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overfierce: “Life makes sense when I’m with you.” —
wataan:today: stressedtomorrow: stressednext week: stressednext month: stressednext year: stressednext life: stressed
bhodacious-deactivated20220401:old keys don’t open new doors
mulletlove:all i can do is keep putting love into the universe
400eurojob: “Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you’re supposed to.” — Susan Cain (via quotemadness)
sa-63:If I’m into you, nobody else has my attention
bf-96:When i’m really done, i leave in silence. I only fight when i care
arabwife: I either put my all into something or I don’t care at all
af-70-deactivated20221119:sometimes being alone is the upgrade.
wstdxo: i’ll make your heart wet
dosesxmimosas:BIG MOOD: me + you + a cabin in the mountains, sitting in the hot tub, drink in hand, not a care in the world
yuyuuyuyuu:Life’s better when nobody knows anything about you
allbusybees: forgive yourself. whether you fail a test, eat too many cookies, say the wrong thing, fail a class, or spend a whole day in bed — learn to forgive yourself. the next day will be better. the next day will be a day closer to your next success.
amargedom: “Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.” —
honigimohr: “Wer liebt, der kämpft, denn lieber verliert man seinen Stolz als die Beziehung” — (via liebesfehler)
give it to me
daannnaaa:the only ex i miss is ex-tra money
wickedangels:pretty face, pretty heart, pretty pussy
tear-dropp:it’s attractive when someone stays up late just to talk to you
honigimohr: “Manchmal wird mir bewusst, was für ein schmaler Grat zwischen dem, was ist, und dem, was sein könnte, verläuft, wie viele Möglichkeiten von uns es hätte geben können, dass alles von einem einzigen Moment abhängt.” — Als gestern
vibee-higherr:how do i social distance from my thoughts they are driving me insane
petitetimidgay: i’m so cool and loveable and yet so single what’s up with that
honigimohr: “Hör auf mir zu sagen, ich solle auf mein Herz hören. Es hat mich einst zu dir geführt.” — Iain Thomas
schwierigephase: “Nobody wants to hear this, but sometimes the person you want the most is the person you’re best without.” — Unknown (via theperfeqtquotes)
codeinecups: wish we were fucking rn
ojm:I still remember our last eye contact
minuty: “Sometimes you put up walls – not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.” —
ammits420friendlychillspot: i wanna marry somebody cuter than me but sadly…i am the cutest :/
honigimohr: “I am slowly learning that some people are not good for me, no matter how much I love them. I deserve someone who is gentle and kind, because my soul is getting tired. Realizing that I deserve something good is one of the first steps.”
oxfrnk:[at my own wedding] can I stay in the car
mreatyourgirlxo:I love your face. I’d really love to cum on it.
ashstfu:after an exhaustive research, i believe i have a pretty good handle on what i want:bookssleepmental stabilitylovehot chocolate
khq:i love ppl w calm minds who really try to understand others point of view
asweet0ne:Come thru I think I need u here
capacity: I make like 1 friend every 6 years
dark-soul9:hearing “i miss you” from your favorite person puts you in the best mood
bravelittlepixel: Hi I’m a piece of shit welcome to my blog
honesteee:healthy love exists. don’t settle for anything less.
hawaiiandragon:The sexual tension between me and covering my whole body in tattoos
honigimohr:“Wenn sie jeden haben könnte, aber nur dich will dann vergiss niemals ihren Wert.” — (via stillesgeschrei)
honigimohr: “A negative mind will never get you a positive life” — D.S (via chapel)
thoughtkick: “Everybody deserves someone who looks at them everyday like they’ve got their whole world in front of them.” — (via emptystic)
podencos:God, I really want the best for all of us
aidashakur:Having a supportive partner can literally change your life.
yourrfeelings:Always grateful for everything
date someone who:
rawhoneybliss:Being happy for someone else’s blessings will never take away from yours.
m-dollars-deactivated20210717:I’m not somebody you find twice.
kissist: “Stop giving people power to control your smile, your worth, and your attitude.” — (via cravist)
out-of-yourr-league: tumblr is like a midnight therapy session
a soft spirit in a hard world
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