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:true love feels like healing
bottled-up-feelings:you hugged me in my dreams
chemistree:a concept: me, you, at an aquarium holding hands and looking at sea turtles
honigimohr: “And if I show you my dark side, will you still hold me tonight?” — Pink Floyd, “The Final Cut,” The Final Cut (via wordsnquotes)
honigimohr: “When someone could show you heaven, that person could show you hell too” — (via 22-septembrie)
Simplicity & Authenticity
slslslslslslslslslslsl:everyone is judging so do whatever the fuck you want
marcellstory: Stell dir vor, du bist schon lange gut so wie du bist und merkst es nicht.
youremydoll: youremydoll:
no-wayoutt-deactivated20220302:dont talk to me while my earphones are in, mf im at a concert
bhodacious-deactivated20220401:saying how you feel will never ruin a REAL connection
closeddoorsofmymind: Don’t kiss my neck unless your goal is to get fucked.
hayatim-baby: “Es ist egal, was die Zeit aus uns beiden gemacht hat, danke, dass du damals oft mit mir gelacht hast.” — … (via stimmeimkopf)
everythings-reminding-me-of-you: “It’s not living if it’s not with you.” — 19.55pm
xmea: “I pray to god that we will find our way back together every night.”via @xmea
nadda36:Age don’t make you grown. Your mindset & the way you move does.
gnarhh:sometimes the only solution is to go to sleep
everythings-reminding-me-of-you: “I wish I knew how to stop loving you.” — Paris Youth Foundation
goalswither: Women with tattoos omfg
senseitive:so glad i outgrew some people
hellish-daddy: ““There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”” — (via amortizing)
honigimohr: “Half of her beauty is her brain.” — (via cozycash)
honigimohr: “One of the most amazing feelings in the world is having someone fall in love with you who you thought you never had a chance with.” — (via honorifics)
z-ndjenja: Not everyone u lose is a loss … unless it’s me … then u fucked up
give it to me
stillesgeschrei: “Wie lernt man, einen Menschen endgültig loszulassen?” — (via zugekokstejugend)
lavendelsommer:all white everything
gonexinsane:When you give so much, but it’s not enough
honigimohr: “Kennst du das wenn sich deine gute Laune in 4 Sekunden ändert?” — (via peachy-soymilk)
yourakh: do good without expecting anything back
honigimohr: “isn’t it crazy how you can make me sad but at the same time you are the only one who can make me feel better?” — jxnuh (via wordsnquotes)
quotefeeling: “I over-analyze situations because I’m scared of what will happen if I’m not prepared for it.” — Turcois Ominek
earthtodes:Normalize breakfast Dates.. Let’s go get pancakes and orange juice and talk..
hoodparadies: “Happiness is the highest form of health.” — (via amargedom)
museyumm-deactivated20211006:when someone opens their heart to you, it’s a gift so honor it. respect it.
takethisride: “Love is not what you say. Love is what you do.” — takethisride
badgalt33: “Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That’s who you really are, let go of any part of you that doesn’t believe it.” — C. Assaad (via sunsetquotes)
schwierigephase: “Vertraue dem Menschen, der drei Dinge an dir bemerkt: Den Kummer hinter deinem Lächeln, die Liebe hinter deinem Zorn und den Grund deines Schweigens.” — (via gedankenlyrik)
Trust no one
brian4rmthe6: The only person I lost and ever needed back was MYSELF.
honigimohr: “How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you.” — (via itcuddles)
schwierigephase: “You have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t spend all your time in the past.” — Gregory Galloway, As Simple as Snow (via liebeficktunsalle)
tittenbonusx: just want to take a break from everything for like the rest of my life.
honigimohr: “I wanna be your “1am I can’t sleep” text” — (via neigungen)
5undaze: lost my mind
kalb1minnsultani:keep your soul clean, it shows on the outside
honigimohr: busy? you’ll find time if you care.
kanyes-diary: we live in a generation where people ignore each other to get each others attention.
af-70-deactivated20221119:at the point in my life where I don’t want anyone in my business at all