deum0s (
submit your pics
mental-insanime: narutos-dick: trenchgun: “Uwaaah! I’m gonna be late!” I’m Obama Barakku, 47 years old! Starting today, I’m gonna be a president! Reblog it while you can
phantomrose96: craylittleliars: Tumblr is weird because some people are freshmen in high school and some people have already graduated college and have a job and we’re all just conversing like age isn’t even a thing. #AGE IS IRRELEVANT WHEN YOURE
justnabingaround: when the wifi finally connects
Why the signs are awake at 3 am
nalurivera: lost in my underwater world
Even Infinity is Relatively Measurable
sixpenceee: Hand Woven Glitch Carpets by artist Faig Ahmed
high on life
Don't do it.
portraits-of-america: “We knew each other, and one day last winter, I walked to her apartment to see her. I didn’t know a blizzard was coming. I was stuck in her dorm for five days, and that’s how it all started.” Boston, MA
Well Damn
aw shit
marymemex: Therapy // All time low
lonepapi: *removes one earbud* fuck you want
deum0s: It’s true I’ll fall for you, wherever you go whatever you do, you know I’ll follow you down, whenever you go, if you ever lose your ground I’ll follow you dowwwwwn 😈😈
baby-perv: This is fucking beautiful
pandaspwnz: farfrompaid: You not finding me attractive is not going to stop me from being attractive. I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU KEEP THIS MINDSET YOU WILL GET SOOO MUCH CONFIDENCE
kidspast: i’m actually a really nice person… until you annoy me
Lets Fucking Fight
bongtokingprincess: Pretty 8th we just picked up 🍃🍂💨✌🏻 bongtokingredneck
digg: Sevan Bıçakçı makes RIDICULOUS jewelry. The images within the itmes are created by carving a 3D object out of the underside of the gem.Via Daily Dot
bonerrqueen: how to respond to unwanted dick pics: step 1. destroy him
misscherrylikesitdirty: Sex work is the only job where people think enjoying it means you don’t deserve your pay.
matthewmurdok: concept: me, but with a really cool x-men mutation and better eyebrows
lordtrash: Me: What time does the bus come?Bus company: it’s a surprise :)
enlargers: “can i ask you something?” my immediate reply says “go for it" but my mind has already gone through the seven stages of grief
Slap me then kiss me
sextarian: if a guy calls you hot, he’s complimenting your body. if a guy calls you cute, he’s complimenting your face. but if a guy calls you shrexy, he’s complimenting each and every one of your layers
The Dreamer
okaytrue: *comes across a slight inconvenience* me: you know what would solve this ????? death
validx2: Fetty Wap:BABY WONT YOU COME MY WA..Drake: All i gotta do is put my mind to this shit
wentzwhat: skinny jeans are not over, i will never go back to wearing bootcut, fuck bootcut jeans what the fuck do you do with all that space near your ankles
freedom-is-a-lonely-r0ad: I wanna stay in bed for the rest of my life and make money.
operatively: ltwaswhatever: Sometimes the chains that prevent us from being free are more mental than physical. this poor dog doesn’t even know why he’s in there
alrauna: Joan Brull i Vinyoles
Anxiety Queen
kittenanarchy: sometimes your reason for living can be the stupidest little thing. like “i don’t want my pet to get sad because they miss me” or “i want to know how this television show ends.” and sometimes, that’s enough.
moved to @rydenxo
wtfspemily: do u ever see a theory and ur like ‘nah the writers aren’t that clever’
rneowgical: *rolls around* pay attention to me
boredpanda: Pics Of Fairy Tale Architecture From Norway