That muscle ass. (
submit your pics
Sayed Al Hashmi
dragon86xxx:Miha Zupan Miha Zupan
muscleryb: Miha Zupan Miha Zupan
Tay Raines
Phil Heath - Olympia 2018
Dectric Lewis
Shawn Rhoden - Olympia 2018 Champion
Big Ramy - Olympia 2018
Seo Jun Hyung
needsize: Robert Taylor Rob Taylor
needsize: Quad goals Rob Taylor
Brandon Alexander
Rob Taylor
Oh In Geun AKA @strive_for_victory
Robert Forstemann
Shawn Rhoden - Winner of the 2018 Olympia, Phil Heath has been finally taken down.
Pitchai Kusuwan
needsize: Quads. For Real?Watched the coverage last night although very choppy I caught most of the show.Big Ramy Big Ramy- Holy mother of god.
Ryan Terry
Nicolas Vullioud
Regan Grimes
Rob Taylor- Winner of both his class and the overall at the PCA Manchester.
Rob Taylor - Day after winning both his class and the overall at the PCA Manchester.
Titouan Renvoisé (Left) & Robert Forstemann (Right)
Ole Kristian Våga - Showing how deep you should squat.
Nick Walker
Lee Chul Soon
Radoslav Angelov
Fuck. ID?
Denzel Jorge
Robert Willey
Páldi Gábor
Derek Lunsford
Matthew Schmidt
Kyle Etienne
Kyle Etienne - He sacrificed being able to ever easily buy pants for legs like that, worth it? (Yes.)
George Retsinas
James Newcombe - I love the man’s calves, the dominate the scene no matter the exercise or angle.
James Newcombe
IG: Dellzzy