That muscle ass. (
submit your pics
IG: dellzzy
Andrew Pickering
William Bonac
Steve Orton
Marius Metern
Ole Kristian Våga
Antoine Valliant
Aviv Mesika
Robert Forstemann
Rob Taylor
David Hoffmann
Mikhail Volynkin
Giorgos Matrakos
Ralph Lupo
Pavel Koukal
Haydn Schneider
Steve Joe
Fur, Tats, Leather and Scruff...
Kevin Wolter
Kamal Elgargni
Jiri Prochazka
I’m sure I’m not the only person whose seeing this but why the hell are posts made today labeled/act as if they were text posts on your activity feed despite being images?
Joshua Vogel
Janis Drucka
Joshua Clough
Charles Williams
Get Huge or Cry Tryin'
Andy Melnikov
Benny Brantley
Kyle Blevins
Pavel Fedorov
Karol Malecki
Andy Velcich
Masculine Alpha Über Men
Chris Ranno
Marcello De Angelis
Jafar Ghafarnezhad
dalthorn:Andrew Kastor - Fuck, just…fuck I love this. His legs are at that magical place where they are lean enough to be solid steel but not enough to have striations, it just makes them look the meat is packed into nearly the bursting point.
Andy Bell
Rafael Simon
Bagrat Aghabekyan
Dave Miller
Asif Kadimov
John Meadows
Desmond Miller
Cody Redmond
Bogdan Koshman
Robert Forstemann (Man in yellow)
Luke Sandoe
Jacob Newcombe
Maxim Yakovlev - That quad waggle.
Maxim Yakovlev
musclexperiments: “Hey coach, check out my progress!!!”