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Jay’s voiceover actually said “That is so sexy and so amazing!” during this part. I can’t. (Note the blurred crotch)
Homegirl is possessed.
Y'all I kinda like Dominique’s song… I’m gonna create a secret playlist with only ANTM music and ~shake my body~ all night long.
Dom on Alexandria.
Omg Alexandria gurl… You are so delusional and hilarious. Goodbye my sweet angel.
Reasons why ANTM and Toddlers & Tiaras are the same: - T&T has stage parents. ANTM has Tyra. Same thing. - T&T has sassy face, kissy face etc. ANTM has Laura’s face. - They both have terrible photoshoots where they are retouched beyond
Does anyone else miss Allison’s jank weave from her original cycle? It was like roadkill glued to her scalp. I loved it tbh. Bad weaves give me life. I don’t know why, but I love it. It’s too pretty now, it’s unnerving!
Y'all gotta give it to my girl Lisa, she was awesome in the latest ep. Her song was actually good and her video was great. First call out from me baby.
I knew this was coming, but I still clutched my pearls when she actually showed up in this get up. Oh Tyra, you never cease to amaze me.
As we all know, ANTM is coming out with a fragrance, and winning this cycle means you get to be the face of that perfume. I’m guessing it’ll look something like this.
Why is she so cute?!
Shannon really likes perfumes.
She is watching you.
So, this is like Bianca’s signature pose, right? Holding gross food over your head is very fashion forward, jsyk.
She’s so… feisty.
I love how excited Lisa is about everything
People have asked me what I think of Shannon and her stance on bikinis vs. underwear. I have to say, I like Shannon and I can see where she’s coming from. I’m not saying I agree with it, but I kinda see her point. Lingerie is sexual, bikinis
I’m seriously so over Tyra’s bullshit. Eliminating my girl Bre over Alexandria? Is Tyra on crack?
She’s like a cartoon character irl
Coco Rocha was cool. She really got that ugly pretty thing going on…
Ngl, I’m gonna miss this kooky bastard next season.
Gurl was maaaad
I approve of this pairing.
The latest twist on ANTM was so shocking!!! Except not. At the most, it was a mildly pleasant occurrence.
Alexandria is totally smell-the-fart acting.
The judges were looking down upon Lisa’s sympathy for the male models. I agree, caring is so unprofessional! I feel like I can read Lisa’s mind in this picture. “These people are so fucking nuts”
Omg did any else feel really bad for Camille this episode? When she was talking about how “money isn’t coming in as much as it used to” and failed the challenge and the shoot, it was such a bummer. Models have a really short career,
After her weird fucking breakdown at the makeovers, I can’t think of anything more appropriate.
When thinking of Laura, this was the meanest thing I could think of. She’s just the cutest thing ever.
You know, I thought the words that weird dude gave the girls to symbolize them were just off imo. I made some more appropriate ones~ I’ll post the rest later
Cute Kayla.
Did anyone else see the cameraman? It was so random and obvious. They’re usually so careful about these things but he was just chilling there when they read the Tyra mail.
Why damn, Laura. Looks like you’re… having fun.
God, this bitch is terrifying.
I was so taken aback when I saw this shot. When exactly was Dominique on ANTM? 1973?
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