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So I was watching Cycle 4 and I was surprised to see Sutan (aka Raja) there! I never knew he was there so early on in the show. He’s so hilarious.
oh my word i cannot BELIEVE the finale is here already.
a tribute to furonda's thai dancing.
robin was so hilarious sometimes
so is it just me or is anyone else kinda hoping that molly loses the finale and goes on the all star cycle instead? i need more golden molly moments
easy, breezy, ancient.
kayla is so pretty. i hope she does well in the all star cycle <3
omg i’m so excited for the finale. personally i’m rooting for molly, but i’d be very happy with brittani as well. ugh wednesday please!
janice is probably looking in a mirror here D:
i’m still pissed jade isn’t on the all star cycle. she would have made for some great tv :( but whatever.
ann is one of the most beautiful contestants on antm ever imo
omg i’m like dying of laughter right now. liz is so awful.
aaw poor kahlen is getting attacked by dancer butts
i adore kahlen so much.
j alexander is a fucking demon
cycle 1 of antm is flawless television
wtf tyra made them cut off their hair? again? this is like the 4th makeover for molly now.
lol brittani is so weird sometimes
tyra was so fucking hilarious this episode.
best top 2 in years. well done antm!
what an exquisite beauty
“I want to get a sex-change just so I can become a drag queen!”
so imo isis needs to be on the all star cycle. she had so much potential. anyone agree?
ugh so fierce
I don’t care if people think I’m a beautiful individual that creates haters, which spells out the B word, because that’s what the B word means. It means a “beautiful individual that creates haters,” and I added on my own
i love shandi. it’s a shame her modeling career went nowhere.
did anyone else hate this bitch? she always had this shit eating grin on her face.
so as we all know, anchal is dating jim carrey. but i read a rumor that they’re now getting married. how random is that? (he’s more than twice her age fyi)
um how can i get that job? is there a special tea tray school i can go to? what’s the salary like? SO MANY QUESTIONS
have you ever seen anything sexier?
the worst thing about alexandria’s elimination is that molly won’t be able to mock her anymore :(
holy boobs!
“let’s taste some goat brain!”
I can’t believe they actually censored his nipple
laser-bitch: Elyse Sewell by Baldovino Barani WERK
one of the best contestants on antm EVER
probably my favourite antm picture of all time
love this girl
classic antm <3
when antm’s new all star cycle start, they should bring back their best judge ever, the world’s oldest supermodel Janice Dickinson!
this saying kind of doesn’t make sense, but i love it anyway.
“it’s like a horror movie”
how funny was this?
the weave looks like it’s trying to eat molly’s head
molly’s “warriors in pink” photo in uhq. she looks great, very angel-like~ edit: idk why tumblr resized it? but it’s still hq