’re just a boy and I have galaxies growing inside of me.” — dolorimeter (via meineluft)
amortizing:“In my memory, it doesn’t end. We just stay there, looking at each other, forever.” —