That muscle ass. (
submit your pics
It had to be done.
Samir Troudi
Joffrey Vassaux - Is it just me or does this look like the gym equivalent of that cat reading a newspaper meme?
Flex Chambers
When Tumblr bans porn, who loses?
James Newcombe
Seongmin Chae
Marcello De Angelis
Stan De Longeaux
Joshua Taubes
Adilio Veloso
Ka’Shaé Holliday
Nick Walker - Was it all worth it? YES.
Davy Barnes
Rob Taylor
Robert Forstemann
Mise’l Jeddore
Roy Millward
brutalmass: Nicolas Vullioud, @nicolasvullioud on IG. Watch Nicolas destroy legs here. Nicolas Vullioud - Yet again, more impure thoughts…maybe it’s just me?
Oleh Kryvyi
Roelly Winklaar
Charlie Williams - When you surprise yourself about just how THICK you are.
Charlie Williams
needsize: Jamie Do Rego Jamie Do Rego
Neil Andrews
Ed Hall - Showing that age is just a fucking number with enough time, dedication, and discipline. (Maybe some gear too)
Dominick Cardone Jr
James Newcombe - His physique is still everything I would aspire to be.
Jeff Long
Joey Mantia
Luke Sandoe
Aaron Polites
Guy Diesel
Nam Thomas
needsize: John Smithy John Smithy
Vlad Suhoruchko
Matt Acton
Gary Turner
Kim Kang Min
Manuel Bauer
Jiri Prochazka
Paul McNulty
Lukas Gabris - I may or may not be getting some impure thoughts from this video..too.