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6i: her smile fucks me up man
honigimohr: “I like art, and by art I mean music, poetry, sex, paintings, the human body, literature… All of this is art to me.” — Hunter Reveu (via franki-e)
bigbeefyladies: i don’t get how ppl can hate the rain ? like…..the ocean came all this way to give the world tiny kisses & u treat her like this ???
perfectfeelings: “Fall in love with someone who doesn’t make you think you is hard.” —
thoughtkick: “I tried, I really did.” — (via emptystic)
schwierigephase: “You can’t be strong all the time. Sometimes you just need to be alone and let your tears out.” — Unknown (via thoughtkick)
verticulars: If you can’t deal with my sarcasm. I can’t deal with being your friend.
thoughtkick: “Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting. It means you choose happiness over hurt.” — (via perfectfeelings)
j-eau: “This summer I want to see as many sun rises and sun sets as possible with the people I cherish the most.” — MR (via kushandwizdom)
quotemadness: “Don’t be afraid of new beginnings. Don’t shy away from new people, new energy, new surroundings. Embrace new chances at happiness.” — Billy Chapata
nikxlov: We all want someone to notice our sadness and when they do, we lie and pretend to be happy.
thepuppyclub: DO NOT BEG MEN TO LOVE YOU
sweetcheeksaremadeofthese:the highest intelligence is empathy
yourrfeelings:Sharing music is a huge love language for me
yuyuuyuyuu:bro i eat one meal a day at 4pm don’t ask me if im ok
honigimohr: “It’s still you, it always has been you, it always will be you.” — B.D (hatin)
romcommunist:please never stop talking passionately about the things you love
turing-tested:i really am, from the bottom of my heart, an actual fucking idiot
tear-dropp:if i reply fast just know ur special
muladiosa: if you not obsessed with me then what’s the point
writingsforwinter: i wish it were easier to ask people, “can i just have a little extra love today”
az-67-deactivated20211229:sorry for being cold when i’m sad
Simplicity & Authenticity
meine-kaputte-w-e-l-t:Der Richtige Mensch verändert dich nicht sondern verbessert dich. meine-kaputte-w-e-l-t
20somethingandstilllost: “You are enough, a thousand times enough.” — unknown
thoughtkick: “See the light in others, and treat them as if that is all you see.” — Wayne Dyer
yz9: You don’t know me. You only know what I allow you to see.
syntacked: “It’s sad when people who gave you the best memories become a memory.” — Unknown
honigimohr: “I wish you would stop apologizing for having a heart that feels everything so deeply. It’s a gift, wear it proudly.” — (via kushandwizdom)
ahs-64: please don’t come closer unless you plan to stay
lusty–desires:Let’s make out until we end up fucking.
honigimohr: “The reason why we can’t let go of someone is because deep inside we still hope.” — (via lomasdope)
glassbonespaperskin: “It’s crazy how much you’ll tolerate for someone you care about” — it really does!
treygotguap:Vibe one night wit me and you’ll see why I’m worth it
honigimohr: “You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no.” — Unknown (via fyp-psychology)
honigimohr:“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.” — Brené Brown (via naturaekos)
sunsetquotes: “Losing a relationship hurts. But losing yourself in a relationship hurts deeper.” — Unknown
lmm-43: Why are dangerous things so attractive?
yuyuuyuyuu:Y’all make the most loving people never wanna love again.
wickedangels:i’m smart, cute and funny, which means i deserve to have my pussy ate and fingered at the same time
lylylylylylylylyly:i really miss how things were
if I'm lost, please don't find me
7l7l7l7l7l7l7l7:every single time i care i get proven why i shouldn’t care at all
:I wanna come home to you every night
yuyuuyuyuu:ur as pretty as ur heart, as the words u speak, as the thoughts u think, and the energy u give
two-thirtyy:i hate how sensitive i am sometimes
dont-give-a-fuck-club:I think twice about who really deserves my energy these days
doralulaj: Communication goes a long way. If you’re busy, say it. If you’re upset, express it. If you’re late, let people know. If you’re unsure, ask. It’s so simple but so important.
girlrose:can we lay in the grass and stare at the moon or is that lame
amargedom: “You are your own best friend. Never, ever, put yourself down.” —
theanti90smovement: sorry i cant hang out with u today i have to catch up on my crying