submit your pics
laniyng:took it personally because I never would’ve done it to you
mxthteeth:I think I’m too much and not enough at the same time
your-loosss-deactivated20220403:the quiet ones have the loudest minds
medele:loyalty is priceless and that’s all i need.
:cum for me and let me watch
saedii: Different is attractive af
stillesgeschrei: “I am tired of this place. I hope people change.” — Fools, “Troye Sivan Cover” (via quotefeeling)
bend-the-knee-for-thy-queen:Do you ever just want slow, lazy sex? Like, wake up early on a rainy Sunday and you’re spooning and you slide together like puzzle pieces that fit just perfectly. It’s hands, clutching each other close, whispered names
beanybabie: Girls with thick thighs and loud orgasms 😭💕
heavensghost:people will literally call u toxic for not letting them treat u like shit
thoughtkick: “I didn’t need you to fix me. I needed you to love me while I fix myself.” — Michelle K.
honigimohr: “Sometimes you just need to be selfish and take care of you. If they love you, they’ll understand.” — livelifehappy (via deeplifequotes)
j-eau: “Don’t compare your Chapter 1 to someone else’s Chapter 20.” — (via on-thin—ice)
yungdonr:i’ll cheat on my tests but never on you bb
prettypositivity:someone out there feels better because you exist
hatin:the truth is, i still have feelings for you. No matter how hard i try, a part of me just won’t let go..
lylylylylylylylyly:imagine someone thinking about you before they sleep
shanmustafa:“aw you remembered!” bitch i’m in love with you of course i remembered
vulpixiee:Relationships should be 50/50, he lets me wear his hoodies, and I wear absolutely nothing underneath them
1617:I will never give a fuck the same way twice
jumex:I made a fool of myself today and I will make a fool of myself tomorrow. Good night
fiberglassbunny:sometimes all you can do is lay under 3 large blankets while holding onto a stuffed animal
7l7l7l7l7l7l7l7:“trust the process” bro i have trust issues
labias: You know what’s good? The fact that no one knows what I’m doing
honigimohr: “Don’t say maybe if you want to say no.” — Paulo Coelho (via thoughtkick)
lmm-43:The way I care for people makes me wish I had somebody like me in my life.
honigimohr: “I only write when I am falling in love, or falling apart.” — (via vollenden)
jee-q:put her in Dior lingerie
it-giirl:i just want my person. sick of these temporary ass mediocre fucking humans.
lexxnova:Her titties little but her soul big
dark-soul9:i’m attracted to mindsets.. i need to see how you think cause looks ain’t enough.
yeah-thats-not-it: Pretty big fan of cumming
behindtheirhazeleyes: “Wenn du nicht an dich selber glaubst, dann glaube an mich, denn ich glaube an dich.” — Deine Worte
anfaaal:you can’t control nobody actions , loyalty comes from the heart
j-eau: “Notice the people who are happy for your happiness, and sad for your sadness. They’re the ones who deserve special places in your heart.” — (via exercise-for-confidence) this is the truest of the truths (via redtour)
9898989898:Isn’t it funny how things don’t go bad until you tell people
j-eau: “Wait for someone that makes you smile so hard that your cheeks hurt and loves you so much that you can feel it through their fingertips when they brush the hair out of your eyes and lean in to kiss you.” — don’t you dare accept anything
honigimohr: “Wenn man älter wird, begreift man irgendwann, dass das sogenannte Glück eigentlich nur aus einzelnen schönen Momenten besteht. Jene besondere Augenblicke, an die man sich später erinnert.” — Eines Abends in Paris, Nicolas Barreau
silk101:It’s not your job to be likable. It’s your job to be yourself. The right people will gravitate.
arabwife:Reminder that it’s ok not to have your shit together at 20 something
willynylanders:me @ myself: wish you weren’t so fuckin awkward bud
partickstump: i :) am :) so :) stressed :) about :) everything :) all :) the :) time :)
thoughtkick: “I want details when I ask you about your day” — Unknown (via perfectquote)
thoughtkick: “Remember, being yourself is the only way to find out who truly cares and loves you for you.” — TheGoodVibe (via perfectquote)
young-mulla-deactivated20210617:Never be someone’s sometimes
thoughtkick: “Don’t let people’s opinion of you define the choices you make in life.” — Unknown (via perfectquote)
schwierigephase: “i want to thank you for not loving me because of you i learned that loving myself is the most important thing i’ll ever do” — Selina S. this is the last Christmas with you on my mind (via wnq-writers)
kanyes-diary:i’m single and ignoring people like i’m taken.
behindtheirhazeleyes: Das perfekte Outfit beginnt mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht.
honigimohr: “Das Leben ist zu kurz, um sich mit halben Sachen zufrieden zu geben.” — Aussicht auf Sternschnuppen, Katrin Koppold
400eurojob: “Love someone who is kinder to you than you are to yourself.” — Nikita Gill (via quotemadness)
400eurojob: “If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo never let them go.” — Matthew Gray Gubler (via wordsnquotes)
lost-in-mythoughtss:Sometimes you don’t get what you want because you deserve better