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red white and blue hair? REALLY?
sorry if i’m being gross, but i really can’t stop laughing
Honestly, this should be ANTM’s new motto.
gurl if u gonna eat something nasty, just eat it. don’t stand around licking it!
sophie is my favorite so far. she’s the only one that’s memorable imo
and here it is in reverse because let’s face it, it’s funny as shit.
wtf was up with the food challenge? it wasn’t even a competition, it was just “eat this gross food, such is the will of god tyra.” that’s pretty fucked up man, she used to have excuses for torturing the girls in years past, now
ugh FIRE THIS BITCH. she is so stank, i just want to punch my laptop
Can you believe this was praised? Still loling tbh
Yeah, this makes sense.
“Margaret Thatcher VS Michelle Obama”wut?
Ugh, starting off classy. Way to go, AssMarie.
Lol this show is so fucking weird
The new cycle of ANTM starts tonight at 9/8c on The CW! Tune in, y'all.
gurl, close yo mouf
promo image for cycle 18. errbody looks like they got herpes or smth. (haute couture herpes of course) eta: hq photo
Cycle 18 promo!
So I guess modeling wigs is a staple for ANTM contestants? At least Fo’s wig looks expensive, unlike Joanie’s 2 dollar old-lady-at-church-wig.
Cycle 18!
Cycle 18
natalie is miss california 2012 or something. congrats! video here
What was up with the makeup? They all looked like bad drag queens.
What a beautiful Greek Goddess! Allison looks good too.
Sensitive, but beautiful.
Idgaf, I think Lisa was a great choice. <3
Happy 38th birthday, you insane beautiful bitch!
I love that Allison juts gets more and more visibly exasparated with Tyra’s bullshit with every week. Mte gorl!
Can you blame her? Tyson is fiiiiiine.
*shocked face*
How very dare you, Tyra!? Eliminating Laura is like kicking a puppy. :(
Everything about this is just embarrassing.
I am shocked. SHOCKED!
I was dyingggg during Laura’s photoshoot. One of the funniest moments of the cycle, for me.
I’ve never seen her prettier tbh.
OH MY GAWD I CAN’T BELIEVE IT (you have to imagine laura saying this, southern accent and all.)