That muscle ass. (
submit your pics
Iurii Sologub
James Hollingshead
Jimmy Madsen Jr
Dwayne Quamina @240lbs.
Brandon Corbett
Fabricio Moreira
Brad Rowe
Robert Forstemann
Jake Burton - Now with beard!
Vojta Trnka
Erik Fankhouser - The man is always a reblog.
Erik Fankhouser - Instant fucking reblog.
James Bondi
Luke Sandoe
Muneer Al Jassas
Aleksandr Bison
Joshua Vogel
IG: dellzzy
Gary Wright
Marko Savolainen aka Supermass back during his prime.
Marko Savolainen
Eliot Page
Benny Brantley
Tony Searle - One week out and 230lbs.
Florian Poirson
Max O'Connor
Hong Sung Soo
Eddy Ung
James Newcombe
Antoine Vaillant - Sitting at 280lbs 18.5 weeks out before his come back showing at the Vancouver Pro. Full video with commentary from Antoine here:
Azamat Karabashev
Rob Taylor - Sitting at 253lbs at 5'8".
Shawn Smith
Vladimir Holota
Jovann Rushing
Mise'l Jeddore
Mise'l Jeddore - Traps and chest so thick his head is starting be hidden by them, and chest so thick she has angle her head away to stand next to him.
Steve Kuclo - 1 week out.
Mike Israetel
Seth Brooks - Sitting at 310lbs.