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I wonder what it’s like to hug Tyra. Can you smell her wig glue? Will she leave traces of sulphur on you? Does she whisper “stay out of my light, puta” in your ear? Can you feel her spanx through her dress? I wish I was a girl just so
Did the composition here annoy anyone else? She’s placed all wrong and it looked super awkward. And the tilting library in the background doesn’t help. Was it filmed by a blind person? Was she placed like that so they could fit her entire
Uh, Tyra, did you buy this wig at Party City or what? Looks like wet noodles yo.
Cycle 19 FAQ
When I first read up on the new judges, I pretty much focused on Rob Evans. But, as this gif bears witness to, Johnny Wujek is pretty fucking doable as well. Even with the lisp. It’s so weird. Mr Jay and Miss Jay were funny in a sexless kind of
Aaah, Tyra being inappropriate. It’s been too long!
OF COURSE this girl shops at Trader Joe’s. How much you wanna bet that she listens to Bon Iver and wears vegan shoes?
I felt an immediate connection with weird cat girl, mama was LUSTIN after Rob Evans. I feel ya girl, I feeeeel ya.
Tyra’s reaction to her taking out her fake tooth was my favorite moment of the season so far. One gif is worth a thousand words y'all.
spill that tea. (kelly cutrone will henceforth be known as gorilla bitch)
this pretty much sums up my reaction to the season premiere
janice is sick of yo bullshit
Don’t forget, ANTM comes back tonight! Tune in to the CW at 8/7c to see it. Even if it sucks, you’ll regret it if you don’t. xoxo
God, this is SO FUNNY. Brittany being Brittany, crying and lying. It’s what she does best!
i imagine if picasso painted allison, it’d look something like this.
“This is Ann”
I still can’t believe they’re firing Nigel, Ms Jay and Mr Jay. And keeping Kelly “Cuntface” Cutrone! Ugh!!
wtf is this shit?
lisa stole my moves
big tittied girls gotta be creative
I swear, I was gonna gif this. I have the file saved on my computer and everything. Anyway… She’s such a flawless human being and I think it’s safe to say that she is likely the smartest girl ever to enter this competition.
janice be crazy
I feel like this gif is applicable to so many situations. Like, I JUST MADE CINNAMON ROLLS! *FLAIL*
I loved Tiffany and her beautiful plastic hair when she battled stank ho’s in cycle 3. And even more when she came back in cycle 4, ruffled feathers, failed to live up to the “rose that grew from the concrete” story Tyra had planned
gpoy when ppl tell me there’s no more ice cream left
one of these things is not like the others
I feel like I’m the only one that loved Kelle. She was so endearing to me, I thought she was so cute. The judges ripped her a new asshole every judging but she was still tryin’ and shit.
literally THE WORST. Srsly if I didn’t know who she was, I would have guessed that she was a ~35 y/o soccermom. not an 18 y/o “model”
diaper dancing